Journal of Theoretical Biology Short Title: J. Theor. Biol. Publisher: Elsevier, Amsterdam ISSN: 0022-5193 Online: Comments: Journal Documents Indexed: 6,955 Publications (since 1970) References Indexed: 6,873 Publications with 314,119 References. all top 5 Latest Issues 594 (2024) 593 (2024) 592 (2024) 591 (2024) 590 (2024) 589 (2024) 588 (2024) 587 (2024) 586 (2024) 585 (2024) 584 (2024) 583 (2024) 582 (2024) 581 (2024) 580 (2024) 579 (2024) 578 (2024) 577 (2024) 576 (2024) 575 (2023) 574 (2023) 573 (2023) 572 (2023) 571 (2023) 570 (2023) 569 (2023) 568 (2023) 567 (2023) 566 (2023) 565 (2023) 564 (2023) 563 (2023) 562 (2023) 561 (2023) 560 (2023) 559 (2023) 558 (2023) 557 (2023) 556 (2023) 555 (2022) 554 (2022) 553 (2022) 551-552 (2022) 550 (2022) 549 (2022) 548 (2022) 547 (2022) 546 (2022) 545 (2022) 544 (2022) 543 (2022) 542 (2022) 541 (2022) 540 (2022) 539 (2022) 538 (2022) 537 (2022) 536 (2022) 535 (2022) 534 (2022) 533 (2022) 532 (2022) 531 (2021) 530 (2021) 529 (2021) 528 (2021) 527 (2021) 526 (2021) 525 (2021) 524 (2021) 523 (2021) 522 (2021) 521 (2021) 520 (2021) 519 (2021) 518 (2021) 517 (2021) 516 (2021) 515 (2021) 514 (2021) 513 (2021) 509 (2021) 508 (2021) 507 (2020) 506 (2020) 505 (2020) 504 (2020) 503 (2020) 502 (2020) 501 (2020) 500 (2020) 499 (2020) 498 (2020) 494 (2020) 493 (2020) 492 (2020) 491 (2020) 490 (2020) 489 (2020) 488 (2020) ...and 409 more Volumes all top 5 Authors 96 Iwasa, Yoh 61 Nowak, Martin Andreas 37 Ohtsuki, Hisashi 34 Robinson, Peter A. 31 Maini, Philip Kumar 30 Steel, Michael Anthony 29 Byrne, Helen Mary 28 Traulsen, Arne 26 Broom, Mark 25 Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 24 Chou, Kuochen 22 Gaffney, Eamonn A. 21 Chaplain, Mark A. J. 21 Sasaki, Akira 20 Dieckmann, Ulf 20 Křivan, Vlastimil 20 Wu, Jianhong 19 Komarova, Natalia L. 18 Iwami, Shingo 18 Simpson, Matthew J. 18 Wakano, Joe Yuichiro 17 Drossel, Barbara 17 Kirschner, Denise E. 17 Sneyd, James 17 Tang, Sanyi 16 Aihara, Kazuyuki 16 Friedman, Avner 15 Baker, Ruth Elizabeth 15 Bauch, Chris T. 15 Levin, Simon Asher 15 Mackey, Michael Charles 15 Masuda, Naoki 15 Nakamaru, Mayuko 15 Perelson, Alan S. 15 Rychtár, Jan 15 Tao, Yi 15 Xiao, Yanni 15 Yamaguchi, Sachi 14 Doebeli, Michael 14 Lei, Jinzhi 14 Mochizuki, Atsushi 14 Morozov, Andrew Yu. 14 Pacheco, Jorge M. 14 Parvinen, Kalle 14 Stone, Lewi 14 van Veelen, Matthijs 14 Wang, Long 14 Wodarz, Dominik 14 Yamauchi, Atsushi 13 Cressman, Ross 13 Di Giulio, Massimo 13 Feng, Zhilan 13 Geritz, Stefan A. H. 13 Keener, James P. 13 Michor, Franziska 12 Chowell, Gerardo 12 Deisboeck, Thomas S. 12 France, James 12 Kauffman, Stuart Alan 12 Kim, Peter S. 12 Klausmeier, Christopher A. 12 Landman, Kerry A. 12 Rong, Libin 12 Ruxton, Graeme D. 12 Weitz, Joshua S. 12 Xie, Ping 11 Archetti, Marco 11 Chattopadhyay, Joydev 11 Hastings, Alan Matthew 11 Lehmann, Laurent 11 Li, Bailian 11 Lowengrub, John Samuel 11 Michel, Christian J. 11 Nakaoka, Shinji 11 Nishiura, Hiroshi 11 Satake, Akiko 11 Sherratt, Jonathan A. 11 Solé, Ricard V. 10 Aita, Takuyo 10 Calvetti, Daniela 10 Clermont, Gilles 10 Deneubourg, Jean-Louis 10 Edelstein-Keshet, Leah 10 Eftimie, Raluca 10 Garay, József 10 Garzón-Alvarado, Diego Alexander 10 Gomes, M. Gabriela M. 10 Goriely, Alain 10 Hauert, Christoph 10 Hayat, Maqsood 10 King, John Robert 10 Kisdi, Éva 10 Loreau, Michel 10 Rinaldo, Andrea 10 Sakai, Satoki 10 Scheuring, István 10 Shnerb, Nadav M. 10 Somersalo, Erkki 10 White, Andrew 9 Berec, Luděk ...and 13,286 more Authors all top 5 Fields 6,730 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 696 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 431 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 329 Statistics (62-XX) 328 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 263 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 208 Computer science (68-XX) 143 Combinatorics (05-XX) 124 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 74 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 61 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 39 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 39 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 34 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 27 Measure and integration (28-XX) 21 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 17 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 16 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 15 History and biography (01-XX) 15 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 10 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 8 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 8 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 8 Quantum theory (81-XX) 7 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 6 Geophysics (86-XX) 5 Real functions (26-XX) 5 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 5 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 4 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 4 Integral equations (45-XX) 4 General topology (54-XX) 3 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 3 Number theory (11-XX) 2 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 2 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 2 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 1 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 1 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 4,595 Publications have been cited 36,312 times in 20,367 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Initiation of slime mold aggregation viewed as an instability. Zbl 1170.92306 Keller, Evelyn F.; Segel, Lee A. 1,822 1970 Model for chemotaxis. Zbl 1170.92307 Keller, Evelyn F.; Segel, Lee A. 753 1971 A methodology for performing global uncertainty and sensitivity analysis in systems biology. Zbl 1400.92013 Marino, Simeone; Hogue, Ian B.; Ray, Christian J.; Kirschner, Denise E. 626 2008 Traveling bands of chemotactic bacteria: a theoretical analysis. Zbl 1170.92308 Keller, Evelyn F.; Segel, Lee A. 475 1971 Three-dimensional multispecies nonlinear tumor growth. I: Model and numerical method. Zbl 1398.92135 Wise, S. M.; Lowengrub, J. S.; Frieboes, H. B.; Cristini, Vittorio 241 2008 Instabilities in spatially extended predator-prey systems: spatio-temporal patterns in the neighborhood of Turing-Hopf bifurcations. Zbl 1451.92248 Baurmann, Martin; Gross, Thilo; Feudel, Ulrike 162 2007 Mixed immunotherapy and chemotherapy of tumors: modeling, applications and biological interpretations. Zbl 1445.92135 de Pillis, L. G.; Gu, W.; Radunskaya, A. E. 150 2006 Some remarks on protein attribute prediction and pseudo amino acid composition. Zbl 1405.92212 Chou, Kuo-Chen 138 2011 A continuum approach to modelling cell-cell adhesion. Zbl 1447.92113 Armstrong, Nicola J.; Painter, Kevin J.; Sherratt, Jonathan A. 130 2006 Mathematical modelling of cancer cell invasion of tissue: local and non-local models and the effect of adhesion. Zbl 1397.92326 Gerisch, A.; Chaplain, M. A. J. 125 2008 The topology of the regulatory interactions predicts the expression pattern of the segment polarity genes in Drosophila melanogaster. Zbl 1464.92108 Albert, Réka; Othmer, Hans G. 124 2003 Control of Boolean networks: hardness results and algorithms for tree structured networks. Zbl 1450.92040 Akutsu, Tatsuya; Hayashida, Morihiro; Ching, Wai-Ki; Ng, Michael K. 124 2007 SVIR epidemic models with vaccination strategies. Zbl 1398.92243 Liu, Xianning; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Iwami, Shingo 122 2008 Hunting cooperation and Allee effects in predators. Zbl 1370.92151 Teixeira Alves, Mickaël; Hilker, Frank M. 113 2017 Modeling HIV persistence, the latent reservoir, and viral blips. Zbl 1402.92409 Rong, Libin; Perelson, Alan S. 103 2009 The replicator equation on graphs. Zbl 1447.91024 Ohtsuki, Hisashi; Nowak, Martin A. 91 2006 Epidemic modeling in metapopulation systems with heterogeneous coupling pattern: theory and simulations. Zbl 1398.92233 Colizza, Vittoria; Vespignani, Alessandro 90 2008 An HBV model with diffusion and time delay. Zbl 1400.92560 Xu, Rui; Ma, Zhien 90 2009 The effects of human movement on the persistence of vector-borne diseases. Zbl 1402.92386 Cosner, C.; Beier, J. C.; Cantrell, R. S.; Impoinvil, D.; Kapitanski, L.; Potts, M. D.; Troyo, A.; Ruan, S. 88 2009 Rewarding evolutionary fitness with links between populations promotes cooperation. Zbl 1412.91016 Wang, Zhen; Szolnoki, Attila; Perc, Matjaž 86 2014 Synergy and discounting of cooperation in social dilemmas. Zbl 1446.91017 Hauert, Christoph; Michor, Franziska; Nowak, Martin A.; Doebeli, Michael 85 2006 Dynamical patterns of epidemic outbreaks in complex heterogeneous networks. Zbl 1445.92262 Barthélemy, Marc; Barrat, Alain; Pastor-Satorras, Romualdo; Vespignani, Alessandro 85 2005 Pairwise comparison and selection temperature in evolutionary game dynamics. Zbl 1451.92268 Traulsen, Arne; Pacheco, Jorge M.; Nowak, Martin A. 83 2007 The basic reproductive number of Ebola and the effects of public health measures: the cases of Congo and Uganda. Zbl 1440.92062 Chowell, G.; Hengartner, N. W.; Castillo-Chavez, C.; Fenimore, P. W.; Hyman, J. M. 81 2004 Endemic disease, awareness, and local behavioural response. Zbl 1406.92567 Funk, S.; Gilad, E.; Jansen, V. A. A. 79 2010 Evolution of cooperation under \(N\)-person snowdrift games. Zbl 1402.91061 Souza, Max O.; Pacheco, Jorge M.; Santos, Francisco C. 79 2009 Modeling the transmission dynamics and control of hepatitis B virus in China. Zbl 1403.92316 Zou, Lan; Zhang, Weinian; Ruan, Shigui 78 2010 Review: Game theory of public goods in one-shot social dilemmas without assortment. Zbl 1337.91041 Archetti, Marco; Scheuring, István 77 2012 Three-dimensional multispecies nonlinear tumor growth. II: Tumor invasion and angiogenesis. Zbl 1406.92049 Frieboes, Hermann B.; Jin, Fang; Chuang, Yao-Li; Wise, Steven M.; Lowengrub, John S.; Cristini, Vittorio 77 2010 Modeling the mechanisms of acute hepatitis B virus infection. Zbl 1455.92022 Ciupe, Stanca M.; Ribeiro, Ruy M.; Nelson, Patrick W.; Perelson, Alan S. 76 2007 A cellular automaton model for tumour growth in inhomogeneous environment. Zbl 1464.92060 Alarcón, T.; Byrne, H. M.; Maini, P. K. 76 2003 A mathematical model on fractional Lotka-Volterra equations. Zbl 1405.92227 Das, Subir; Gupta, P. K. 75 2011 Dynamics of an HBV model with diffusion and delay. Zbl 1398.92257 Wang, Kaifa; Wang, Wendi; Song, Shiping 75 2008 Strategy selection in structured populations. Zbl 1402.91064 Tarnita, Corina E.; Ohtsuki, Hisashi; Antal, Tibor; Fu, Feng; Nowak, Martin A. 71 2009 A mathematical model of hematopoiesis. I: Periodic chronic myelogenous leukemia. Zbl 1440.92024 Colijn, Caroline; Mackey, Michael C. 70 2005 How should we define goodness? – reputation dynamics in indirect reciprocity. Zbl 1447.92574 Ohtsuki, Hisashi; Iwasa, Yoh 69 2004 Network theory and SARS: predicting outbreak diversity. Zbl 1442.92174 Meyers, Lauren Ancel; Pourbohloul, Babak; Newman, M. E. J.; Skowronski, Danuta M.; Brunham, Robert C. 68 2005 The leading eight: social norms that can maintain cooperation by indirect reciprocity. Zbl 1446.91018 Ohtsuki, Hisashi; Iwasa, Yoh 68 2006 Chemical instabilities and sustained oscillations. Zbl 1170.92344 Lefever, R.; Nicolis, G. 66 1971 A mathematical model of plants as ecosystem engineers. Zbl 1450.92079 Gilad, E.; von Hardenberg, J.; Provenzale, A.; Shachak, M.; Meron, E. 66 2007 Spatiotemporal complexity of patchy invasion in a predator-prey system with the Allee effect. Zbl 1445.92248 Morozov, Andrew; Petrovskii, Sergei; Li, Bai-Lian 65 2006 A derivation of Holling’s type I, II and III functional responses in predator-prey systems. Zbl 1322.92056 Dawes, J. H. P.; Souza, M. O. 64 2013 Complex patterns of viral load decay under antiretroviral therapy: influence of pharmacokinetics and intracellular delay. Zbl 1439.92108 Dixit, Narendra M.; Perelson, Alan S. 64 2004 Role of infection on the stability of a predator-prey system with several response functions – a comparative study. Zbl 1451.92274 Bairagi, N.; Roy, P. K.; Chattopadhyay, J. 64 2007 On the Gause predator-prey model with a refuge: a fresh look at the history. Zbl 1331.92128 Křivan, Vlastimil 63 2011 Effectiveness of conditional punishment for the evolution of public cooperation. Zbl 1314.91183 Szolnoki, Attila; Perc, Matjaž 61 2013 A mathematical model of tumor-immune interactions. Zbl 1397.92358 Robertson-Tessi, Mark; El-Kareh, Ardith; Goriely, Alain 61 2012 Mathematical models for chemotaxis and their applications in self-organisation phenomena. Zbl 1422.92025 Painter, Kevin J. 61 2019 Active linking in evolutionary games. Zbl 1447.91025 Pacheco, Jorge M.; Traulsen, Arne; Nowak, Martin A. 61 2006 Mathematical modelling of cancer invasion: implications of cell adhesion variability for tumour infiltrative growth patterns. Zbl 1303.92043 Domschke, Pia; Trucu, Dumitru; Gerisch, Alf; Chaplain, Mark A. J. 60 2014 Disease-induced stabilization of predator-prey oscillations. Zbl 1400.92487 Hilker, Frank M.; Schmitz, Kirsten 59 2008 Cancer immunotherapy, mathematical modeling and optimal control. Zbl 1455.92068 Castiglione, F.; Piccoli, B. 59 2007 Modelling the movement of interacting cell populations. Zbl 1464.92050 Painter, Kevin J.; Sherratt, Jonathan A. 59 2003 Modeling the glucose-insulin regulatory system and ultradian insulin secretory oscillations with two explicit time delays. Zbl 1447.92183 Li, Jiaxu; Kuang, Yang; Mason, Clinton C. 59 2006 Does mobility decrease cooperation? Zbl 1450.92084 Vainstein, Mendeli H.; T. C. Silva, Ana; Arenzon, Jeferson J. 59 2007 Information-related changes in contact patterns may trigger oscillations in the endemic prevalence of infectious diseases. Zbl 1400.92570 d’Onofrio, Alberto; Manfredi, Piero 58 2009 Simulating the SARS outbreak in Beijing with limited data. Zbl 1439.92185 Wang, Wendi; Ruan, Shigui 58 2004 Persistence and extinction of a stochastic single-specie model under regime switching in a polluted environment. Zbl 1406.92673 Liu, Meng; Wang, Ke 57 2010 A tale of two defectors: the importance of standing for evolution of indirect reciprocity. Zbl 1465.92077 Panchanathan, Karthik; Boyd, Robert 57 2003 Mathematical modelling of glioma growth: the use of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) data to predict the anisotropic pathways of cancer invasion. Zbl 1314.92083 Painter, K. J.; Hillen, T. 56 2013 Minimal model for human ventricular action potentials in tissue. Zbl 1398.92052 Bueno-Orovio, Alfonso; Cherry, Elizabeth M.; Fenton, Flavio H. 56 2008 Modeling within-host HIV-1 dynamics and the evolution of drug resistance: trade-offs between viral enzyme function and drug susceptibility. Zbl 1455.92087 Rong, Libin; Gilchrist, Michael A.; Feng, Zhilan; Perelson, Alan S. 56 2007 Modeling of cancer virotherapy with recombinant measles viruses. Zbl 1398.92108 Bajzer, Željko; Carr, Thomas; Josić, Krešimir; Russell, Stephen J.; Dingli, David 54 2008 A model for influenza with vaccination and antiviral treatment. Zbl 1398.92147 Arino, Julien; Brauer, Fred; van den Driessche, P.; Watmough, James; Wu, Jianhong 54 2008 Optimum timing for integrated pest management: modelling rates of pesticide application and natural enemy releases. Zbl 1406.92694 Tang, Sanyi; Tang, Guangyao; Cheke, Robert A. 54 2010 Mutation-selection equilibrium in games with multiple strategies. Zbl 1402.91039 Antal, Tibor; Traulsen, Arne; Ohtsuki, Hisashi; Tarnita, Corina E.; Nowak, Martin A. 53 2009 On moment closures for population dynamics in continuous space. Zbl 1440.92057 Murrell, David J.; Dieckmann, Ulf; Law, Richard 53 2004 SARS outbreaks in Ontario, Hong Kong and Singapore: the role of diagnosis and isolation as a control mechanism. Zbl 1434.92028 Chowell, G.; Fenimore, P. W.; Castillo-Garsow, M. A.; Castillo-Chavez, C. 53 2003 Dynamic response of cancer under the influence of immunological activity and therapy. Zbl 1439.92063 de Vladar, Harold P.; González, Jorge A. 52 2004 Identifiability and estimation of multiple transmission pathways in cholera and waterborne disease. Zbl 1314.92156 Eisenberg, Marisa C.; Robertson, Suzanne L.; Tien, Joseph H. 51 2013 Assessing the efficiency of Wolbachia driven Aedes mosquito suppression by delay differential equations. Zbl 1400.92490 Huang, Mugen; Luo, Jiaowan; Hu, Linchao; Zheng, Bo; Yu, Jianshe 51 2018 Spatial models of virus-immune dynamics. Zbl 1442.92163 Funk, Georg A.; Jansen, Vincent A. A.; Bonhoeffer, Sebastian; Killingback, Timothy 51 2005 Replicator dynamics of reward & reputation in public goods games. Zbl 1410.91073 Hauert, Christoph 51 2010 An alternative formulation for a delayed logistic equation. Zbl 1447.92326 Arino, Julien; Wang, Lin; Wolkowicz, Gail S. K. 51 2006 Using Chou’s amphiphilic pseudo-amino acid composition and support vector machine for prediction of enzyme subfamily classes. Zbl 1451.92245 Zhou, Xi-Bin; Chen, Chao; Li, Zhan-Chao; Zou, Xiao-Yong 51 2007 Hepatitis B in a high prevalence New Zealand population: a mathematical model applied to infection control policy. Zbl 1400.92543 Thornley, Simon; Bullen, Chris; Roberts, Mick 50 2008 Saturation recovery leads to multiple endemic equilibria and backward bifurcation. Zbl 1400.92472 Cui, Jinǵan; Mu, Xiaoxia; Wan, Hui 50 2008 Comparing dengue and chikungunya emergence and endemic transmission in A. aegypti and A. albopictus. Zbl 1412.92292 Manore, Carrie A.; Hickmann, Kyle S.; Xu, Sen; Wearing, Helen J.; Hyman, James M. 50 2014 Transmission dynamics of the great influenza pandemic of 1918 in Geneva, Switzerland: assessing the effects of hypothetical interventions. Zbl 1447.92408 Chowell, G.; Ammon, C. E.; Hengartner, N. W.; Hyman, J. M. 50 2006 What’s in a crowd? Analysis of face-to-face behavioral networks. Zbl 1405.92255 Isella, Lorenzo; Stehlé, Juliette; Barrat, Alain; Cattuto, Ciro; Pinton, Jean-François; Van den Broeck, Wouter 49 2011 Self-organization of mobile populations in cyclic competition. Zbl 1400.92443 Reichenbach, Tobias; Mobilia, Mauro; Frey, Erwin 49 2008 The modified Mahalanobis discriminant for predicting outer membrane proteins by using Chou’s pseudo amino acid composition. Zbl 1398.92076 Lin, Hao 48 2008 Spontaneous behavioural changes in response to epidemics. Zbl 1402.92404 Poletti, Piero; Caprile, Bruno; Ajelli, Marco; Pugliese, Andrea; Merler, Stefano 48 2009 Optimal control strategy for prevention of avian influenza pandemic. Zbl 1402.92278 Jung, Eunok; Iwami, Shingo; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Jo, Tae-Chang 47 2009 Know when to walk away: contingent movement and the evolution of cooperation. Zbl 1447.92561 Aktipis, C. Athena 47 2004 Robustness and fragility of Boolean models for genetic regulatory networks. Zbl 1445.92173 Chaves, Madalena; Albert, Réka; Sontag, Eduardo D. 47 2005 A mathematical model for pancreatic cancer growth and treatments. Zbl 1412.92154 Louzoun, Yoram; Xue, Chuan; Lesinski, Gregory B.; Friedman, Avner 46 2014 Oscillations in cyclical neutropenia: new evidence based on mathematical modeling. Zbl 1464.92062 Bernard, Samuel; Bélair, Jacques; Mackey, Michael C. 46 2003 A reduced mathematical model of the acute inflammatory response. I: Derivation of model and analysis of anti-inflammation. Zbl 1441.92013 Reynolds, Angela; Rubin, Jonathan; Clermont, Gilles; Day, Judy; Vodovotz, Yoram; Bard Ermentrout, G. 46 2006 Using the concept of Chou’s pseudo amino acid composition for risk type prediction of human papillomaviruses. Zbl 1406.92455 Esmaeili, Maryam; Mohabatkar, Hassan; Mohsenzadeh, Sasan 45 2010 Oscillatory dynamics in rock-paper-scissors games with mutations. Zbl 1406.91043 Mobilia, Mauro 45 2010 The logic of reprobation: assessment and action rules for indirect reciprocation. Zbl 1464.92182 Brandt, Hannelore; Sigmund, Karl 45 2004 A mathematical analysis of the dynamics of prion proliferation. Zbl 1447.92089 Greer, Meredith L.; Pujo-Menjouet, Laurent; Webb, Glenn F. 45 2006 Multi-scale modeling of a wound-healing cell migration assay. Zbl 1451.92063 Cai, Anna Q.; Landman, Kerry A.; Hughes, Barry D. 45 2007 Evolving cooperation. Zbl 1337.92152 44 2012 Spatial spreading of West Nile virus described by traveling waves. Zbl 1405.92260 Maidana, Norberto Aníbal; Yang, Hyun Mo 44 2009 Nonlinear simulation of the effect of microenvironment on tumor growth. Zbl 1451.92102 Macklin, Paul; Lowengrub, John 44 2007 The role of seasonality and import in a minimalistic multi-strain dengue model capturing differences between primary and secondary infections: complex dynamics and its implications for data analysis. Zbl 1397.92613 Aguiar, Maíra; Ballesteros, Sebastien; Kooi, Bob W.; Stollenwerk, Nico 43 2011 The rational parameterisation theorem for multisite post-translational modification systems. Zbl 1403.92085 Thomson, Matthew; Gunawardena, Jeremy 43 2009 Infection, reinfection, and vaccination under suboptimal immune protection: epidemiological perspectives. Zbl 1439.92172 Gomes, M. Gabriela M.; White, Lisa J.; Medley, Graham F. 43 2004 Comparative analysis of kinetic realizations of insulin signaling. Zbl 1530.92077 Lubenia, Patrick Vincent N.; Mendoza, Eduardo R.; Lao, Angelyn R. 2 2024 Nutrient enrichment and phytoplankton toxicity influence a diversity of complex dynamics in a fear-induced plankton-fish model. Zbl 1530.92304 Mandal, Arindam; Sk, Nazmul; Biswas, Saswati 2 2024 Modelling count data with partial differential equation models in biology. Zbl 1532.92077 Simpson, Matthew J.; Murphy, Ryan J.; Maclaren, Oliver J. 2 2024 SIRS epidemics with individual heterogeneity of immunity waning. Zbl 1541.92086 El Khalifi, Mohamed; Britton, Tom 2 2024 Capturing diversity: split systems and circular approximations for conservation. Zbl 1530.92292 Abhari, Niloufar; Colijn, Caroline; Mooers, Arne; Tupper, Paul 1 2024 Multisolitons-like patterns in a one-dimensional MARCKS protein cyclic model. Zbl 1530.92057 Fouedji, Chenceline; Etémé, Armand Sylvin; Tabi, Conrad Bertrand; Fouda, Henri Paul Ekobena; Kofané, Timoléon Crépin 1 2024 On minimising tumoural growth under treatment resistance. Zbl 1530.92089 Fischer, Matthias M.; Blüthgen, Nils 1 2024 Emergence of broad cytosolic \(\mathrm{Ca}^{2+}\) oscillations in the absence of CRAC channels: a model for CRAC-mediated negative feedback on PLC and \(\mathrm{Ca}^{2+}\) oscillations through PKC. Zbl 1533.92066 Lee, Lloyd; Yoast, Ryan; Emrich, Scott; Trebak, Mohamed; Kirk, Vivien; Sneyd, James 1 2024 Kinetics and regulation of coagulation factor X activation by intrinsic tenase on phospholipid membranes. Zbl 1533.92036 Sveshnikova, Anastasia N.; Shibeko, Alexey M.; Kovalenko, Tatiana A.; Panteleev, Mikhail A. 1 2024 Viral rebound occurrence immediately after drug discontinuation involving neither drug resistance nor latent reservoir. Zbl 1533.92124 Hayashi, Rena; Hara, Akane; Iwasa, Yoh 1 2024 The unreasonable effectiveness of the total quasi-steady state approximation, and its limitations. Zbl 1533.92091 Eilertsen, Justin; Schnell, Santiago; Walcher, Sebastian 1 2024 Quantifying robustness of the gap gene network. Zbl 1532.92063 Andreas, Elizabeth; Cummins, Breschine; Gedeon, Tomáš 1 2024 Numerical modeling of senile plaque development under conditions of limited diffusivity of amyloid-\(\beta\) monomers. Zbl 1541.92034 Kuznetsov, Andrey V. 1 2024 Projecting COVID-19 cases and hospital burden in Ohio. Zbl 1507.92099 KhudaBukhsh, Wasiur R.; Bastian, Caleb Deen; Wascher, Matthew; Klaus, Colin; Sahai, Saumya Yashmohini; Weir, Mark H.; Kenah, Eben; Root, Elisabeth; Tien, Joseph H.; Rempała, Grzegorz A. 6 2023 Spatio-temporal modelling of phenotypic heterogeneity in tumour tissues and its impact on radiotherapy treatment. Zbl 1504.92032 Celora, Giulia L.; Byrne, Helen M.; Kevrekidis, P. G. 5 2023 Eco-evolutionary cyclic dominance among predators, prey, and parasites. Zbl 1518.92130 Nag Chowdhury, Sayantan; Banerjee, Jeet; Perc, Matjaž; Ghosh, Dibakar 5 2023 A multi-strain model with asymptomatic transmission: application to COVID-19 in the US. Zbl 1518.92142 Gao, Shasha; Shen, Mingwang; Wang, Xueying; Wang, Jin; Martcheva, Maia; Rong, Libin 4 2023 Critical observation of WHO recommended multidrug therapy on the disease leprosy through mathematical study. Zbl 1518.92074 Ghosh, Salil; Saha, Shubhankar; Roy, Priti Kumar 3 2023 Vaccine hesitancy promotes emergence of new SARS-CoV-2 variants. Zbl 1518.92086 Jing, Shuanglin; Milne, Russell; Wang, Hao; Xue, Ling 3 2023 Workplace absenteeism due to COVID-19 and influenza across Canada: a mathematical model. Zbl 1521.92081 Avusuglo, W. S.; Mosleh, Rahele; Ramaj, Tedi; Li, Ao; Sharbayta, Sileshi Sintayehu; Fall, Abdoul Aziz; Ghimire, Srijana; Shi, Fenglin; Lee, Jason K. H.; Thommes, Edward; Shin, Thomas; Wu, Jianhong 3 2023 Cell orientation under stretch: a review of experimental findings and mathematical modelling. Zbl 1521.92051 Giverso, Chiara; Loy, Nadia; Lucci, Giulio; Preziosi, Luigi 3 2023 Prevalence estimation and optimal classification methods to account for time dependence in antibody levels. Zbl 1506.92046 Bedekar, Prajakta; Kearsley, Anthony J.; Patrone, Paul N. 2 2023 A mathematical model of the within-host kinetics of SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibodies following COVID-19 vaccination. Zbl 1504.92077 dePillis, Lisette; Caffrey, Rebecca; Chen, Ge; Dela, Mark D.; Eldevik, Leif; McConnell, Joseph; Shabahang, Shahrokh; Varvel, Stephen A. 2 2023 Multi-timescale analysis of midbrain dopamine neuronal firing activities. Zbl 1504.92014 Zhao, Na; Song, Jian; Liu, Shenquan 2 2023 A Bayesian nonparametric method for detecting rapid changes in disease transmission. Zbl 1504.92125 Creswell, Richard; Robinson, Martin; Gavaghan, David; Parag, Kris V.; Lei, Chon Lok; Lambert, Ben 2 2023 Multiple cohort study of hospitalized SARS-CoV-2 in-host infection dynamics: parameter estimates, identifiability, sensitivity and the eclipse phase profile. Zbl 1518.92149 Korosec, Chapin S.; Betti, Matthew I.; Dick, David W.; Ooi, Hsu Kiang; Moyles, Iain R.; Wahl, Lindi M.; Heffernan, Jane M. 2 2023 The importance of vaccinated individuals to population-level evolution of pathogens. Zbl 1518.92085 Gutierrez, Maria A.; Gog, Julia R. 2 2023 Statistical inference of the rates of cell proliferation and phenotypic switching in cancer. Zbl 1518.92042 Gunnarsson, Einar Bjarki; Foo, Jasmine; Leder, Kevin 2 2023 Designing experimental conditions to use the Lotka-Volterra model to infer tumor cell line interaction types. Zbl 1506.92011 Cho, Heyrim; Lewis, Allison L.; Storey, Kathleen M.; Byrne, Helen M. 1 2023 Adaptive behaviors and vaccination on curbing COVID-19 transmission: modeling simulations in eight countries. Zbl 1506.92056 Li, Zhaowan; Zhao, Jianguo; Zhou, Yuhao; Tian, Lina; Liu, Qihuai; Zhu, Huaiping; Zhu, Guanghu 1 2023 Passive electrolocation in terrestrial arthropods: theoretical modelling of location detection. Zbl 1504.92020 Palmer, Ryan A.; Chenchiah, Isaac V.; Robert, Daniel 1 2023 Counting unique molecular identifiers in sequencing using a multi-type branching process with immigration. Zbl 1504.92092 Sagitov, Serik; Ståhlberg, Anders 1 2023 Ecological release and patch geometry can cause nonlinear density-area relationships. Zbl 1503.92081 Goddard, Jerome; Shivaji, Ratnasingham; Cronin, James T. 1 2023 Modified susceptible-exposed-infectious-recovered model for assessing the effectiveness of non-pharmaceutical interventions during the COVID-19 pandemic in Seoul. Zbl 1503.92065 Jung, Seungpil; Kim, Jong-Hoon; Hwang, Seung-Sik; Choi, Junyoung; Lee, Woojoo 1 2023 Deep learning characterization of brain tumours with diffusion weighted imaging. Zbl 1503.92046 Meaney, Cameron; Das, Sunit; Colak, Errol; Kohandel, Mohammad 1 2023 A cell model about symmetric and asymmetric stem cell division. Zbl 1506.92022 Yan, Kexun; Wang, Maoxiang; Qiu, Zhipeng; Xu, Meng 1 2023 Oncolytic virus treatment of human breast cancer cells: modelling therapy efficacy. Zbl 1506.92050 Sherlock, Brock D.; Coster, Adelle C. F. 1 2023 Analysis of serological surveys of antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 in the United States to estimate parameters needed for transmission modeling and to evaluate and improve the accuracy of predictions. Zbl 1504.92079 Glasser, John W.; Feng, Zhilan; Vo, MyVan; Jones, Jefferson N.; Clarke, Kristie E. N. 1 2023 Cancer therapy with immune checkpoint inhibitor and CSF-1 blockade: a mathematical model. Zbl 1504.92060 Siewe, Nourridine; Friedman, Avner 1 2023 Dipole- and vortex sheet-based models of fish swimming. Zbl 1504.92179 Zhang, Peng; Peterson, Sean D.; Porfiri, Maurizio 1 2023 Uncertainty and error in SARS-CoV-2 epidemiological parameters inferred from population-level epidemic models. Zbl 1504.92164 Whittaker, Dominic G.; Herrera-Reyes, Alejandra D.; Hendrix, Maurice; Owen, Markus R.; Band, Leah R.; Mirams, Gary R.; Bolton, Kirsty J.; Preston, Simon P. 1 2023 Optimization of antitumor radiotherapy fractionation via mathematical modeling with account of 4 R’s of radiobiology. Zbl 1504.92056 Kuznetsov, Maxim; Kolobov, Andrey 1 2023 Optimal heat transport induced by magnetic nanoparticle delivery in vascularised tumours. Zbl 1507.92042 Al Sariri, Tahani; Simitev, Radostin D.; Penta, Raimondo 1 2023 Pandemic modelling for regions implementing an elimination strategy. Zbl 1507.92095 Hurford, Amy; Martignoni, Maria M.; Loredo-Osti, J. Concepción; Anokye, Francis; Arino, Julien; Husain, Bilal Saleh; Gaas, Brian; Watmough, James 1 2023 The effect of bottleneck size on evolution in nested Darwinian populations. 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Zbl 1480.92123 Buonomo, Bruno; Della Marca, Rossella; d’Onofrio, Alberto; Groppi, Maria 11 2022 Optimal control of pattern formations for an SIR reaction-diffusion epidemic model. Zbl 1483.92126 Chang, Lili; Gao, Shupeng; Wang, Zhen 10 2022 Parameter identifiability and model selection for sigmoid population growth models. Zbl 1483.92113 Simpson, Matthew J.; Browning, Alexander P.; Warne, David J.; Maclaren, Oliver J.; Baker, Ruth E. 10 2022 A multi-strain epidemic model for COVID-19 with infected and asymptomatic cases: application to French data. Zbl 1491.92118 Massard, Mathilde; Eftimie, Raluca; Perasso, Antoine; Saussereau, Bruno 7 2022 Hypnozoite dynamics for Plasmodium vivax malaria: the epidemiological effects of radical cure. Zbl 1483.92143 Mehra, Somya; Stadler, Eva; Khoury, David; McCaw, James M.; Flegg, Jennifer A. 6 2022 A two-sex model of human papillomavirus infection: vaccination strategies and a case study. 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J. 4 2022 Reliable and efficient parameter estimation using approximate continuum limit descriptions of stochastic models. Zbl 1497.92027 Simpson, Matthew J.; Baker, Ruth E.; Buenzli, Pascal R.; Nicholson, Ruanui; Maclaren, Oliver J. 4 2022 Mathematical modeling of tumor-immune system interactions: the effect of rituximab on breast cancer immune response. Zbl 1483.92043 Bitsouni, Vasiliki; Tsilidis, Vasilis 4 2022 Modelling female physiology from head to toe: impact of sex hormones, menstrual cycle, and pregnancy. Zbl 1489.92031 Abo, Stéphanie; Smith, Delaney; Stadt, Melissa; Layton, Anita 4 2022 The heterogeneous mixing model of COVID-19 with interventions. Zbl 07614378 Duan, Moran; Jin, Zhen 3 2022 Escaping stochastic extinction of mutant virus: temporal pattern of emergence of drug resistance within a host. Zbl 1483.92132 Hayashi, Rena; Iwami, Shingo; Iwasa, Yoh 3 2022 Inference on the structure of gene regulatory networks. Zbl 1483.92070 Wang, Yue; Wang, Zikun 3 2022 A phenotype-structured model to reproduce the avascular growth of a tumor and its interaction with the surrounding environment. Zbl 1483.92045 Fiandaca, Giada; Bernardi, Sara; Scianna, Marco; Delitala, Marcello Edoardo 3 2022 A mathematical model to study the impact of intra-tumour heterogeneity on anti-tumour CD\(8^+\) T cell immune response. Zbl 1483.92050 Leschiera, Emma; Lorenzi, Tommaso; Shen, Shensi; Almeida, Luis; Audebert, Chloe 3 2022 Multi-method global sensitivity analysis of mathematical models. Zbl 1491.92040 Dela, An; Shtylla, Blerta; de Pillis, Lisette 3 2022 The non-pharmaceutical interventions may affect the advantage in transmission of mutated variants during epidemics: a conceptual model for COVID-19. Zbl 1489.92191 Zhao, Shi; Wang, Kai; Chong, Marc K. C.; Musa, Salihu S.; He, Mu; Han, Lefei; He, Daihai; Wang, Maggie H. 3 2022 The dynamics of relapses during treatment switch in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. 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H. 1 2022 ...and 920 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 27,633 Authors 111 Winkler, Michael 86 Jin, Zhen 78 Tang, Sanyi 72 Simpson, Matthew J. 68 Mu, Chunlai 66 Iwasa, Yoh 66 Nowak, Martin Andreas 64 Wu, Jianhong 64 Xiao, Yanni 63 Maini, Philip Kumar 62 Chattopadhyay, Joydev 60 Byrne, Helen Mary 60 Jiang, Daqing 60 Ruan, Shigui 60 Teng, Zhi-dong 59 Wang, Hao 55 Wang, Zhian 53 Chaplain, Mark A. J. 52 Banerjee, Malay 52 Yu, Jian-She 51 Rong, Libin 51 Zhang, Tonghua 47 Carrillo de la Plata, José Antonio 47 Tao, Youshan 46 Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 45 Kang, Yun 45 Sun, Guiquan 44 Broom, Mark 44 Friedman, Avner 44 Rychtár, Jan 44 Tiwari, Pankaj Kumar 44 Yuan, Sanling 44 Zheng, Pan 43 Martcheva, Maia 43 Painter, Kevin J. 41 Baker, Ruth Elizabeth 41 Qiu, Zhipeng 41 Zheng, Jiashan 40 Elaiw, Ahmed M. 40 Volpert, Vitaly A. 40 Wang, Liangchen 39 d’Onofrio, Alberto 39 Venturino, Ezio 38 Feng, Zhilan 38 Lorenzi, Tommaso 38 Ohtsuki, Hisashi 38 Perthame, Benoît 37 Cheke, Robert A. 37 Gaffney, Eamonn A. 37 Meng, Xinzhu 37 Perc, Matjaž 37 Steel, Michael Anthony 37 Wang, Yuanshi 37 Yokota, Tomomi 36 Hillen, Thomas 36 Liu, Bin 36 Ren, Guoqiang 36 Sherratt, Jonathan A. 36 Tanimoto, Jun 36 Wang, Wendi 36 Zhang, Qimin 35 Cao, Jinde 35 Samanta, Sudip 35 Zhu, Huaiping 34 Robinson, Peter A. 33 Kar, Tapan Kumar 33 Wang, Xianjia 32 Eftimie, Raluca 32 Misra, Arvind Kumar 32 Traulsen, Arne 31 Gao, Daozhou 31 Gumel, Abba B. 31 Hayat, Tasawar 31 He, Mingfeng 31 Hilker, Frank M. 31 Lenhart, Suzanne M. 31 Li, Xuezhi 31 Preziosi, Luigi 31 Xu, Rui 30 Bowong, Samuel 30 Khajanchi, Subhas 30 Kuang, Yang 30 Pan, Qiuhui 30 Zhao, Hongyong 28 Chen, Xiaojie 28 Kim, Peter S. 28 Kumar Upadhyay, Ranjit 28 Li, Haitao 28 Li, Yuxiang 28 Lowengrub, John Samuel 28 Samanta, Guru Prasad 28 Wang, Lin 28 Wang, Zhen 27 Lou, Yijun 27 Ma, Wanbiao 27 Shen, Wenxian 27 Viglialoro, Giuseppe 27 Xia, Chengyi 26 Buonomo, Bruno 26 Chen, Lansun ...and 27,533 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 749 Journals 3,766 Journal of Theoretical Biology 907 Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 832 Journal of Mathematical Biology 811 Mathematical Biosciences 556 Applied Mathematics and Computation 479 Physica A 459 Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 421 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 356 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 353 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. 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