Zeitschrift für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Verwandte Gebiete Short Title: Z. Wahrscheinlichkeitstheor. Verw. Geb. Publisher: Springer, Berlin ISSN: 0044-3719 Online: http://link.springer.com/journal/volumesAndIssues/440 Successor: Probability Theory and Related Fields Comments: Journal; No longer indexed Documents Indexed: 2,086 Publications (1962–1985) References Indexed: 2,060 Publications with 23,821 References. all top 5 Latest Issues 70 (1985) 69 (1985) 68 (1984/1985) 67 (1984) 66 (1984) 65 (1983/1984) 64 (1983) 63 (1983) 62 (1983) 61 (1982) 60 (1982) 59 (1982) 58 (1981) 57 (1981) 56 (1981) 55 (1981) 54 (1980) 53 (1980) 52 (1980) 51 (1980) 50 (1979) 49 (1979) 48 (1979) 47 (1979) 46 (1978/1979) 45 (1978) 44 (1978) 43 (1978) 42 (1978) 41 (1977/1978) 40 (1977) 39 (1977) 38 (1977) 37 (1976/1977) 36 (1976) 35 (1976) 34 (1976) 33 (1975/1976) 32 (1975) 31 (1974/1975) 30 (1974) 29 (1974) 28 (1973/1974) 27 (1973) 26 (1973) 25 (1972/1973) 24 (1972) 23 (1972) 22 (1972) 21 (1972) 20 (1971) 19 (1971) 18 (1971) 17 (1971) 16 (1970) 15 (1970) 14 (1969/1970) 13 (1969) 12 (1969) 11 (1968/1969) 10 (1968) 9 (1967/1968) 8 (1967) 7 (1967) 6 (1966) 5 (1966) 4 (1965/1966) 3 (1964/1965) 2 (1963/1964) 1 (1962/1963) all top 5 Authors 14 Sucheston, Louis 13 Kallenberg, Olav 13 Landers, Dieter 13 Rogge, Lothar 12 Bismut, Jean-Michel 12 Hall, Peter Gavin 11 Getoor, Ronald Kay 11 Kingman, John Frank Charles 11 Sen, Pranab Kumar 11 Wolfowitz, Jacob 10 Berman, Simeon M. 10 Heyde, Christopher Charles 10 Jain, Naresh C. 10 Pruitt, William E. 9 Ahlswede, Rudolf 9 Jacod, Jean 9 Lin, Michael 9 Major, Peter 9 Millar, P. Warwick 9 Philipp, Walter 9 Révész, Pál 9 Sharpe, Michael J. 8 Berkes, István 8 Dudley, Richard Mansfield 8 Fristedt, Bert E. 8 Hanson, David L. 8 Lai, Tze Leung 8 Maejima, Makoto 8 Pfanzagl, Johann 8 Prakasa Rao, B. L. S. 8 Rosenblatt, Murray 8 Williams, David 7 Barlow, Martin T. 7 Bingham, Nicholas Hugh 7 Blum, Julius R. 7 Bondesson, Lennart 7 Borges, Rudolf 7 Chacon, Rafael V. S. 7 Chow, Yuan Shih 7 Csáki, Endre 7 Deheuvels, Paul 7 Griffeath, David 7 Hahn, Marjorie Green 7 Hawkes, John 7 Jamison, Benton 7 Kendall, David George 7 Knight, Frank Bardsley 7 Mammitzsch, Volker 7 Papangelou, Fredos 7 Perkins, Edwin A. 7 von Waldenfels, Wilhelm 7 Yor, Marc 6 Bellow, Alexandra 6 Cinlar, Erhan 6 Daley, Daryl John 6 Dinges, Hermann 6 Durrett, Richard Timothy 6 Eicker, Friedhelm 6 Forst, Gunnar 6 Freedman, David A. 6 Gänßler, Peter 6 Greenwood, Priscilla E. 6 Horowitz, Joseph 6 Kellerer, Hans G. 6 Leadbetter, Malcolm Ross 6 Mori, Toshio 6 Mukherjea, Arunava 6 Nguyen Xuan Xanh 6 O’Brien, George L. 6 Schmidt, Klaus 6 Taylor, Samuel James 6 Teicher, Henry 6 Walsh, John Bradstreet 6 Weiss, Lionel I. 6 Wong, Eugene Franklin 6 Zakai, Moshe 5 Akcoglu, Mustafa A. 5 Antille, Andre 5 Bolthausen, Erwin 5 Cabaña, Enrique M. 5 Cohn, Harry 5 Csörgő, Sándor 5 Denker, Manfred 5 Devroye, Luc P. J. A. 5 Doney, Ronald Arthur 5 Dubins, Lester E. 5 Eberlein, Ernst W. 5 Föllmer, Hans 5 Giné-Masdéu, Evarist 5 Glover, Joseph 5 Hansen, Wolfhard 5 Helmberg, Gilbert 5 Hendricks, W. J. 5 Holley, Richard A. 5 Isaacson, Dean L. 5 Johansen, Søren Glud 5 Keane, Michael S. 5 Kersting, Götz-Dietrich 5 Krieger, Wolfgang 5 Lang, Reinhard ...and 1,156 more Authors all top 5 Fields 1,396 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 217 Statistics (62-XX) 120 Measure and integration (28-XX) 40 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 32 Operator theory (47-XX) 27 Functional analysis (46-XX) 26 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 23 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 17 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 16 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 14 General topology (54-XX) 14 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 11 Potential theory (31-XX) 10 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 10 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 9 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 9 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 8 Combinatorics (05-XX) 8 Number theory (11-XX) 8 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 8 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 7 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 6 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 6 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 6 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 5 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 5 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 4 Special functions (33-XX) 4 Differential geometry (53-XX) 4 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 3 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 3 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 2 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 2 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 2 Computer science (68-XX) 2 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 1 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Integral equations (45-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 1,851 Publications have been cited 30,779 times in 22,260 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ On the foundations of combinatorial theory. I: Theory of Möbius functions. Zbl 0121.02406 Rota, Gian-Carlo 817 1964 An approximation of partial sums of independent RV’s, and the sample DF. I. Zbl 0308.60029 Komlós, J.; Major, Peter; Tusnády, Gábor 487 1975 Weak convergence to fractional Brownian motion and to the Rosenblatt process. Zbl 0303.60033 Taqqu, Murad S. 414 1975 Non-central limit theorems for non-linear functionals of Gaussian fields. Zbl 0397.60034 Dobrushin, R. L.; Major, P. 336 1979 Generating a random permutation with random transpositions. Zbl 0485.60006 Diaconis, Persi; Shahshahani, Mehrdad 302 1981 Convergence of integrated processes of arbitrary Hermite rank. Zbl 0397.60028 Taqqu, Murad S. 300 1979 An invariance principle for the law of the iterated logarithm. Zbl 0132.12903 Strassen, V. 298 1964 Weak and strong uniform consistency of kernel regression estimates. Zbl 0495.62046 Mack, Y. P.; Silverman, B. W. 292 1982 An approximation of partial sums of independent RV’s and the sample DF. II. Zbl 0307.60045 Komlós, J.; Major, Peter; Tusnády, Gábor 262 1976 Multivariate point processes: Predictable projection, Radon-Nikodym derivatives representation of martingales. Zbl 0302.60032 Jacod, Jean 237 1975 On the optimal filtering of diffusion processes. Zbl 0164.19201 Zakai, M. 213 1969 On Bayes procedures. Zbl 0158.17606 Schwartz, Lorraine 181 1965 On the convex hull of \(n\) random points. (Über die konvexe Hülle von \(n\) zufällig gewählten Punkten.) Zbl 0118.13701 Rényi, Alfréd; Sulanke, R. 174 1963 Semi-stable Markov processes. I. Zbl 0274.60052 Lamperti, John 166 1972 A decomposition of Bessel bridges. Zbl 0484.60062 Pitman, Jim; Yor, Marc 162 1982 Subexponentiality and infinite divisibility. Zbl 0397.60024 Embrechts, Paul; Goldie, Charles M.; Veraverbeke, Noel 161 1979 Limiting behavior of U-statistics for stationary, absolutely regular processes. Zbl 0314.60028 Yoshihara, Ken-ichi 158 1976 Diffusion processes associated with Levy generators. Zbl 0292.60122 Stroock, Daniel W. 153 1975 Conditions for optimality in dynamic programming and for the limit of \(n\)-stage optimal policies to be optimal. Zbl 0316.90080 Schäl, Manfred 150 1975 Limit theory for multivariate sample extremes. Zbl 0375.60031 de Haan, Laurens; Resnick, Sidney I. 145 1977 An elementary proof of the strong law of large numbers. Zbl 0438.60027 Etemadi, N. 139 1981 Non-equilibrium behaviour of a many particle process: Density profile and local equilibria. Zbl 0451.60097 Rost, H. 138 1981 Extremes and local dependence in stationary sequences. Zbl 0506.60030 Leadbetter, M. R. 138 1983 Stationäre zufällige Maße auf lokalkompakten Abelschen Gruppen. Zbl 0164.46601 Mecke, J. 129 1967 A splitting technique for Harris recurrent Markov chains. Zbl 0364.60104 Nummelin, E. 127 1978 Martingales, the Malliavin calculus and hypoellipticity under general Hörmander’s conditions. Zbl 0445.60049 Bismut, Jean-Michel 126 1981 Duality theorems for marginal problems. Zbl 0535.60002 Kellerer, Hans G. 123 1984 La variation d’ordre p des semi-martingales. Zbl 0325.60047 Lepingle, D. 120 1976 Conditions for linear processes to be strong-mixing. Zbl 0465.60032 Withers, C. S. 117 1981 A limit theorem related to a new class of self similar processes. Zbl 0396.60037 Kesten, H.; Spitzer, F. 115 1979 Fixed points of the smoothing transformation. Zbl 0506.60097 Durrett, Richard; Liggett, Thomas M. 112 1983 A note on percolation. Zbl 0363.60120 Russo, Lucio 111 1978 On the convergence of supercritical general (C-M-J) branching processes. Zbl 0451.60078 Nerman, Olle 108 1981 On the functional central limit theorem and the law of the iterated logarithm for Markov processes. Zbl 0468.60034 Bhattacharya, R. N. 105 1982 Probabilistic treatment of the Boltzmann equation of Maxwellian molecules. Zbl 0389.60079 Tanaka, Hiroshi 103 1978 Changes of filtrations and of probability measures. Zbl 0415.60048 Bremaud, Pierre; Yor, Marc 102 1978 On extreme values in stationary sequences. Zbl 0265.60019 Leadbetter, M. R. 102 1974 Two coupled processors: The reduction to a Riemann-Hilbert problem. Zbl 0395.68032 Fayolle, Guy; Iasnogorodski, Roudolf 100 1979 The spectrum of dynamical systems arising from substitutions of constant length. Zbl 0348.54034 Dekking, F. M. 95 1978 Limit theorems for occupation times of Markov processes. Zbl 0194.49503 Bingham, N. H. 95 1971 A characterization of limiting distributions of regular estimates. Zbl 0193.18001 Hajek, J. 95 1970 On the critical percolation probabilities. Zbl 0457.60084 Russo, Lucio 94 1981 Central limit theorems for local martingales. Zbl 0432.60027 Rebolledo, Rolando 94 1980 Law of the iterated logarithm for sums of non-linear functions of Gaussian variables that exhibit a long range dependence. Zbl 0358.60048 Taqqu, Murad S. 93 1977 CLT and other limit theorems for functionals of Gaussian processes. Zbl 0575.60024 Giraitis, L.; Surgailis, D. 92 1985 Moment bounds for stationary mixing sequences. Zbl 0407.60002 Yokoyama, Ryozo 88 1980 Limit theorems for sums of dependent random variables occurring in statistical mechanics. Zbl 0364.60120 Ellis, Richard S.; Newman, Charles M. 86 1978 Inequalities for Ek(X,Y) when the marginals are fixed. Zbl 0325.60002 Cambanis, Stamatis; Simons, Gordon; Stout, William 85 1976 Moment inequalities and the strong laws of large numbers. Zbl 0314.60023 Moricz, F. 85 1976 Infinite divisibility of the hyperbolic and generalized inverse Gaussian distributions. Zbl 0403.60026 Nielsen-Barndorff, O.; Halgreen, Christian 84 1977 On U-statistics and von Mises’ statistics for weakly dependent processes. Zbl 0519.60028 Denker, Manfred; Keller, Gerhard 84 1983 Martingales and stochastic integrals for processes with a multi- dimensional parameter. Zbl 0282.60030 Wong, Eugene; Zakai, Moshe 84 1974 A certain class of diffusion processes associated with nonlinear parabolic equations. Zbl 0546.60081 Funaki, Tadahisa 83 1984 Frontière de Furstenberg, propriétés de contraction et théorèmes de convergence. Zbl 0558.60009 Guivarc’h, Yves; Raugi, Albert 82 1985 Über die konvexe Hülle von n zufällig gewählten Punkten. II. Zbl 0126.34103 Rényi, Alfréd; Sulanke, R. 82 1964 On non-singular transformations of a measure space. I, II. Zbl 0185.11901 Krieger, W. 81 1969 Bessel diffusions as an one-parameter family of diffusion processes. Zbl 0327.60047 Shiga, Tokuzo; Watanabe, Shinzo 80 1973 A law of large numbers for moderately interacting diffusion processes. Zbl 0549.60071 Oelschläger, Karl 78 1985 The limit of a sequence of branching processes. Zbl 0154.42603 Lamperti, J. 78 1967 Reciprocal processes. Zbl 0326.60033 Jamison, Benton 77 1974 Sample function properties of multi-parameter stable processes. Zbl 0471.60046 Ehm, W. 76 1981 On the histogram as a density estimator: \(L^ 2\) theory. Zbl 0449.62033 Freedman, David; Diaconis, Persi 75 1981 Sur l’intégrabilite uniforme des martingales exponentielles. Zbl 0375.60069 Lepingle, Dominique; Memin, Jean 74 1978 Dirichlet forms and diffusion processes on rigged Hilbert spaces. Zbl 0342.60057 Albeverio, Sergio; Høegh-Krohn, Raphael 73 1977 0-1-sequences of Toeplitz type. Zbl 0195.52703 Jacobs, Konrad; Keane, Michael 73 1969 Estimation des densites: risque minimax. Zbl 0413.62024 Bretagnolle, J.; Huber, C. 72 1979 Asymptotic expansions for sums of weakly dependent random vectors. Zbl 0497.60022 Goetze, F.; Hipp, C. 72 1983 Invariance principles for dependent variables. Zbl 0288.60034 McLeish, D. L. 72 1975 Entropie d’un groupe abelien de transformations. Zbl 0261.28015 Conze, J. P. 72 1972 Electrostatic capacity, heat-flow, and Brownian motion. Zbl 0126.33505 Spitzer, F. 72 1964 Generalized bounded variation and applications to piecewise monotonic transformations. Zbl 0574.28014 Keller, Gerhard 71 1985 Limit theorems for the ratio of the empirical distribution function to the true distribution function. Zbl 0382.60031 Wellner, Jon A. 70 1978 Generalized Morse sequences. Zbl 0162.07201 Keane, M. 70 1968 Semimartingales and Markov processes. Zbl 0443.60074 Cinlar, E.; Jacod, J.; Protter, P.; Sharpe, M. J. 69 1980 A LIL type result for the product limit estimator. Zbl 0443.62031 Földes, A.; Rejtö, L. 69 1981 The critical measure diffusion process. Zbl 0343.60001 Dawson, D. A. 68 1977 Locally normal symmetric states and an analogue of deFinetti’s theorem. Zbl 0304.60001 Hudson, R. L.; Moody, G. R. 68 1976 A maximal coupling for Markov chains. Zbl 0301.60043 Griffeath, David 68 1975 On the concentration function of a sum of independent random variables. Zbl 0195.19303 Esseen, C. G. 68 1968 Équations de type de Boltzmann, spatialement homogènes. Zbl 0553.60069 Sznitman, Alain-Sol 67 1984 A classification of the second order degenerate elliptic operators and its probabilistic characterization. Zbl 0326.60097 Ichihara, Kanji; Kunita, Hiroshi 67 1974 Invariance principles for sums of Banach space valued random elements and empirical processes. Zbl 0488.60044 Dudley, R. M.; Philipp, Walter 66 1983 An integral representation for selfdecomposable Banach space valued random variables. Zbl 0488.60028 Jurek, Zbigniew; Vervaat, Wim 65 1983 Calcul stochastique dépendant d’un paramètre. Zbl 0388.60056 Stricker, C.; Yor, M. 65 1978 Quelques applications de la formule de changement de variables pour les semi-martingales. Zbl 0194.49104 Doléans-Dade, C. 65 1970 The approximation of partial sums of independent r.v.’s. Zbl 0338.60031 Major, Peter 64 1976 Approximation dans les espaces métriques et théorie de l’estimation. Zbl 0506.62026 Birge, Lucien 64 1983 Functional central limit theorems for pro cesses with positive drift and their inverses. Zbl 0238.60018 Vervaat, Wim 64 1972 Central limit theorems for time series regression. Zbl 0246.62086 Hannan, E. J. 63 1973 An inequality for the weights of two families of sets, their unions and intersections. Zbl 0357.04011 Ahlswede, Rudolf; Daykin, David E. 62 1978 Propriétés de convergence presque complète de prédicteur à noyau. Zbl 0525.62046 Collomb, Gérard 61 1984 Mesure invariante sur les classes recurrentes des processus de Markov. Zbl 0178.20302 Azema, J.; Kaplan-Duflo, M.; Revuz, D. 61 1967 Calcul des variations stochastique et processus de sauts. Zbl 0494.60082 Bismut, Jean-Michel 60 1983 A branching process with mean one and possibly infinite variance. Zbl 0164.47002 Slack, R. S. 60 1968 Loi de l’indice du lacet Brownien, et distribution de Hartman-Watson. Zbl 0436.60057 Yor, Marc 59 1980 Toeplitz minimal flows which are not uniquely ergodic. Zbl 0584.28007 Williams, Susan 59 1984 An approximate zero-one law. Zbl 0501.60043 Russo, Lucio 59 1982 Théorie des processus stochastiques généraux; applications aux surmartingales. Zbl 0236.60033 Mertens, Jean-Francois 58 1972 Convergence of weighted averages of independent random variables. Zbl 0141.16404 Jamison, B.; Orey, S.; Pruitt, W. 57 1965 Results and problems in the theory of doubly-stochastic matrices. Zbl 0109.36102 Mirsky, L. 57 1963 CLT and other limit theorems for functionals of Gaussian processes. Zbl 0575.60024 Giraitis, L.; Surgailis, D. 92 1985 Frontière de Furstenberg, propriétés de contraction et théorèmes de convergence. Zbl 0558.60009 Guivarc’h, Yves; Raugi, Albert 82 1985 A law of large numbers for moderately interacting diffusion processes. Zbl 0549.60071 Oelschläger, Karl 78 1985 Generalized bounded variation and applications to piecewise monotonic transformations. Zbl 0574.28014 Keller, Gerhard 71 1985 Processus des misanthropes. Zbl 0554.60097 Cocozza-Thivent, Christiane 55 1985 Central limit theorem for a system of Markovian particles with mean field interactions. Zbl 0607.60095 Shiga, Tokuzo; Tanaka, Hiroshi 50 1985 On isotropic Brownian motions. Zbl 0576.60072 Le Jan, Yves 48 1985 On solutions of one-dimensional stochastic differential equations without drift. Zbl 0535.60049 Engelbert, H. J.; Schmidt, W. 39 1985 Convergence rates of the strong law for stationary mixing sequences. Zbl 0554.60038 Peligrad, Magda 38 1985 The Wasserstein distance and approximation theorems. Zbl 0554.60024 Rüschendorf, Ludger 36 1985 Upper bounds for large deviations of dependent random vectors. Zbl 0547.60033 de Acosta, A. 36 1985 Geometric bounds on the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck velocity process. Zbl 0537.60084 Borell, Christer 35 1985 Mean stochastic comparison of diffusions. Zbl 0537.60050 Hajek, Bruce 30 1985 Stochastic calculus for continuous additive functionals of zero energy. Zbl 0604.60068 Nakao, Shintaro 30 1985 Conditional limit theorems for asymptotically stable random walks. Zbl 0573.60063 Doney, R. A. 28 1985 Reflected Brownian motion in a wedge: Semimartingale property. Zbl 0535.60042 Williams, R. J. 26 1985 The most visited site of Brownian motion and simple random walk. Zbl 0554.60076 Bass, Richard F.; Griffin, Philip S. 24 1985 Minimax-robust prediction of discrete time series. Zbl 0537.60034 Franke, Jürgen 24 1985 A general law of iterated logarithm. Zbl 0547.60036 Wittmann, Rainer 23 1985 Almost certain convergence in double arrays. Zbl 0548.60028 Teicher, Henry 23 1985 Lifetime of conditioned Brownian motion in Lipschitz domains. Zbl 0581.60062 Cranston, M. 21 1985 Poincaré-type inequalities via stochastic integrals. Zbl 0549.60019 Chen, Louis H. Y. 20 1985 The set of real numbers left uncovered by random covering intervals. Zbl 0564.60008 Fitzsimmons, P. J.; Fristedt, Bert; Shepp, L. A. 19 1985 A functional central limit theorem for strongly mixing sequences of random variables. Zbl 0558.60032 Herrndorf, Norbert 18 1985 A data dependent approach to density estimation. Zbl 0586.62044 Burman, Prabir 18 1985 Almost exchangeable sequences of random variables. Zbl 0554.60044 Berkes, Istvan; Rosenthal, Haskell P. 18 1985 On the Erdős-Renyi theorem for random fields and sequences and its relationship with the theory of runs and spacings. Zbl 0548.60027 Deheuvels, Paul 17 1985 Two parameter optimal stopping and bi-Markov processes. Zbl 0551.60045 16 1985 Malliavin calculus for two-parameter Wiener functionals. Zbl 0595.60065 Nualart, D.; Sanz, M. 16 1985 Intersections and limits of regenerative sets. Zbl 0548.60084 Fitzsimmons, P. J.; Fristedt, Bert; Maisonneuve, B. 15 1985 Last exit decompositions and regularity at the boundary of transition probabilities. Zbl 0551.60077 Bismut, Jean-Michel 15 1985 Summability methods and almost sure convergence. Zbl 0551.60037 Bingham, N. H.; Maejima, Makoto 15 1985 Continuity of local times for Lévy processes. Zbl 0561.60076 Barlow, M. T. 14 1985 Harmonizable stable processes on groups: Spectral, ergodic and interpolation properties. Zbl 0537.60008 Weron, Aleksander 12 1985 The survival of branching annihilating random walk. Zbl 0537.60099 Bramson, Maury; Gray, Lawrence 12 1985 Some general results concerning the critical exponents of percolation processes. Zbl 0548.60099 Durrett, Richard 12 1985 Infinitely subadditive capacities as upper envelopes of measures. Zbl 0553.28002 Anger, Bernd; Lembcke, Jörn 12 1985 Law of the iterated logarithm for set-indexed partial sum processes with finite variance. Zbl 0575.60034 Bass, Richard F. 12 1985 Critical dimension for a model of branching in a random medium. Zbl 0554.60068 Dawson, Donald A.; Fleischmann, Klaus 12 1985 Non-parametric applications of an infinite dimensional convolution theorem. Zbl 0571.62031 Millar, P. W. 12 1985 Affine normability of partial sums of i.i.d. random vectors: A characterization. Zbl 0547.60027 Hahn, Marjorie G.; Klass, Michael J. 11 1985 A lower bound for the critical probability of the square lattice site percolation. Zbl 0552.60098 Tóth, Bálint 11 1985 Distance de Hellinger-Kakutani des lois correspondant à deux processus à accroissements indépendants. Zbl 0569.60038 Memin, J.; Shiryayev, A. N. 10 1985 Quantum central limit theorems for strongly mixing random variables. Zbl 0553.60031 Accardi, L.; Bach, A. 10 1985 Measure-valued random processes. Zbl 0554.60057 Horowitz, J. 10 1985 A diffusion process in a singular mean-drift-field. Zbl 0558.60060 Nagasawa, Masao; Tanaka, Hiroshi 9 1985 Lower bounds on the approximation of the multivariate empirical process. Zbl 0554.60037 Beck, József 9 1985 On the length of the longest excursion. Zbl 0537.60062 Csáki, E.; Erdős, Paul; Révész, P. 9 1985 Change-of-variance sensitivities in regression analysis. Zbl 0539.62042 Ronchetti, Elvezio; Rousseeuw, Peter J. 7 1985 On the functional form of Lévy’s modulus of continuity for Brownian motion. Zbl 0548.60034 de Acosta, A. 7 1985 Distribution of size, structure and number of vacant regions in a high- intensity mosaic. Zbl 0554.60020 Hall, Peter 7 1985 Bounds for weighted multivariate empirical distribution functions. Zbl 0554.60036 Einmahl, John H. J.; Mason, David M. 7 1985 A note on invariant measures for Markov maps of an interval. Zbl 0606.28013 Bugiel, Piotr 7 1985 Distances between measures from 1-dimensional projections as implied by continuity of the inverse Radon transform. Zbl 0555.28005 Hahn, Marjorie G.; Quinto, Eric Todd 6 1985 The central limit theorem for non-separable valued functions. Zbl 0582.60010 Andersen, Niels Trolle 6 1985 Stationary lower probabilities and unstable averages. Zbl 0535.60006 Kumar, Anurag; Fine, Terrence L. 5 1985 Sur la convergence étroite des mesures gaussiennes. Zbl 0537.60006 Fernique, X. 5 1985 Joint continuity of the local times of Markov processes. Zbl 0549.60069 Berman, Simeon M. 5 1985 The rank of regular Morse dynamical systems. Zbl 0549.28026 Lemańczyk, Mariusz 5 1985 Asymptotic expansions in the central limit theorem for compound and Markov processes. Zbl 0548.60024 Hipp, Christian 5 1985 An information cocycle for groups of non-singular transformations. Zbl 0557.28019 Butler, Roger; Schmidt, Klaus 5 1985 Random composing of mappings, small stochastic perturbations and attractors. Zbl 0551.60064 Góra, Paweł 5 1985 Orthonormal Banach systems with applications to linear processes. Zbl 0573.60040 Lai, T. L.; Wei, C. Z. 5 1985 On the multiple stable integral. Zbl 0574.60061 Surgailis, D. 5 1985 Relationships between Donsker classes and Sobolev spaces. Zbl 0525.60008 Marcus, David J. 5 1985 No distribution is prime. Zbl 0554.60026 Ruzsa, I. Z.; Székely, G. J. 4 1985 Limit theorems for generalized sequential rank statistics. Zbl 0555.60023 Lombard, F.; Mason, D. M. 4 1985 Limit theorems for stochastic flows of diffeomorphisms of jump type. Zbl 0548.60035 Matsumoto, Hiroyuki; Shigekawa, I. 4 1985 Laws of the iterated logarithm for symmetric stable processes. Zbl 0535.60024 Griffin, Philip S. 4 1985 Stability of P. Lévy’s characterization theorem. Zbl 0579.60014 Yanushkevichius, R.; Yanushkevichiene, O. 4 1985 Evaluating inclusion functionals for random convex hulls. Zbl 0537.60011 Jewell, Nicholas P.; Romano, Joseph P. 3 1985 Some limit results for lag sums of independent, non i.i.d., random variables. Zbl 0537.60021 Hanson, D. L.; Russo, Ralph P. 3 1985 Convergence in energy. Zbl 0548.60073 Pop-Stojanovic, Z. R.; Rao, Murali 3 1985 Local asymptotic normality of sampling experiments. Zbl 0554.60031 Milbrodt, Hartmut 3 1985 Continuity of mean recurrence times in denumerable semi-Markov processes. Zbl 0562.60071 Deppe, Hans 3 1985 Simultaneously least favorable experiments, II: Standard loss functions and their applications. Zbl 0558.62006 Buja, Andreas 2 1985 The Lévy-Hinčin representation for random compact convex subsets which are infinitely divisible under Minkowski addition. Zbl 0554.60025 Giné, Evarist; Hahn, Marjorie G. 2 1985 Some properties of a special class of self-similar processes. Zbl 0562.60063 Lou, J. H. 2 1985 An iterated logarithm law for families of Brownian paths. Zbl 0573.60031 LePage, Raoul; Schreiber, Bertram M. 2 1985 Malliavin calculus for two-parameter Wiener functionals. Zbl 0577.60065 Nualart, D.; Sanz, M. 2 1985 The local structure of the sample paths of asymmetric Cauchy processes. Zbl 0554.60046 Pruitt, William E.; Taylor, S. James 2 1985 Estimation of analytic functions. Zbl 0553.62036 Chow, Yun-shyong 1 1985 Divergence, convergence and moments of some integral functionals of diffusions. Zbl 0548.60075 Musiela, M. 1 1985 The exchangeable sigma-field of Markov chains. Zbl 0557.60050 Palacios, José Luis 1 1985 Contribution to the optimal stopping problem. Zbl 0555.60029 Darling, Donald A. 1 1985 Duality theorems for marginal problems. Zbl 0535.60002 Kellerer, Hans G. 123 1984 A certain class of diffusion processes associated with nonlinear parabolic equations. Zbl 0546.60081 Funaki, Tadahisa 83 1984 Équations de type de Boltzmann, spatialement homogènes. Zbl 0553.60069 Sznitman, Alain-Sol 67 1984 Propriétés de convergence presque complète de prédicteur à noyau. Zbl 0525.62046 Collomb, Gérard 61 1984 Toeplitz minimal flows which are not uniquely ergodic. Zbl 0584.28007 Williams, Susan 59 1984 Naturality, standardness, and weak duality for Markov processes. Zbl 0553.60070 Getoor, R. K.; Sharpe, M. J. 53 1984 An estimate of the remainder in a combinatorial central limit theorem. Zbl 0563.60026 Bolthausen, Erwin 52 1984 First-passage percolation, network flows and electrical resistances. Zbl 0525.60098 Grimmett, Geoffrey; Kesten, Harry 45 1984 A Berry-Esseen bound for symmetric statistics. Zbl 0525.62023 van Zwet, W. R. 43 1984 The ergodic theory of Markov chains in random environments. Zbl 0525.60074 Cogburn, Robert 41 1984 Convergence in distribution of products of random matrices. Zbl 0535.60016 Kesten, Harry; Spitzer, Frank 39 1984 Prediction of stable processes: Spectral and moving average representations. Zbl 0528.60035 Cambanis, Stamatis; Soltani, A. Reza 36 1984 The extent of non-conglomerability of finitely additive probabilities. Zbl 0525.60003 Schervish, Mark J.; Seidenfeld, Teddy; Kadane, Joseph B. 36 1984 Linear estimators and measurable linear transformations on a Hilbert space. Zbl 0506.60004 Mandelbaum, Avi 35 1984 Non reversible stationary measures for infinite interacting particle systems. Zbl 0541.60098 Künsch, H. 29 1984 ...and 1674 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 16,749 Authors 89 Horváth, Lajos 66 Taqqu, Murad S. 65 Leonenko, Nikolai N. 64 Csörgő, Miklós 61 Berkes, István 60 Albeverio, Sergio A. 60 Yor, Marc 48 Hall, Peter Gavin 48 Röckner, Michael 47 Xiao, Yimin 45 Nualart, David 42 Csáki, Endre 42 Révész, Pál 42 Surgailis, Donatas 40 Peligrad, Magda 39 Deheuvels, Paul 39 Puri, Madan Lal 38 Samorodnitsky, Gennady Pinkhosovich 37 Bouzebda, Salim 37 Grabisch, Michel 37 Khoshnevisan, Davar 35 Kyprianou, Andreas E. 35 Merlevède, Florence 33 Dedecker, Jérôme 33 Götze, Friedrich 33 Liang, Hanying 33 Shao, Qi-Man 32 Chen, Zhen-Qing 32 Einmahl, John H. J. 32 Fitzsimmons, Patrick J. 32 Jeanblanc, Monique 32 Kallenberg, Olav 32 Mason, David Michael 32 Rüschendorf, Ludger 31 Dehling, Herold G. 31 Devroye, Luc P. J. A. 31 Kabluchko, Zakhar A. 31 Lai, Tze Leung 31 Lin, Zhengyan 31 Maejima, Makoto 31 Meerschaert, Mark Marvin 31 Zhang, Jun 30 Elliott, Robert James 30 Kondrat’yev, Yuriĭ Grygorovych 30 Lin, Michael 30 Sucheston, Louis 29 Mikosch, Thomas 29 Song, Renming 29 Wang, Xuejun 28 Denker, Manfred 28 Patie, Pierre 28 Tudor, Ciprian A. 28 Vatutin, Vladimir Alekseevich 27 Dawson, Donald Andrew 27 Koul, Hira Lal 27 Last, Günter 27 Nourdin, Ivan 27 Peres, Yuval 27 Rosalsky, Andrew 27 Steinebach, Josef G. 26 Bertoin, Jean 26 Durrett, Richard Timothy 26 Földes, Antónia 26 Iksanov, Aleksander M. 26 Kesten, Harry 26 Liu, Quansheng 26 Mikulevicius, Remigijus 26 Mota, Manuel 26 Resnick, Sidney Ira 26 Wu, Wei Biao 25 Ahlswede, Rudolf 25 Bass, Richard F. 25 Bingham, Nicholas Hugh 25 Boche, Holger 25 Diaconis, Persi Warren 25 Gorostiza, Luis G. 25 Jacod, Jean 25 Prakasa Rao, B. L. 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Theory and Methods 294 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 294 The Annals of Statistics 284 Bernoulli 264 Lithuanian Mathematical Journal 241 Communications in Mathematical Physics 218 Journal of Functional Analysis 214 Stochastic Analysis and Applications 214 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Probabilités et Statistiques 211 Journal of Applied Probability 206 Electronic Journal of Probability 199 Israel Journal of Mathematics 191 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 164 Journal of Econometrics 158 Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 149 Advances in Applied Probability 147 Advances in Mathematics 137 Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 137 Journal of Nonparametric Statistics 136 Statistics 132 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Nouvelle Série. Section B. Calcul des Probabilités et Statistique 127 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 126 Metrika 126 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 125 Stochastics 119 Journal of Mathematical Physics 110 Electronic Journal of Statistics 107 Queueing Systems 107 Stochastics 100 Mathematische Zeitschrift 94 Discrete Mathematics 89 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A 89 Journal of Time Series Analysis 88 Sequential Analysis 87 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 86 Potential Analysis 86 Extremes 83 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 79 Econometric Theory 78 Mathematische Annalen 77 Monatshefte für Mathematik 76 Applied Mathematics and Optimization 76 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Probability and Statistics 72 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 71 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 70 Linear Algebra and its Applications 69 Kybernetika 69 ALEA. Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics 67 The Canadian Journal of Statistics 64 Insurance Mathematics & Economics 64 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 63 Stochastics and Dynamics 62 Mathematical Notes 62 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 61 Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 60 Theory of Probability and its Applications 60 Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related Topics 59 Finance and Stochastics 58 Advances in Applied Mathematics 58 Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation 56 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 56 Journal of Differential Equations 56 Test 56 Electronic Communications in Probability 55 European Journal of Operational Research 54 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 53 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series 53 Science China. 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