Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series CApplied Statistics Short Title: J. R. Stat. Soc., Ser. C Publisher: Blackwell Publishers, Oxford ISSN: 0035-9254; 1467-9876/e Online: Predecessor: Applied Statistics Successor: Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C. Applied Statistics Comments: Journal; No longer indexed Documents Indexed: 465 Publications (1978–1997) all top 5 Latest Issues 46, No. 4 (1997) 46, No. 3 (1997) 46, No. 2 (1997) 46, No. 1 (1997) 45, No. 4 (1996) 45, No. 3 (1996) 45, No. 2 (1996) 45, No. 1 (1996) 44, No. 4 (1995) 44, No. 3 (1995) 44, No. 2 (1995) 44, No. 1 (1995) 43, No. 4 (1994) 43, No. 2 (1994) 43, No. 1 (1994) 42, No. 4 (1993) 42, No. 3 (1993) 42, No. 2 (1993) 42, No. 1 (1993) 41, No. 3 (1992) 41, No. 2 (1992) 41, No. 1 (1992) 40, No. 3 (1991) 40, No. 2 (1991) 40, No. 1 (1991) 39, No. 3 (1990) 39, No. 2 (1990) 39, No. 1 (1990) 38, No. 3 (1989) 38, No. 2 (1989) 37, No. 2 (1988) 37, No. 1 (1988) 36 (1987) 35 (1986) 34 (1985) 33 (1984) 32 (1983) 31 (1982) 30 (1981) 29 (1980) 28 (1979) 27 (1978) all top 5 Authors 7 Smith, Adrian F. M. 6 Crowder, Martin J. 6 Kimber, Alan C. 5 Atkinson, Anthony C. 5 Lipsitz, Stuart R. 4 Campbell, Norm A. 4 Diggle, Peter John 4 Gilks, Walter R. 4 Morgan, Byron J. T. 4 Pettitt, Anthony N. 4 Pike, Malcolm C. 4 Smith, P. G. R. 4 Wilesmith, John W. 3 Buckland, Stephen T. 3 Casagrande, J. T. 3 Curnow, Robert N. 3 Farebrother, Richard William 3 Fisher, Nicholas I. 3 Fitzmaurice, Garrett Martin 3 Lagakos, Stephen W. 3 Prescott, Philip 3 Tawn, Jonathan A. 3 Whittaker, Joe 2 Abraham, Bovas 2 Armstrong, Ronald D. 2 Azzalini, Adelchi 2 Bailey, Rosemary A. 2 Becker, Mark P. 2 Bissell, A. F. 2 Bohrer, Robert E. 2 Boos, Dennis D. 2 Bowman, Adrian W. 2 Box, George Edward Pelham 2 Breslow, Norman E. 2 Chambers, Raymond L. 2 Charnock, David M. 2 Cheng, Russell C. H. 2 Chow, Sheinchung 2 Clayton, David G. 2 Coles, Stuart G. 2 Cook, Derek G. 2 Copas, John B. 2 Cran, G. W. 2 Cullis, Brian R. 2 Dansie, B. R. 2 Davies, Neville 2 Davis, Charles S. 2 Dinse, Gregg E. 2 Donnelly, Christl A. 2 Draper, Norman R. 2 Engel, Jan 2 Evett, Ian W. 2 Fearn, Tom 2 Garthwaite, Paul H. 2 Gelfand, Alan Enoch 2 Geng, Zhi 2 Gore, Sheila M. 2 Greenland, Sander 2 Guttman, Irwin 2 Heitjan, Daniel F. 2 Henderson, Robin G. 2 Hettmansperger, Thomas P. 2 Hopkins, Tim R. 2 John, J. A. 2 Kemp, Adrienne W. 2 Kent, John T. 2 Kent, Philippe 2 Kenward, Michael G. 2 Kronmal, Richard A. 2 Krzanowski, Wojtek Janusz 2 Laird, Nan McKenzie 2 Le Cessie, Saskia 2 Little, Roderick J. A. 2 Longini, Ira M. jun. 2 Madigan, David 2 Matthews, John N. S. 2 Meeker, William Q. jun. 2 Molenberghs, Geert 2 Osanaiye, P. A. 2 Padmanabhan, Appaswamy Ramanathan 2 Patefield, W. M. 2 Raftery, Adrian E. 2 Ridout, Martin S. 2 Rothery, Peter 2 Royston, J. P. 2 Royston, Patrick 2 Rubin, Donald Bruce 2 Ryan, Louise Marie 2 Schenker, Nathaniel 2 Schervish, Mark J. 2 Shi, Ningzhong 2 Simonoff, Jeffrey S. 2 Stephens, Michael A. 2 Stirling, W. Douglas 2 Tallis, G. M. 2 Ten Have, Thomas Ralph 2 Titterington, D. Michael 2 Tong, Howell 2 Tu, Xinming 2 Turner, T. Rolf ...and 497 more Authors all top 5 Fields 437 Statistics (62-XX) 99 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 18 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 12 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 9 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 7 Computer science (68-XX) 6 Geophysics (86-XX) 3 Special functions (33-XX) 3 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 3 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 2 Combinatorics (05-XX) 2 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 2 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 395 Publications have been cited 6,107 times in 5,301 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ A K-means clustering algorithm. Zbl 0447.62062 Hartigan, J. A.; Wong, M. A. 422 1979 Adaptive rejection sampling for Gibbs sampling. Zbl 0825.62407 Gilks, W. R.; Wild, P. 419 1992 Informative drop-out in longitudinal data analysis. Zbl 0825.62010 Diggle, P.; Kenward, M. G. 322 1994 The distribution of a linear combination of chi-squared random variables. (Algorithm AS 155). Zbl 0473.62025 Davies, Robert B. 166 1980 Adaptive rejection Metropolis sampling within Gibbs sampling. Zbl 0893.62110 Gilks, W. R.; Best, N. G.; Tan, K. K. C. 149 1995 Hierarchical Bayesian analysis of changepoint problems. Zbl 0825.62408 Carlin, B. P.; Gelfand, A. E.; Smith, A. F. M. 111 1992 A kernel method for smoothing point process data. Zbl 0584.62140 Diggle, Peter 92 1985 A non-parametric approach to the change-point problem. Zbl 0438.62037 Pettitt, A. N. 87 1979 Ridge estimators in logistic regression. Zbl 0825.62593 le Cessie, S.; van Houwelingen, J. C. 87 1992 A look at some data on the Old Faithful Geyser. Zbl 0707.62186 Azzalini, A.; Bowman, A. W. 78 1990 Multivariate normal probabilities with error bound. Zbl 0547.65097 Schervish, Mark J. 73 1984 Extra-binomial variation in logistic linear models. Zbl 0488.62055 Williams, D. A. 68 1982 Applications of a method for the efficient computation of posterior distributions. Zbl 0521.65017 Naylor, J. C.; Smith, A. F. M. 66 1982 Statistical methods for multivariate extremes: An application to structural design. Zbl 0825.62717 Coles, S. G.; Tawn, J. A. 64 1994 Goodness of link tests for generalized linear models. Zbl 0434.62048 Pregibon, Daryl 60 1980 An extension of Shapiro and Wilk’s W test for normality to large samples. Zbl 0503.62037 Royston, J. P. 59 1982 Two generalizations of the binomial distribution. Zbl 0438.62008 Altham, Patricia M. E. 59 1978 Bivariate location depth. Zbl 0905.62002 Rousseeuw, Peter J.; Ruts, Ida 59 1996 Partial proportional odds models for ordinal response variables. Zbl 0707.62154 Peterson, Bercedis; Harrell, Frank E. jun. 58 1990 Approximating point process likelihoods with GLIM. Zbl 0825.62614 Berman, M.; Turner, T. R. 57 1992 Some techniques for assessing multivariate normality based on the Shapiro-Wilk W. Zbl 0536.62043 Royston, J. P. 55 1983 Robust procedures in multivariate analysis I: Robust covariance estimation. Zbl 0471.62047 Campbell, N. A. 54 1980 Generalized linear model diagnostics using the deviance and single case deletions. Zbl 0646.62062 Williams, D. A. 53 1987 Robust estimation of the mean and covariance matrix from data with missing values. Zbl 0647.62040 Little, Roderick J. A. 52 1988 Bayesian retrospective multiple-changepoint identification. Zbl 0825.62412 Stephens, D. A. 52 1994 Kernel density estimation using the fast Fourier transform (Algorithm AS 176.). Zbl 0483.62032 Silverman, B. W. 49 1982 Bayesian analysis of linear and nonlinear population models by using the Gibbs sampler. Zbl 0825.62410 Wakefield, J. C.; Smith, A. F. M.; Racine-Poon, A.; Gelfand, A. E. 48 1994 Logistic regression for correlated binary data. Zbl 0825.62509 le Cessie, S.; van Houwelingen, J. C. 47 1994 On using principal components before separating a mixture of two multivariate normal distributions. Zbl 0538.62050 Chang, Wei-Chien 46 1983 Estimation and modelling repeated patterns in high order Markov chains with the mixture transition distribution model. Zbl 0825.62667 Raftery, A.; Tavaré, S. 46 1994 Fitting smooth paths to spherical data. Zbl 0613.62086 Jupp, Peter E.; Kent, John T. 44 1987 An analysis of paediatric CD4 counts for acquired immune deficiency syndrome using flexible random curves. Zbl 0875.62574 Shi, Minggao; Weiss, Robert E.; Taylor, Jeremy M. G. 44 1996 Dynamic Bayesian models for survival data. Zbl 0825.62867 Gamerman, D. 43 1991 Efficient simulation of the von Mises distribution. Zbl 0435.62021 Best, D. J.; Fisher, N. I. 42 1979 Restricted estimation of generalized linear models. Zbl 0825.62612 Nyquist, H. 41 1991 Use of modified profile likelihood for improved tests of constancy of variance in regression. Zbl 0825.62585 Simonoff, J. S.; Tsai, C.-L. 41 1994 Outliers in circular data. Zbl 0431.62020 Collett, D. 40 1980 Quantile regression methods for longitudinal data with drop-outs: Application to CD4 cell counts of patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus. Zbl 0908.62114 Lipsitz, Stuart R.; Fitzmaurice, Garrett M.; Molenberghs, Geert; Zhao, Lue Ping 40 1997 Bayesian inference for generalized linear and proportional hazards models via Gibbs sampling. Zbl 0825.62409 Dellaportas, P.; Smith, A. F. M. 40 1993 Nonparametric comparison of cumulative periodograms. Zbl 0825.62465 Diggle, P. J.; Fisher, N. I. 39 1991 Bayesian inference for masked system lifetime data. Zbl 0821.62067 Reiser, B.; Guttman, I.; Lin, Dennis K. J.; Guess, Frank M.; Usher, John S. 36 1995 Regression, discrimination and measurement models for ordered categorical variables. Zbl 0459.62045 Anderson, J. A.; Philips, P. R. 34 1981 Bayesian model averaging in proportional hazard models: Assessing the risk of a stroke. Zbl 0903.62093 Volinsky, Chris T.; Madigan, David; Raftery, Adrian E.; Kronmal, Richard A. 34 1997 The influence function as an aid in outlier detection in discriminant analysis. Zbl 0432.62039 Campbell, Norm A. 33 1978 Estimation of correlation coefficients by ellipsoidal trimming. Zbl 0436.62062 Titterington, D. M. 33 1978 Estimation of principal points. Zbl 0825.62524 Flury, B. D. 33 1993 An alternative family of transformations. Zbl 0443.62062 John, J. A.; Draper, N. R. 32 1980 Composite link functions in generalized linear models. Zbl 0471.62051 Thompson, R.; Baker, R. J. 32 1981 An algorithm for exact maximum likelihood estimation of autoregressive- moving average models by means of Kalman filtering. Zbl 0471.62098 Gardner, G.; Harvey, A. C.; Phillips, G. D. A. 32 1980 Multivariate normal probability integrals with product correlation structure. Zbl 0715.62098 Dunnett, Charles W. 30 1989 The fitting of exponential, Weibull and extreme value distributions to complex censored survival data using GLIM. Zbl 0437.62092 Aitkin, Murray; Clayton, David 29 1980 Discriminant analysis with singular covariance matrices: Methods and applications to spectroscopic data. Zbl 0821.62032 Krzanowski, W. J.; Jonathan, P.; McCarthy, W. V.; Thomas, M. R. 29 1995 An efficient method of generating random RxC tables with given row and column totals. (Algorithm AS 159.). Zbl 0467.62050 Patefield, W. M. 28 1981 Bayesian methods in practice: Experiences in the pharmaceutical industry. Zbl 0635.62106 Racine, A.; Grieve, A. P.; Flühler, H.; Smith, A. F. M. 26 1986 Spectral analysis of replicated biomedical time series. (With discussion). Zbl 0893.62108 Diggle, Peter J.; Al Wasel, Ibrahim 26 1997 Some process capability indices are more reliable than one might think. Zbl 0825.62735 Kotz, S.; Pearn, W. L.; Johnson, N. L. 26 1993 Weights for one-sided multivariate inference. Zbl 0436.62004 Bohrer, Robert; Chow, Winston 25 1978 Model checking via parametric bootstraps in time series analysis. Zbl 0825.62698 Tsay, R. S. 25 1992 Markov chains with measurement error: Estimating the ”true” course of a marker of the progression of human immunodeficiency virus disease. (With discussion). Zbl 0856.62100 Satten, Glen A.; Longini, Ira M. jun. 25 1996 Multiple imputation for the fatal accident reporting system. Zbl 0825.62984 Heitjan, D. F.; Little, R. J. A. 25 1991 Straight lines with a change-point: A Bayesian analysis of some renal transplant data. Zbl 0432.62076 Smith, A. F. M.; Cook, D. G. 24 1980 How reliable is your capability index? Zbl 0707.62205 Bissell, A. F. 24 1990 A combined approach to contingency table analysis using correspondence analysis and log-linear analysis. Zbl 0707.62114 van der Heijden, Peter G. M.; de Antoine, Falguerolles; De Leeuw, Jan 24 1989 A fast algorithm for the exact likelihood of autoregressive-moving average models. Zbl 0548.65098 Mélard, G. 23 1984 Graphical representation of asymmetric matrices. Zbl 0436.62049 Constantine, A. G.; Gower, J. C. 22 1978 Analysis of ordinal paired comparison data. Zbl 0825.62628 Agresti, A. 22 1992 Multiple-group logistic regression diagnostics. Zbl 0707.62151 Lesaffre, E.; Albert, A. 21 1989 Computer generation of distributions on the m-sphere. Zbl 0547.65095 Ulrich, Gary 20 1984 Graphical comparison of nonparametric curves. Zbl 0858.62003 Bowman, Adrian; Young, Stuart 20 1996 Regression analysis of tumour prevalence data. Zbl 0552.62077 Dinse, Gregg E.; Lagakos, S. W. 19 1983 A kernel estimate for the density of a biological population by using line transect sampling. Zbl 0856.62095 Chen, Song Xi 19 1996 Fitting density functions with polynomials. Zbl 0825.62433 Buckland, S. T. 18 1992 A frailty mixture model for estimating vaccine efficacy. Zbl 0875.62571 Longini, Ira M. jun.; Halloran, M. Elizabeth 18 1996 A three-state multiplicative model for rodent tumorigenicity experiments. Zbl 0825.62884 Lindsey, J. C.; Ryan, L. M. 18 1993 Tests for many outliers in an exponential sample. Zbl 0501.62077 Kimber, A. C. 17 1982 Selection of dose levels for estimating a percentage point of a logistic quantal response curve. Zbl 0429.62077 Tsutakawa, Robert K. 17 1980 Estimation problems with data from a mixture. Zbl 0437.62036 Murray, G. D.; Titterington, D. M. 17 1978 A Bayesian analysis of a change in the precision of a sequence of independent normal random variables at an unknown time point. Zbl 0471.62035 Menzefricke, Ulrich 17 1981 Adaptive nonparametric procedures and applications. Zbl 0675.62035 Hill, N. J.; Padmanabhan, A. R.; Puri, Madan L. 17 1988 Fitting Cox’s regression model to survival data using GLIM. Zbl 0471.62105 Whitehead, John 16 1980 Pan’s procedure for the tail probabilities of the Durbin-Watson statistic. Zbl 0475.62044 Farebrother, R. W. 16 1980 Maximum likelihood estimation of the RC(M) association model. Zbl 0715.62111 Becker, Mark P. 16 1990 An algorithm for simulating stationary Gaussian random fields. Zbl 0913.65142 Chan, Grace; Wood, Andrew T. A. 16 1997 Modelling the extraneous variance in the presence of extra-binomial variation. Zbl 0613.62133 Moore, Dirk F. 16 1987 Analysis of a three-dimensional point pattern with replication. Zbl 0825.62476 Baddeley, A. J.; Moyeed, R. A.; Howard, C. V.; Boyde, A. 16 1993 Exact tests for trends in ordered contingency tables. Zbl 0483.62043 Patefield, W. M. 15 1982 Robust procedures in multivariate analysis II. Robust canonical variate analysis. Zbl 0497.62035 Campbell, N. A. 15 1982 Optimization of one-dimensional multimodal functions. Zbl 0442.93059 Zilinskas, A. 15 1978 Markov chain Monte Carlo methods for fitting spatiotemporal stochastic models in plant epidemiology. Zbl 0903.62088 Gibson, Gavin J. 15 1997 Poisson regression with misclassified counts: Application to cervical cancer mortality rates. Zbl 0825.62868 Whittemore, A. S.; Gong, G. 15 1991 Generating Monte Carlo confidence intervals by the Robbins-Monro process. Zbl 0825.62989 Garthwaite, P. H.; Buckland, S. T. 15 1992 Birth defects registered by double sampling: A Bayesian approach incorporating covariates and model uncertainty. Zbl 0821.62092 York, Jeremy; Madigan, David; Heuch, Ivar; Lie, Rolv Terje 15 1995 Statistical and computational aspects of mixed model analysis. Zbl 0568.62067 Dempster, Arthur P.; Patel, Chandu M.; Selwyn, Murray R.; Roth, Arthur J. 14 1984 Incorporating overlap effects from neighbouring units into response surface models. Zbl 0458.62070 Draper, Norman R.; Guttman, Irwin 14 1980 The null distribution of a test for two upper outliers in an exponential sample. Zbl 0464.62015 Kimber, A. C.; Stevens, H. J. 14 1981 Amalgamation of means in the case of simple ordering. Zbl 0467.62005 Cran, G. W. 14 1980 Bounds for the distribution of the run length of geometric moving average charts. Zbl 0608.62127 Waldmann, K.-H. 14 1986 Mapping disease and mortality rates using empirical Bayes estimators. Zbl 0825.62872 Marshall, R. J. 14 1991 Simple moment estimates of the \(k\)-coefficient and its variance. Zbl 0825.62891 Lipsitz, S. R.; Laird, N. M.; Brennan, T. A. 14 1994 Generation of random orthogonal matrices. Zbl 0433.65006 Heiberger, Richard M. 13 1978 Quantile regression methods for longitudinal data with drop-outs: Application to CD4 cell counts of patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus. Zbl 0908.62114 Lipsitz, Stuart R.; Fitzmaurice, Garrett M.; Molenberghs, Geert; Zhao, Lue Ping 40 1997 Bayesian model averaging in proportional hazard models: Assessing the risk of a stroke. Zbl 0903.62093 Volinsky, Chris T.; Madigan, David; Raftery, Adrian E.; Kronmal, Richard A. 34 1997 Spectral analysis of replicated biomedical time series. (With discussion). Zbl 0893.62108 Diggle, Peter J.; Al Wasel, Ibrahim 26 1997 An algorithm for simulating stationary Gaussian random fields. Zbl 0913.65142 Chan, Grace; Wood, Andrew T. A. 16 1997 Markov chain Monte Carlo methods for fitting spatiotemporal stochastic models in plant epidemiology. Zbl 0903.62088 Gibson, Gavin J. 15 1997 Nonlinear Fourier time series analysis for human brain mapping by functional magnetic resonance imaging. (With discussion). Zbl 0898.92020 Lange, Nicholas; Zeger, Scott L. 13 1997 The effect of treatment compliance in a placebo-controlled trial: Regression with unpaired data. Zbl 0886.62104 Goetghebeur, Els; Lapp, Krista 7 1997 Estimation in multivariate log-normal diffusion processes with exogenous factors. Zbl 1109.62332 Gutiérrez Jáimez, R.; González Carmona, A.; Torres, Ruiz F. 6 1997 Algorithm AS 311: The exact likelihood function of a vector autoregressive moving average model. Zbl 1063.62573 Mauricio, José Alberto 5 1997 Highest posterior density credible region and minimum area confidence region: The bivariate case. Zbl 0904.62040 Turkkan, N.; Pham-Gia, T. 4 1997 Algorithm AS310: Computing the non-central beta distribution function. Zbl 1063.65514 Chattamvelli, R.; Shanmugam, R. 3 1997 Statistics for extreme sea currents. Zbl 0908.62120 Robinson, Michael E.; Tawn, Jonathan A. 3 1997 Algorithm AS 317: Maximum likelihood estimation and goodness-of-fit tests for mixtures of distributions. Zbl 1007.62505 Agha, M.; Branker, D. S. 2 1997 Algorithm AS 318: An efficient recursive algorithm for computing the distribution function and non-centrality parameter of the non-central \(F\)-distribution. Zbl 0900.65413 Tiwari, Ram C.; Yang, Jie 2 1997 An exact Hollander bivariate symmetry test. Zbl 1109.62322 Hilton, Joan F.; Gee, Lauren 1 1997 Graphical techniques for selecting explanatory variables for time series data. Zbl 0908.62001 Marriott, J. M.; Pettitt, A. N. 1 1997 Bivariate location depth. Zbl 0905.62002 Rousseeuw, Peter J.; Ruts, Ida 59 1996 An analysis of paediatric CD4 counts for acquired immune deficiency syndrome using flexible random curves. Zbl 0875.62574 Shi, Minggao; Weiss, Robert E.; Taylor, Jeremy M. G. 44 1996 Markov chains with measurement error: Estimating the ”true” course of a marker of the progression of human immunodeficiency virus disease. (With discussion). Zbl 0856.62100 Satten, Glen A.; Longini, Ira M. jun. 25 1996 Graphical comparison of nonparametric curves. Zbl 0858.62003 Bowman, Adrian; Young, Stuart 20 1996 A kernel estimate for the density of a biological population by using line transect sampling. Zbl 0856.62095 Chen, Song Xi 19 1996 A frailty mixture model for estimating vaccine efficacy. Zbl 0875.62571 Longini, Ira M. jun.; Halloran, M. Elizabeth 18 1996 Goodness-of-fit tests for ordinal response regression models. Zbl 0875.62572 Lipsitz, Stuart R.; Fitzmaurice, Garrett M.; Molenberghs, Geert 12 1996 Variables selection using the Wald test and a robust \(C_p\). Zbl 1076.62512 Sommer, Suzanne; Huggins, Richard M. 12 1996 Appropriate critical values when testing for a single multivariate outlier by using the Mahalanobis distance. Zbl 1076.62528 Penny, Kay I. 6 1996 An analysis of correlated multivariate binary data: Application to familial cancers of the ovary and breast. Zbl 0900.62601 Betensky, Rebecca A.; Whittemore, Alice S. 5 1996 Average run lengths for cumulative sum control charts under linear trend. (Algorithm 305). Zbl 0901.62123 Gan, F. F. 5 1996 Uncertainty in expert predictions of the ecological consequences of forest plans. Zbl 1070.62521 Alho, Juha M.; Kangas, Jyrki; Kolehmainen, Osmo 5 1996 A multiple-imputation analysis of a case-control study of the risk of primary cardiac arrest among pharmacologically treated hypertensives. Zbl 0897.62122 Raghunathan, Trivellore E.; Siscovick, David S. 3 1996 Dispersion measures and analysis for factorial directional data with replicates. Zbl 1076.62527 Anderson, Christine M.; Wu, C. F. Jeff 3 1996 Relationship between missing data likelihoods and complete data restricted likelihoods for regression time series models: An application to total ozone data. Zbl 1076.62549 Basu, Sabyasachi; Reinsel, Gregory C. 3 1996 Hearing impairment and the log-normal distribution. Zbl 0875.62573 Bowater, R. J.; Copas, J. B.; Machado, O. A.; Davis, A. C. 2 1996 Row-column factorial designs for use in agricultural field trials. Zbl 1076.62543 Williams, E. R.; John, J. A. 2 1996 Combined generalized linear modelling – nonlinear programming approach to robust process design – A case-study in circuit board quality improvement. Zbl 1076.62569 Brinkley, P. A.; Meyer, K. P.; Lu, J. C. 2 1996 Estimating genomic category probabilities from fluorescent in Situ hybridization counts with misclassification. Zbl 0900.62602 Thall, Peter F.; Jacoby, Derek; Zimmerman, Stuart O. 1 1996 A comparative analysis of the performance of Taguchi’s linear graphs for the design of two-level fractional factorials. Zbl 0875.62391 Bisgaard, Søren 1 1996 Multiple isotonic regression. (Algorithm AS 302). Zbl 0949.62501 Shi, Ningzhong; Geng, Zhi 1 1996 Adaptive rejection Metropolis sampling within Gibbs sampling. Zbl 0893.62110 Gilks, W. R.; Best, N. G.; Tan, K. K. C. 149 1995 Bayesian inference for masked system lifetime data. Zbl 0821.62067 Reiser, B.; Guttman, I.; Lin, Dennis K. J.; Guess, Frank M.; Usher, John S. 36 1995 Discriminant analysis with singular covariance matrices: Methods and applications to spectroscopic data. Zbl 0821.62032 Krzanowski, W. J.; Jonathan, P.; McCarthy, W. V.; Thomas, M. R. 29 1995 Birth defects registered by double sampling: A Bayesian approach incorporating covariates and model uncertainty. Zbl 0821.62092 York, Jeremy; Madigan, David; Heuch, Ivar; Lie, Rolv Terje 15 1995 A functional data analysis of the pinch force of human fingers. Zbl 0821.62085 Ramsay, J. O.; Wang, X.; Flanagan, R. 11 1995 Application of the parametric bootstrap to models that incorporate a singular value decomposition. Zbl 0821.62030 Milan, Luis; Whittaker, Joe 11 1995 An application of Bradley-Terry-type models to the measurement of pain. Zbl 0821.62081 Matthews, J. N. S.; Morris, K. P. 10 1995 A model for binary time series data with serial odds ratio patterns. Zbl 0821.62074 Fitzmaurice, Garrett M.; Lipsitz, Stuart R. 9 1995 Non-uniqueness and inversions in cluster analysis. Zbl 0821.62036 Morgan, Byron J. T.; Ray, Andrew P. G. 9 1995 Fitting parametric counting processes by using log-linear models. Zbl 0821.62080 Lindsey, J. K. 9 1995 Three-dimensional projection pursuit. Zbl 0893.62063 Nason, Guy 8 1995 Sampling distributions of relative poverty statistics. Zbl 0821.62099 Preston, Ian 8 1995 Optimum dose levels when males and females differ in response. Zbl 0821.62071 Atkinson, A. C.; Demetrio, C. G. B.; Zocchi, S. S. 6 1995 Exact conditional tests of quasi-independence of triangular contingency tables: Estimating attained significance levels. Zbl 0821.62028 McDonald, J. W.; Smith, P. W. F. 5 1995 Three-stage designs for seed testing experiments. Zbl 0821.62086 Ridout, M. S. 5 1995 Applications of the EM algorithm to the analysis of life length data. Zbl 0850.62717 Ramon, José; Albert, G.; Baxter, Laurence A. 4 1995 Stopping rules for sequences of factorial designs. Zbl 0850.62630 Gilmour, S. G.; Mead, R. 3 1995 A one-step Gauss-Newton estimator for modelling categorical data with extraneous variation. Zbl 0821.62083 Morel, Jorge G.; Koehler, Kenneth J. 3 1995 Nonparametric estimation of survival distributions with censored initiating time, and censored and truncated terminating time: Application to transfusion data for acquired immune deficiency syndrome. Zbl 0822.62092 Tu, Xin Ming 2 1995 Marginal modelling of categorical data from crossover experiments. Zbl 0821.62072 Balagtas, Cecile C.; Becker, Mark P.; Lang, Joseph B. 2 1995 Analysing categorical responses obtained from large clusters. Zbl 0821.62082 Miller, Michael E. 2 1995 Maximum likelihood estimation and mathematica. Zbl 0850.65384 Currie, Iain D. 1 1995 Informative drop-out in longitudinal data analysis. Zbl 0825.62010 Diggle, P.; Kenward, M. G. 322 1994 Statistical methods for multivariate extremes: An application to structural design. Zbl 0825.62717 Coles, S. G.; Tawn, J. A. 64 1994 Bayesian retrospective multiple-changepoint identification. Zbl 0825.62412 Stephens, D. A. 52 1994 Bayesian analysis of linear and nonlinear population models by using the Gibbs sampler. Zbl 0825.62410 Wakefield, J. C.; Smith, A. F. M.; Racine-Poon, A.; Gelfand, A. E. 48 1994 Logistic regression for correlated binary data. Zbl 0825.62509 le Cessie, S.; van Houwelingen, J. C. 47 1994 Estimation and modelling repeated patterns in high order Markov chains with the mixture transition distribution model. Zbl 0825.62667 Raftery, A.; Tavaré, S. 46 1994 Use of modified profile likelihood for improved tests of constancy of variance in regression. Zbl 0825.62585 Simonoff, J. S.; Tsai, C.-L. 41 1994 Simple moment estimates of the \(k\)-coefficient and its variance. Zbl 0825.62891 Lipsitz, S. R.; Laird, N. M.; Brennan, T. A. 14 1994 Tests of linearity, multivariate normality and the adequacy of linear scores. Zbl 0825.62490 Cox, D. R.; Wermuth, N. 13 1994 Directional modelling of extreme wind speeds. Zbl 0825.62995 Coles, S. G.; Walshaw, D. 13 1994 Fully Bayesian approach to image restoration with an application in biogeography. Zbl 0825.62413 Heikkinen, J.; Högmander, H. 13 1994 Dose-reponse models for corelated multinomial data from developmental toxicity studies. Zbl 0825.62894 Zhu, Y.; Krewski, D.; Ross, W. H. 8 1994 Subject-specific and population-averaged continuation ratio logit models for multiple discrete time survival profiles. Zbl 0825.62923 Ten Have, Thomas R.; Uttal, David H. 7 1994 Time series analysis of catch-at age observations. Zbl 0825.62683 Gudmundsson, G. 4 1994 A dynamic changepoint model for detecting the onset of growth in bacteriological infections. Zbl 0825.62893 Whittaker, Joe; Frúhwirth-Schnatter, S. 3 1994 A classification of pure malt Scotch Whiskies. Zbl 0825.62542 Lapointe, F.-J.; Legendre, P. 2 1994 Spatial clustering: Using simple summaries of seismic data to find the edge of an oil-field. Zbl 0825.62543 Walden, A. T. 1 1994 Least squares with simulated means for a problem in fibre strength testing. Zbl 0825.62716 Crowder, M. 1 1994 Modelling risk ratios from matched cohort data: An estimating equation approach. Zbl 0825.62889 Greenland, S. 1 1994 Bayesian estimation of the binomial parameter \(n\). Zbl 0825.62411 Wiper, M. P.; Pettit, L. I. 1 1994 Bayesian inference for generalized linear and proportional hazards models via Gibbs sampling. Zbl 0825.62409 Dellaportas, P.; Smith, A. F. M. 40 1993 Estimation of principal points. Zbl 0825.62524 Flury, B. D. 33 1993 Some process capability indices are more reliable than one might think. Zbl 0825.62735 Kotz, S.; Pearn, W. L.; Johnson, N. L. 26 1993 A three-state multiplicative model for rodent tumorigenicity experiments. Zbl 0825.62884 Lindsey, J. C.; Ryan, L. M. 18 1993 Analysis of a three-dimensional point pattern with replication. Zbl 0825.62476 Baddeley, A. J.; Moyeed, R. A.; Howard, C. V.; Boyde, A. 16 1993 Improved added variable and partial residual plots for the detection of influential observations in generalized linear models. Zbl 0825.62616 O’Hara Hines, R. J.; Carter, E. M. 11 1993 Testing and ajusting for departures from nominal dispersion in generalized linear models. Zbl 0825.62615 Smith, Philip J.; Heitjan, D. F. 11 1993 A bivariate Cramér-von Mises type of test for spatial randomness. Zbl 0825.62466 Zimmerman, D. L. 11 1993 Modelling the probability of leaving unemployement: Competing risks models with flexible base-line hazards. Zbl 0825.62964 Narendranathan, W.; Stewart, M. B. 10 1993 A graphical approach for evaluating mixture designs. Zbl 0825.62648 Vining, G. G.; Cornell, J. A.; Myers, R. H. 9 1993 Modelling spatial patterns of trees attacked by bark-beetles. Zbl 0825.62888 Preisler, H. 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