Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & ApplicationsAn International Multidisciplinary Journal Short Title: Nonlinear Anal., Theory Methods Appl. Publisher: Elsevier Science Ltd. (Pergamon), Oxford ISSN: 0362-546X Online: Successor: Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and MethodsNonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications Comments: Journal; No longer indexed Documents Indexed: 3,942 Publications (1976–1999) References Indexed: 3,755 Publications with 54,329 References. all top 5 Latest Issues 38, No. 8, A (1999) 38, No. 7, A (1999) 38, No. 6, A (1999) 38, No. 5, B (1999) 38, No. 4, A (1999) 38, No. 3, A (1999) 38, No. 2, A (1999) 38, No. 1, B (1999) 37, No. 8, A (1999) 37, No. 7, A (1999) 37, No. 6, A (1999) 37, No. 5, B (1999) 37, No. 4, A (1999) 37, No. 3, A (1999) 37, No. 2, A (1999) 37, No. 1, B (1999) 36, No. 8, A (1999) 36, No. 7, A (1999) 36, No. 6, B (1999) 36, No. 5, B (1999) 36, No. 4, A (1999) 36, No. 3, A (1999) 36, No. 2, A (1999) 36, No. 1, A (1999) 35, No. 8, B (1999) 35, No. 7, A (1999) 35, No. 6, A (1999) 35, No. 5, A (1999) 35, No. 4, A (1999) 35, No. 3, A (1999) 35, No. 2, A (1999) 35, No. 1, B (1999) 34, No. 7 (1998) 34, No. 6 (1998) 34, No. 5 (1998) 34, No. 4 (1998) 34, No. 3 (1998) 34, No. 2 (1998) 34, No. 1 (1998) 33, No. 7 (1998) 33, No. 6 (1998) 33, No. 5 (1998) 33, No. 4 (1998) 33, No. 3 (1998) 33, No. 2 (1998) 33, No. 1 (1998) 32, No. 7 (1998) 32, No. 6 (1998) 32, No. 5 (1998) 32, No. 4 (1998) 32, No. 3 (1998) 32, No. 2 (1998) 32, No. 1 (1998) 31, No. 7 (1998) 31, No. 5-6 (1998) 31, No. 3-4 (1998) 31, No. 1-2 (1998) 30, No. 8 (1997) 30, No. 7 (1997) 30, No. 6 (1997) 30, No. 5 (1997) 30, No. 4 (1997) 30, No. 3 (1997) 30, No. 2 (1997) 30, No. 1 (1997) 29, No. 12 (1997) 29, No. 11 (1997) 29, No. 10 (1997) 29, No. 9 (1997) 29, No. 8 (1997) 29, No. 7 (1997) 29, No. 6 (1997) 29, No. 5 (1997) 29, No. 4 (1997) 29, No. 3 (1997) 29, No. 2 (1997) 29, No. 1 (1997) 28, No. 12 (1997) 28, No. 11 (1997) 28, No. 10 (1997) 28, No. 9 (1997) 28, No. 8 (1997) 28, No. 7 (1997) 28, No. 6 (1997) 28, No. 5 (1997) 28, No. 4 (1997) 28, No. 3 (1997) 28, No. 2 (1997) 28, No. 1 (1997) 27, No. 12 (1996) 27, No. 11 (1996) 27, No. 10 (1996) 27, No. 9 (1996) 27, No. 8 (1996) 27, No. 7 (1996) 27, No. 6 (1996) 27, No. 5 (1996) 27, No. 4 (1996) 27, No. 3 (1996) 27, No. 2 (1996) ...and 189 more Volumes all top 5 Authors 49 Lakshmikantham, Vangipuram 21 O’Regan, Donal 17 Heikkilä, Seppo V. 16 Altman, Mieczyslaw 15 Bellman, Richard Ernest 15 Kartsatos, Athanassios G. 15 Leela, Srinivasa G. 14 Agarwal, Ravi P. 14 Gupta, Chaitan P. 14 Walter, Wolfgang 14 Yuan, George Xian-Zhi 13 Reich, Simeon 12 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 12 Lazer, Alan C. 12 Peletier, Lambertus Adrianus 12 Takahashi, Wataru 12 Xu, Hong-Kun 11 Hirano, Norimichi 11 Kaul, Saroop K. 11 Pao, Chia-Ven 11 Petryshyn, Walter Wolodymyr 10 Dancer, Edward Norman 10 Deimling, Klaus 10 Fitzgibbon, William Edward 10 Friedman, Avner 10 Kalaba, Robert E. 10 McKenna, Patrick Joseph 10 Payne, Lawrence Edward 10 Pinto, Manuel 9 Brown, Kenneth J. 9 Carl, Siegfried 9 Hale, Jack Kenneth 9 Krasnosel’skiĭ, Aleksandr Markovich 9 Nakao, Mitsuhiro 9 Solimini, Sergio 9 Tan, Kok-Keong 8 Ahmad, Shair 8 Ahmed, Nasir Uddin 8 Barbu, Viorel 8 Bertsch, Michiel 8 Borwein, Jonathan Michael 8 Chan, Chiu Yeung 8 Feireisl, Eduard 8 Gilbert, Robert Pertsch 8 Abreu Goncalves, Jose Valdo 8 Ledzewicz, Urszula 8 Li, Yong 8 Lions, Pierre-Louis 8 Mawhin, Jean 8 Tarafdar, Enayet U. 8 Torrejón, Ricardo M. 8 Zecca, Pietro 7 Appell, Jürgen 7 Boccardo, Lucio 7 Burton, Theodore Allen 7 Cañada Villar, Antonio 7 Díaz Díaz, Jesús Ildefonso 7 Erbe, Lynn Harry 7 Fečkan, Michal 7 Graef, John R. 7 Guo, Dajun 7 Henderson, Johnny Lee 7 Kannan, Rangachary 7 Kirk, William Arthur 7 Korman, Philip L. 7 Lasiecka, Irena 7 Li, Shujie 7 López-Gómez, Julián 7 Manasevich, Raul F. 7 Miyagaki, Olimpio Hiroshi 7 Nieto Roig, Juan Jose 7 Papageorgiou, Nikolaos S. 7 Park, Sehie 7 Parrott, Mary E. 7 Pavel, Nicolae H. 7 Penot, Jean-Paul 7 Schmitt, Klaus 7 Shivaji, Ratnasingham 7 Swanson, Charles A. 7 Xu, Xiangsheng 7 Zanolin, Fabio 7 Zheng, Songmu 6 Arino, Ovide 6 Berkovits, Juha 6 Cabada, Alberto 6 Castro, Alfonso 6 Chukwu, Ethelbert Nwakuche 6 Da Prato, Giuseppe 6 Ding, Jiu 6 Dinh The Luc 6 Drábek, Pavel 6 Elaydi, Saber Nasr 6 Freedman, Herbert Irving 6 Gossez, Jean-Pierre 6 Guo, Jong-Shenq 6 Hilhorst, Danielle 6 Howes, Frederick A. 6 Hu, Shouchuan 6 Karakostas, George L. 6 Krasnosel’skiĭ, Mark Aleksandrovich ...and 3,332 more Authors all top 5 Fields 1,533 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1,113 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 641 Operator theory (47-XX) 401 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 229 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 221 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 217 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 201 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 191 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 182 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 166 Functional analysis (46-XX) 145 Integral equations (45-XX) 119 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 97 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 86 General topology (54-XX) 79 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 79 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 67 Real functions (26-XX) 58 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 53 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 46 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 39 Computer science (68-XX) 36 Differential geometry (53-XX) 36 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 33 Statistics (62-XX) 29 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 25 Measure and integration (28-XX) 18 Geophysics (86-XX) 17 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 15 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 15 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 14 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 14 Quantum theory (81-XX) 10 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 9 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 7 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 7 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 7 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 6 Potential theory (31-XX) 6 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 6 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 5 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 4 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 4 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 3 Number theory (11-XX) 3 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 3 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 3 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 3 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 3 Geometry (51-XX) 2 History and biography (01-XX) 2 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 2 Combinatorics (05-XX) 2 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 2 Special functions (33-XX) 1 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 1 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 1 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 3,284 Publications have been cited 51,524 times in 37,957 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Boundary regularity for solutions of degenerate elliptic equations. Zbl 0675.35042 Lieberman, Gary M. 797 1988 Inequalities in Banach spaces with applications. Zbl 0757.46033 Xu, Hong-Kun 768 1991 \(C^{1+\alpha}\) local regularity of weak solutions of degenerate elliptic equations. Zbl 0539.35027 DiBenedetto, E. 679 1983 Abstract critical point theorems and applications to some nonlinear problems with ”strong” resonance at infinity. Zbl 0522.58012 Bartolo, P.; Benci, V.; Fortunato, D. 525 1983 Existence of solutions with prescribed norm for semilinear elliptic equations. Zbl 0877.35091 Jeanjean, Louis 429 1997 The Choquard equation and related questions. Zbl 0453.47042 Lions, Pierre-Louis 429 1980 The Cauchy problem for the critical nonlinear Schrödinger equation in \(H^ s\). Zbl 0706.35127 Cazenave, Thierry; Weissler, Fred B. 413 1990 Nonlinear elliptic boundary-value problems in unbounded domains. Zbl 0780.35044 Pao, C. V. 335 1992 Some remarks on non local elliptic and parabolic problems. 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Zbl 0920.35057 Benkirane, A.; Elmahi, A. 61 1999 A density result in SBV with respect to non-isotropic energies. Zbl 0939.49024 Cortesani, Guido; Toader, Rodica 60 1999 Conservation laws with vanishing nonlinear diffusion and dispersion. Zbl 0923.35159 LeFloch, Philippe G.; Natalini, Roberto 58 1999 Impulsive stabilization of functional differential equations by Lyapunov-Razumikhin functions. Zbl 0951.34049 Yan, Jurang; Shen, Jianhua 55 1999 Razumikhin techniques in impulsive functional differential equations. Zbl 0939.34071 Shen, J. H. 52 1999 Existence results for the problem \((\varphi(u'))'= f(t,u,u')\) with nonlinear boundary conditions. Zbl 0920.34029 Cabada, Alberto; Pouso, Rodrigo L. 52 1999 A survey of subdifferential calculus with applications. Zbl 0933.49006 Borwein, Jonathan M.; Zhu, Qiji J. 49 1999 On essential components of the set of Nash equilibrium points. Zbl 0967.91004 Yu, Jian; Xiang, Shuwen 45 1999 Global stability of discrete models of Lotka-Volterra type. Zbl 0919.92030 Wang, Wendi; Lu, Zhengyi 44 1999 Strong maximum principles for supersolutions of quasilinear elliptic equations. Zbl 0930.35074 Montenegro, Marcelo 44 1999 Infinitely many homoclinic orbits of a Hamiltonian system with symmetry. Zbl 0938.37034 Ding, Yanheng; Girardi, Mario 42 1999 A Lyapunov characterization of robust stabilization. Zbl 0947.34054 Ledyaev, Yuri S.; Sontag, Eduardo D. 41 1999 Large solutions of semilinear elliptic problems. Zbl 0932.35081 Lair, Alan V.; Wood, Aihua W. 39 1999 Uniqueness criterion of weak solutions to the stationary Navier-Stokes equations in exterior domains. Zbl 0934.35123 Kozono, Hideo; Yamazaki, Masao 38 1999 A weighted equation approach to decay rate estimates for the Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 0941.35066 Takahashi, Shuji 36 1999 A note on existence of nonnegative solutions to singular semi-positone problems. Zbl 0921.34027 Agarwal, Ravi P.; O’Regan, Donal 35 1999 Theory and applications of Hopf bifurcations in symmetric functional differential equations. Zbl 0917.58027 Krawcewicz, Wiesław; Wu, Jianhong 34 1999 Existence and uniform decay of solutions of a degenerate equation with nonlinear boundary damping and boundary memory source term. Zbl 0933.35157 Cavalcanti, M. M.; Domingos Cavalcanti, V. N.; Prates Filho, J. S.; Soriano, J. A. 34 1999 Hamiltonian symmetric groups and multiple periodic solutions to delay differential equations. Zbl 0920.34061 Li, Jibin; He, Xue-Zhong; Liu, Zhengrong 33 1999 A class of evolution hemivariational inequalities. Zbl 0920.47056 Liu, Zhenhai 32 1999 Extremal solutions of a discontinuous scalar differential equation. Zbl 0949.34005 Hassan, Ezzat Ramadan; Rzymowski, Witold 32 1999 Global asymptotic stability of a predator-prey system of Holling type. Zbl 0984.34043 Sugie, Jitsuro; Katayama, Masaki 32 1999 Fixed point theory in symmetric spaces with applications to probabilistic spaces. Zbl 0947.54022 Hicks, Troy L.; Rhoades, B. E. 31 1999 Existence of quasiperiodic solutions and Littlewood’s boundedness problem of Duffing equations with subquadratic potentials. Zbl 0927.34021 Küpper, Tassilo; You, Jiangong 30 1999 The metallic means family and multifractal spectra. Zbl 0931.28007 de Spinadel, Vera W. 30 1999 Persistence and global stability for two-species nonautonomous competition Lotka-Volterra patch-system with time delay. Zbl 0949.34060 Zhang, Jingru; Chen, Lansun; Chen, Xiu Dong 30 1999 A criterion for existence of positive solutions of systems of retarded functional differential equations. Zbl 0935.34061 Diblík, Josef 30 1999 Existence theory for nonlinear Fredholm and Volterra integral equations on half-open intervals. Zbl 0920.45006 Meehan, Maria; O’Regan, Donal 28 1999 On parabolic hemivariational inequalities and applications. Zbl 0923.35089 Miettinen, M.; Panagiotopoulos, P. D. 28 1999 The discrete Markus-Yamabe problem. Zbl 0919.34042 Cima, Anna; Gasull, Armengol; Mañosas, Francesc 27 1999 A nonlinear suspension bridge equation with nonconstant load. Zbl 0934.74031 Choi, Q. Heung; Jung, Tacksun 27 1999 On weak solutions for an evolution equation with exponential nonlinearities. Zbl 0940.35033 Ma, T. F.; Soriano, J. A. 27 1999 Self-similar large time behavior of solutions to Korteweg-de Vries-Burgers equation. Zbl 0923.35158 Karch, Grzegorz 26 1999 Asymptotic behavior for an SIS epidemic model and its approximation. Zbl 0921.92029 Iannelli, Mimmo; Kim, Mi-Young; Park, Eun-Jae 25 1999 \(G\)-convergence of parabolic operators. Zbl 0933.35020 Svanstedt, Nils 25 1999 Coderivatives of multivalued mappings, locally compact cones and metric regularity. Zbl 0919.46031 Jourani, A.; Thibault, L. 24 1999 Fixed point theorems in hyperconvex metric spaces. Zbl 0930.47023 Park, Sehie 24 1999 Existence and nonexistence of global solutions for the generalized IMBq equation. Zbl 0920.35005 Chen, Guowang; Wang, Shubin 23 1999 Second order impulsive integro-differential equations on unbounded domains in Banach spaces. Zbl 0917.45010 Guo, Dajun 23 1999 Topological degree and periodic solutions of differential inclusions. Zbl 0936.34009 De Blasi, Francesco S.; Górniewicz, Lech; Pianigiani, Giulio 22 1999 Positive radial solutions of quasilinear elliptic partial differential equations on a ball. Zbl 0924.35047 García-Huidobro, M.; Manásevich, R.; Schmitt, K. 22 1999 Existence and nonexistence of positive radial solutions for a class of semilinear elliptic systems. Zbl 0934.34011 Chen, Shaohua; Lu, Guozhen 22 1999 Positive solutions to semilinear problems with coefficients that changes sign. Zbl 0930.35069 Các, Nguyen Phuong; Gatica, Juan A.; Li, Yi 22 1999 Periodic solutions for evolution equations. Zbl 0924.34034 Li, Yong; Cong, Fuzhong; Lin, Zhenghua; Liu, Wenbin 21 1999 Feedback stabilization for a class of distributed semilinear control systems. Zbl 0946.93036 Bounit, H.; Hammouri, H. 21 1999 On a Hartman linearization theorem for a class of ODE with impulse effect. Zbl 0931.34007 Fenner, Julio López; Pinto, Manuel 21 1999 Convergence of generic infinite products of nonexpansive and uniformly continuous operators. Zbl 0932.47043 Reich, Simeon; Zaslavski, Alexander J. 20 1999 Bifurcation of a periodic orbit from infinity in planar piecewise linear vector fields. Zbl 1049.34052 Llibre, Jaume; Ponce, Enrique 20 1999 Bifurcations of periodic orbits, subharmonic solutions and invariant tori of high-dimensional systems. Zbl 0922.34035 Han, Maoan; Jiang, Katie; Green, David jun. 20 1999 Existence results for nonlinear problems with separated boundary conditions. Zbl 0918.34021 Cabada, Alberto; Lois, Susana 19 1999 Nontrivial solutions for resonant cooperative elliptic systems via computations of critical groups. Zbl 0940.35074 Zou, Wenming; Li, Shujie; Liu, J. Q. 19 1999 Stability and instability of solitary waves for a nonlinear dispersive system. Zbl 0923.35153 Alarcon, Eduardo; Angulo, Jaime; Montenegro, Jose F. 18 1999 Strong convergence theorems for nonexpansive type and non-self multi-valued mappings. Zbl 0938.47039 Sahu, D. R. 18 1999 Approximate generalized Hessians and Taylor’s expansions for continuously Gâteaux differentiable functions. Zbl 0931.49011 Jeyakumar, V.; Yang, X. Q. 17 1999 Iterative solutions of nonlinear accretive operator equations in arbitrary Banach spaces. Zbl 0935.47035 Chidume, C. E.; Osilike, M. O. 17 1999 Existence of solutions of the equation \(u_t=\Delta\log u\). Zbl 0936.35098 Hui, Kin Ming 17 1999 The study of equilibria for abstract economics in topological vector spaces – a unified approach. 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Zbl 0929.34022 Kelevedjiev, Petio 13 1999 The blow-up rate for a system of heat equations completely coupled in the boundary conditions. Zbl 0919.35062 Wang, Shu; Xie, Chunhong; Wang, Mingxin 13 1999 Stable curves asymptotic to a degenerate fixed point. Zbl 0918.58064 Fontich, E. 13 1999 On relations and applications of generalized second-order directional derivatives. Zbl 0990.49016 Yang, X. Q. 13 1999 The zero relaxation limit for \(2\times 2\) hyperbolic systems. Zbl 0935.35099 Lattanzio, Corrado; Marcati, Pierangelo 13 1999 On a new type of bifurcation of limit cycles for a planar cubic system. Zbl 0917.34021 Chavarriga, Javier; Giacomini, H.; Giné, Jaume 12 1999 Scalar nonlinear conservation laws with integrable boundary data. Zbl 0919.35081 Ancona, Fabio; Marson, Andrea 12 1999 Excitability of a second-order delay differential equation. Zbl 0945.34048 Wiener, Joseph; Lakshmikantham, V. 12 1999 Existence and uniqueness results for polyharmonic equations. 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