Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen Short Title: Z. Anal. Anwend. Parallel Title: Journal of Analysis and its Applications Publisher: EMS Press, Berlin ISSN: 0232-2064; 1661-4534/e Online: https://ems.press/journals/zaa/readhttps://www.emis.de/journals/ZAA/ Predecessor: Beiträge zur Analysis Comments: Journal; Indexed cover-to-cover Documents Indexed: 1,755 Publications (since 1982) References Indexed: 1,052 Publications with 16,059 References. all top 5 Latest Issues 43, No. 3-4 (2024) 43, No. 1-2 (2024) 42, No. 3-4 (2023) 42, No. 1-2 (2023) 41, No. 3-4 (2022) 41, No. 1-2 (2022) 40, No. 4 (2021) 40, No. 3 (2021) 40, No. 2 (2021) 40, No. 1 (2021) 39, No. 4 (2020) 39, No. 3 (2020) 39, No. 2 (2020) 39, No. 1 (2020) 38, No. 4 (2019) 38, No. 3 (2019) 38, No. 2 (2019) 38, No. 1 (2019) 37, No. 4 (2018) 37, No. 3 (2018) 37, No. 2 (2018) 37, No. 1 (2018) 36, No. 4 (2017) 36, No. 3 (2017) 36, No. 2 (2017) 36, No. 1 (2017) 35, No. 4 (2016) 35, No. 3 (2016) 35, No. 2 (2016) 35, No. 1 (2016) 34, No. 4 (2015) 34, No. 3 (2015) 34, No. 2 (2015) 34, No. 1 (2015) 33, No. 4 (2014) 33, No. 3 (2014) 33, No. 2 (2014) 33, No. 1 (2014) 32, No. 4 (2013) 32, No. 3 (2013) 32, No. 2 (2013) 32, No. 1 (2013) 31, No. 4 (2012) 31, No. 3 (2012) 31, No. 2 (2012) 31, No. 1 (2012) 30, No. 4 (2011) 30, No. 3 (2011) 30, No. 2 (2011) 30, No. 1 (2011) 29, No. 4 (2010) 29, No. 3 (2010) 29, No. 2 (2010) 29, No. 1 (2010) 28, No. 4 (2009) 28, No. 3 (2009) 28, No. 2 (2009) 28, No. 1 (2009) 27, No. 4 (2008) 27, No. 3 (2008) 27, No. 2 (2008) 27, No. 1 (2008) 26, No. 4 (2007) 26, No. 3 (2007) 26, No. 2 (2007) 26, No. 1 (2007) 25, No. 4 (2006) 25, No. 3 (2006) 25, No. 2 (2006) 25, No. 1 (2006) 24, No. 4 (2006) 24, No. 3 (2005) 24, No. 2 (2005) 24, No. 1 (2005) 23, No. 4 (2004) 23, No. 3 (2004) 23, No. 2 (2004) 23, No. 1 (2004) 22, No. 4 (2003) 22, No. 3 (2003) 22, No. 2 (2003) 22, No. 1 (2003) 21, No. 4 (2002) 21, No. 3 (2002) 21, No. 2 (2002) 21, No. 1 (2002) 20, No. 4 (2001) 20, No. 3 (2001) 20, No. 2 (2001) 20, No. 1 (2001) 19, No. 4 (2000) 19, No. 3 (2000) 19, No. 2 (2000) 19, No. 1 (2000) 18, No. 4 (1999) 18, No. 3 (1999) 18, No. 2 (1999) 18, No. 1 (1999) 17, No. 4 (1998) 17, No. 3 (1998) ...and 59 more Volumes all top 5 Authors 26 von Wolfersdorf, Lothar 15 Berg, Lothar 13 O’Regan, Donal 13 Väth, Martin 13 Zabreĭko, Pëtr Petrovich 12 Vainikko, Gennadi 11 Klötzler, Rolf 11 Papageorgiou, Nikolaos S. 10 Appell, Jürgen 10 Kravchenko, Vladislav Viktorovich 9 Maz’ya, Vladimir Gilelevich 9 Müller-Pfeiffer, Erich 9 Tautenhahn, Ulrich 8 Furi, Massimo 8 Janno, Jaan 8 Schimming, Rainer 8 Triebel, Hans 8 Tutschke, Wolfgang 8 Zhou, Yong 7 Agarwal, Ravi P. 7 Begehr, Heinrich 7 Braverman, Elena 7 Fritzsche, Bernd 7 Fuchs, Martin 7 Hoy, Erich 7 Kirstein, Bernd 7 Pera, Maria Patrizia 7 Tatar, Nasser-eddine 7 Trong, Dang Duc 6 Benevieri, Pierluigi 6 D’Aniello, Emma 6 De Pascale, Espedito 6 Edmunds, David Eric 6 Frank, Michael 6 Glaeske, Hans-Jürgen 6 Hoàng Xuân Phù 6 Hofmann, Bernd 6 Hudzik, Henryk 6 Kähler, Uwe 6 Kamont, Zdzisław 6 Leugering, Günter 6 Miersemann, Erich 6 Rakotondratsimba, Yves 6 Shimomura, Tetsu 6 Silbermann, Bernd 6 Sommen, Franciscus 6 Tröltzsch, Fredi 6 Wagner, Eberhard 6 Zhang, Binggen 5 Berezansky, Leonid M. 5 Beyer, Klaus 5 Bolotnikov, Vladimir 5 Böttcher, Albrecht 5 Cobos, Fernando 5 Finn, Robert Samuel 5 Gawinecki, Jerzy August 5 Gilbert, Robert Pertsch 5 Gittel, Hans-Peter 5 Gorenflo, Rudolf 5 Grecksch, Wilfried 5 Gürlebeck, Klaus 5 Hamann, Uwe 5 Huang, Nan-Jing 5 Jentsch, Lothar 5 Kirane, Mokhtar 5 Kogut, Peter I. 5 Krüppel, Manfred 5 Nazarov, Sergeĭ Aleksandrovich 5 Oberguggenberger, Michael B. 5 Pickenhain, Sabine 5 Prössdorf, Siegfried 5 Rabinovich, Vladimir Samuilovich 5 Raitums, Uldis 5 Reitmann, Volker 5 Rösch, Arnd 5 Ruzhansky, Michael V. 5 Schell, Hans-Joachim 5 Schmeisser, Hans-Jürgen 5 Schott, Dieter 5 Stević, Stevo 5 Thandapani, Ethiraju 5 Vignoli, Alfonso 5 Wegert, Elias 5 Wen, Guo Chun 5 Yang, Dachun 4 Alpay, Daniel Aron 4 Boos, Johann 4 Bugajewska, Daria 4 Calamai, Alessandro 4 Carbone, Antonio 4 Chen, Churjen 4 Cui, Yunan 4 Fang, Yaping 4 Fischer, Hans-Jürgen 4 Gasiński, Leszek 4 Göhde, Dietrich 4 Göpfert, Alfred 4 Hencl, Stanislav 4 Katsnel’son, Viktor Èmmanuilovich 4 Kokilashvili, Vakhtang ...and 1,615 more Authors all top 5 Fields 672 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 367 Operator theory (47-XX) 295 Functional analysis (46-XX) 204 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 167 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 151 Integral equations (45-XX) 141 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 120 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 110 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 102 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 100 Real functions (26-XX) 77 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 71 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 69 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 53 Potential theory (31-XX) 53 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 50 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 45 Measure and integration (28-XX) 40 Differential geometry (53-XX) 39 Special functions (33-XX) 34 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 32 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 32 General topology (54-XX) 30 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 27 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 23 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 20 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 19 Number theory (11-XX) 18 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 15 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 15 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 14 Quantum theory (81-XX) 13 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 12 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 11 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 8 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 7 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 7 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 7 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 6 History and biography (01-XX) 6 Combinatorics (05-XX) 6 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 6 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 5 Geophysics (86-XX) 4 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 4 Statistics (62-XX) 4 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 3 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 2 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 2 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 2 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 2 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 2 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 1 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 1 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 1 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 1,203 Publications have been cited 8,236 times in 7,318 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Fractal polynomial interpolation. Zbl 1082.28006 Navascués, M. A. 130 2005 A note on the Poincaré inequality for convex domains. Zbl 1057.26011 Bebendorf, M. 120 2003 Grand and small Lebesgue spaces and their analogs. Zbl 1071.46023 Fiorenza, A.; Karadzhov, G. E. 109 2004 On axially symmetric flows in \(\mathbb{R}^3\). Zbl 0943.35066 Leonardi, S.; Málek, J.; Nečas, J.; Pokorný, M. 97 1999 Hölder inequalities and sharp embeddings in function spaces of \(B_{pq}^ s\) and \(F_{pq}^ s\) type. Zbl 0820.46030 Sickel, W.; Triebel, H. 96 1995 \(W^{2,p}\)- and \(W^{1,p}\)-estimates at the boundary for solutions of fully nonlinear, uniformly elliptic equations. Zbl 1206.35116 Winter, Niki 82 2009 On the asymptotics of nonlinear difference equations. Zbl 1030.39006 Berg, L. 71 2002 Homogenization structures and applications. I. Zbl 1045.46031 Nguetseng, G. 62 2003 Sobolev inequalities on sets with irregular boundaries. Zbl 0959.46020 Kilpeläinen, T.; Malý, J. 55 2000 Modulation spaces on the Euclidean n-space. Zbl 0521.46026 Triebel, Hans 52 1983 Degenerate parabolic differential equations of fourth order and a plasticity model with nonlocal hardening. Zbl 0835.35061 Grün, G. 51 1995 An inhomogeneous, \(L^2\)-critical, nonlinear Schrödinger equation. Zbl 1251.35146 Genoud, François 51 2012 Variable order differential equations with piecewise constant order-function and diffusion with changing modes. Zbl 1181.35359 Umarov, Sabir; Steinberg, Stanly 51 2009 Composition operators between \(H^\infty\) and \(a\)-Bloch spaces on the polydisc. Zbl 1118.47015 Stević, Stevo 49 2006 Extremal inequalities in Sobolev spaces and quasiconformal mappings. Zbl 0577.46038 Iwaniec, T. 48 1982 Linear \(q\)-difference equations. Zbl 1143.39009 Abu Risha, M. H.; Annaby, M. H.; Ismail, M. E. H.; Mansour, Z. S. 47 2007 On Sobolev theorem for Riesz-type potentials in Lebesgue spaces with variable exponent. Zbl 1040.42013 Kokilashvili, Vakhtang; Samko, Stefan 47 2003 Homogenization of the Poisson equation in a thick periodic junction. Zbl 0938.35021 Mel’nyk, T. A. 47 1999 On optimal regularization methods for the backward heat equation. Zbl 0848.65044 Tautenhahn, U.; Schröter, T. 46 1996 On the parabolicity of the Muskat problem: Well-posedness, fingering, and stability results. Zbl 1223.35199 Escher, Joachim; Matioc, Bogdan-Vasile 46 2011 Approximation of Lévy-Feller diffusion by random walk. Zbl 0948.60006 Gorenflo, R.; Mainardi, F. 45 1999 Long time behavior of solutions to the Caginalp system with singular potential. Zbl 1128.35021 Grasselli, Maurizio; Petzeltová, Hana; Schimperna, Giulio 44 2006 Which functions are fractionally differentiable? Zbl 1351.26018 Vainikko, Gennadi 43 2016 Two non-zero solutions for elliptic Dirichlet problems. Zbl 1352.49008 Bonanno, Gabriele; D’Aguí, Giuseppina 42 2016 On a generalization of Fueter’s theorem. Zbl 1030.30039 Sommen, F. 41 2000 Fractal interpolation functions from \(R^ n\) into \(R^ m\) and their projections. Zbl 0777.41022 Hardin, D. P.; Massopust, P. R. 40 1993 The Schwarz problem for polyanalytic functions. Zbl 1089.30040 Begehr, H.; Schmersau, D. 40 2005 Cauchy and nonlocal multi-point problems for distributed order pseudo-differential equations. I. Zbl 1100.35132 Umarov, Sabir; Gorenflo, Rudolf 40 2005 Fractional \(p \& q\) Laplacian problems in \(\mathbb{R}^N\) with critical growth. Zbl 1446.35245 Ambrosio, Vincenzo 38 2020 Variational integrals on Orlicz-Sobolev spaces. Zbl 0913.49023 Fuchs, M.; Osmolovski, V. 37 1998 Iterated integral operators in Clifford analysis. Zbl 0940.31005 Begehr, H. 37 1999 Approximative compactness and full rotundity in Musielak–Orlicz spaces and Lorentz–Orlicz spaces. Zbl 1108.46016 Hudzik, Henryk; Kowalewski, Wojciech; Lewicki, Grzegorz 37 2006 A nonlinear case of the 1-D backward heat problem: regularization and error estimate. Zbl 1246.35104 Trong, Dang Duc; Quan, Pham Hoang; Khanh, Tran Vu; Tuan, Nguyen Huy 36 2007 Decay estimates for hyperbolic balance laws. Zbl 1173.35365 Kawashima, Shuichi; Yong, Wen-An 36 2009 On a class of measures of noncompactness in Banach algebras and their application to nonlinear integral equations. Zbl 1191.47069 Banaś, Józef; Olszowy, Leszek 36 2009 A transmission problem with a fractal interface. Zbl 1136.31310 Lancia, M. R. 36 2002 On generalized Lipschitz classes and Fourier series. Zbl 1065.26005 Tikhonov, Sergey 35 2004 A unified approach to linear differential algebraic equations and their adjoints. Zbl 1024.34002 Balla, K.; März, R. 35 2002 Error estimates for parabolic optimal control problems with control constraints. Zbl 1052.49031 Rösch, A. 34 2004 Regularity of minimizers of some variational integrals with discontinuity. Zbl 1153.49036 Ragusa, Maria Alessandra; Tachikawa, Atsushi 34 2008 Optimal stable solution of Cauchy problems for elliptic equations. Zbl 0865.65076 Tautenhahn, U. 33 1996 Global bifurcation for fractional \(p\)-Laplacian and an application. Zbl 1351.35247 Del Pezzo, Leandro M.; Quaas, Alexander 33 2016 Morozov’s discrepancy principle under general source conditions. Zbl 1037.65057 Nair, M. T.; Schock, E.; Tautenhahn, U. 31 2003 Integral equations with diagonal and boundary singularities of the kernel. Zbl 1118.45003 Pedas, Arvet; Vainikko, Gennadi 31 2006 Full \(C^{1,\alpha}\)-regularity for minimizers of integral functionals with \(L\log L\)-growth. Zbl 0954.49025 Mingione, G.; Siepe, F. 31 1999 Regularity results for Laplace interface problems in two dimensions. Zbl 1165.35333 Petzoldt, M. 30 2001 Asymptotic formulae for linear combinations of generalized sampling operators. Zbl 1279.41021 Bardaro, Carlo; Mantellini, Ilaria 30 2013 Self-duality and \(C^*\)-reflexivity of Hilbert \(C^*\)-moduli. Zbl 0682.46033 Frank, Michael 30 1990 Boundary regularity under generalized growth conditions. Zbl 1420.49041 Harjulehto, Petteri; Hästö, Peter 30 2019 An approximation result in generalized anisotropic Sobolev spaces and applications. Zbl 1231.35065 Bendahmane, Mostafa; Chrif, Moussa; El Manouni, Said 29 2011 Nonregular pseudo-differential operators. Zbl 0840.47040 Marschall, J. 28 1996 The sampling theorem for functions with limited multi-band spectrum. I. Zbl 0786.30019 Bezuglaya, L.; Katsnelson, V. 28 1993 A resonance problem for non-local elliptic operators. Zbl 1278.49009 Fiscella, Alessio; Servadei, Raffaella; Valdinoci, Enrico 28 2013 Solvability and Galerkin approximations of a class of nonlinear operator equations. Zbl 1024.65044 Gatica, G. N. 28 2002 Existence and new general decay results for a viscoelastic Timoshenko system. Zbl 1439.35060 Hassan, Jamilu Hashim; Messaoudi, Salim A.; Zahri, Mostafa 28 2020 A priori estimates for the solution of convection-diffusion problems and interpolation on Shishkin meshes. Zbl 0892.35014 Dobrowolski, M.; Roos, H.-G. 27 1997 Radial symmetry for an electrostatic, a capillarity and some fully nonlinear overdetermined problems on exterior domains. Zbl 0857.35010 Reichel, W. 27 1996 On function spaces related to finite element approximation theory. Zbl 0703.41018 Oswald, P. 27 1990 Wave solutions to reaction-diffusion systems in perforated domains. Zbl 0986.35051 Heinze, S. 26 2001 Energy form on a closed fractal curve. Zbl 1069.31004 Freiberg, U. R.; Lancia, M. R. 25 2004 Lavrentiev regularization for linear ill-posed problems under general source conditions. Zbl 1063.65041 Nair, M. T.; Tautenhahn, U. 25 2004 On Besov spaces of variable order of differentiation. Zbl 0687.46019 Leopold, H.-G. 25 1989 Basic properties of some differential-algebraic equations. Zbl 0666.34016 Griepentrog, E.; März, R. 25 1989 Variational bounds to eigenvalues of selfadjoint eigenvalue problems with arbitrary spectrum. Zbl 0831.35117 Zimmermann, S.; Mertins, U. 24 1995 Interior feedback stabilization of wave equations with dynamic boundary delay. Zbl 1383.35026 Ammari, Kaïs; Gerbi, Stéphane 24 2017 The coupling of boundary element and finite element methods for a nonlinear exterior boundary value problem. Zbl 0698.65070 Gatica, G. N.; Hsiao, G. C. 24 1989 Pointwise inequalities in variable Sobolev spaces and applications. Zbl 1131.46022 Almeida, Alexandre; Samko, Stefan 23 2007 Exponential growth for a fractionally damped wave equation. Zbl 1029.35177 Kirane, M.; Tatar, N.-e. 22 2003 Extreme points and strongly extreme points in Orlicz spaces equipped with the Orlicz norm. Zbl 1060.46020 Cui, Y.; Hudzik, H.; Płuciennik, R. 22 2003 Local growth envelopes of Besov spaces of generalized smoothness. Zbl 1119.46032 Caetano, António M.; Farkas, Walter 22 2006 De Rham’s singular function and related functions. Zbl 0985.39020 Berg, L.; Krüppel, M. 22 2000 A topological fixed-point index theory for evolution inclusions. Zbl 0985.34053 Bader, R. 22 2001 On the optimality of methods for ill-posed problems. Zbl 0632.65061 Vainikko, G. 22 1987 On a class of generalized autoconvolution equations of the third kind. Zbl 1104.45001 Berg, L.; von Wolfersdorf, L. 22 2005 Regularity of flows of a non-Newtonian fluid subject to Dirichlet boundary conditions. Zbl 1094.35100 Kaplický, P. 22 2005 \(L^p\)-theory for elliptic operators on \(\mathbb R^d\) with singular coefficients. Zbl 1097.35060 Metafune, Giorgio; Pallara, Diego; Prüss, Jan; Schnaubelt, Roland 22 2005 A priori gradient bounds and local \(C^{1,\alpha}\)-estimates for (double) obstacle problems under non-standard growth conditions. Zbl 1011.49024 Bildhauer, M.; Fuchs, M.; Mingione, G. 22 2001 A quadrature-based approach to improving the collocation method for splines of even degree. Zbl 0698.65071 Sloan, Ian H.; Wendland, W. L. 22 1989 A convergence rate result for a steepest descent method and a minimal error method for the solution of nonlinear ill-posed problems. Zbl 0826.65053 Neubauer, A.; Scherzer, O. 21 1995 Multiple solutions for a system of \((n_i p_i)\) boundary value problems. Zbl 1160.34313 Wong, P. J. Y.; Agarwal, R. P. 21 2000 On symbol analysis of periodic pseudodifferential operators. Zbl 0899.47039 Turunen, V.; Vainikko, G. 21 1998 Dual properties of Triebel-Lizorkin-type spaces and their applications. Zbl 1216.46035 Yang, Dachun; Yuan, Wen 21 2011 Transportation cost inequalities for neutral functional stochastic equations. Zbl 1290.65004 Bao, Jianhai; Wang, Feng-Yu; Yuan, Chenggui 21 2013 Fixed point theorems for a class of mixed monotone operators. Zbl 1065.47060 Liang, Zhandong; Zhang, Lingling; Li, Shengjia 20 2003 \(C^{1,\alpha}\) local regularity for the solutions of the \(p\)-Laplacian on the Heisenberg group for \(2 \leq p < 1 + \sqrt{5}\). Zbl 0988.35066 Marchi, S. 20 2001 Second order sufficient optimality conditions for a nonlinear elliptic boundary control problem. Zbl 0879.49020 Casas, E.; Tröltzsch, F.; Unger, A. 20 1996 Nonexistence of solutions to a hyperbolic equation with a time fractional damping. Zbl 1106.26009 Kirane, Mokhtar; Tatar, Nasser-Eddine 20 2006 Atomic decomposition for Morrey spaces. Zbl 1297.42034 Iida, Takeshi; Sawano, Yoshihiro; Tanaka, Hitoshi 20 2014 Iterated Dirac operators in \(\mathbb C^ n\). Zbl 0758.47039 Ryan, John 19 1990 Deriving harmonic functions in higher dimensional spaces. Zbl 1052.30055 Qian, T.; Sommen, F. 19 2003 Topological structure of solution sets to multi-valued asymptotic problems. Zbl 0974.34045 Andres, J.; Gabor, G.; Górniewicz, L. 19 2000 Non-existence results for a semilinear hyperbolic problem with boundary condition of memory type. Zbl 0986.35071 Kirane, M.; Tatar, N.-e. 19 2000 The Green matrix for strongly elliptic systems of second order with continuous coefficients. Zbl 0634.35023 Fuchs, M. 19 1986 Bounds for the weighted Hardy-Cesàro operator and its commutator on Morrey-Herz type spaces. Zbl 1448.47060 Nguyen Minh Chuong; Dao Van Duong; Ha Duy Hung 19 2016 Boundedness of the generalized fractional integral operators on generalized Morrey spaces over metric measure spaces. Zbl 1364.26012 Sawano, Yoshihiro; Shimomura, Tetsu 19 2017 The first boundary value problem for classical equations of mathematical physics in domains with partially smooth boundaries. I. Zbl 0532.35065 Maz’ya, V. G.; Plamenevskij, B. A. 19 1983 Pseudodifferential operators in Hardy-Triebel spaces. Zbl 0544.47046 Päivärinta, L. 18 1983 Approximation results with respect to multidimensional \(\varphi \)-variation for nonlinear integral operators. Zbl 1263.26023 Angeloni, Laura 18 2013 On the singular values of Toeplitz matrices. Zbl 0692.47028 Widom, H. 18 1989 Homogenization structures and applications. II. Zbl 1116.46064 Nguetseng, Gabriel 17 2004 Radon-Nikodým theorems in non-separable Banach spaces. Zbl 07855439 Kaliaj, Sokol Bush 2 2024 Existence of solutions for a class of fractional Kirchhoff variational inequality. Zbl 1541.35537 Deng, Shenbing; Luo, Wenshan; Ledesma, César E. Torres; Quiroz, George W. Alama 1 2024 Boundedness of Cauchy singular integral operator under Hölder norm. Zbl 1543.30116 Wang, Yufeng; Du, Jinyuan 1 2024 The phenomenon of revivals on complex potential Schrödinger’s equation. Zbl 07928837 Boulton, Lyonell; Farmakis, George; Pelloni, Beatrice 1 2024 On quantitative metastability for accretive operators. Zbl 07928838 Sipoş, Andrei 1 2024 Characterization theorem for strict third-degree semiclassical forms of class one obtained via cubic decomposition. Zbl 1535.33008 Khalfallah, Mohamed 2 2023 Fractional differentiability for elliptic double obstacle problems with measure data. Zbl 1526.35094 Byun, Sun-Sig; Song, Kyeong; Youn, Yeonghun 2 2023 Existence of standing and traveling waves in quantum hydrodynamics with viscosity. Zbl 1527.35313 Zhelyazov, Delyan 2 2023 Real interpolations for martingale Hardy-Orlicz-Lorentz spaces. Zbl 1540.60074 Fan, Wenfei; Li, Yanmeng; Wu, Lian 2 2023 Sign changing solutions for critical double phase problems with variable exponent. Zbl 1528.35069 Papageorgiou, Nikolaos S.; Vetro, Francesca; Winkert, Patrick 2 2023 Ground state solution for a weighted elliptic problem under double exponential nonlinear growth. Zbl 1542.35182 Jaidane, Rached 1 2023 A note on the \(H^s\)-critical inhomogeneous nonlinear Schrödinger equation. Zbl 1536.35300 An, JinMyong; Kim, JinMyong 1 2023 Real interpolation for mixed Lorentz spaces and Minkowski’s inequality. Zbl 1548.46015 Mandel, Rainer 1 2023 Local grand variable exponent Lebesgue spaces. Zbl 1530.42044 Rafeiro, Humberto; Samko, Stefan 1 2023 Global existence, asymptotic stability and blow up of solutions for a nonlinear viscoelastic plate equation involving \((p(x), q(x))\)-Laplacian operator. Zbl 1526.35076 Shahrouzi, Mohammad; Ferreira, Jorge; Tahamtani, Faramarz 1 2023 Schrödinger equation with singular position dependent mass. Zbl 1527.35331 Ruzhansky, Michael; Sebih, Mohammed Elamine; Tokmagambetov, Niyaz 1 2023 Multi-layered tumor cell cultures with almost periodic nutrient supply. Zbl 1527.34077 Díaz-Marín, Homero G.; Osuna, Osvaldo 1 2023 Global structure of positive solutions for a fourth-order boundary value problem with singular data. Zbl 1531.34038 Ma, Ruyun; Zhao, Zhongzi; Ma, Mantang 1 2023 A Lumer-Phillips type generation theorem for bi-continuous semigroups. Zbl 07626231 Budde, Christian; Wegner, Sven-Ake 4 2022 Local well-posedness for the inhomogeneous biharmonic nonlinear Schrödinger equation in Sobolev spaces. Zbl 1508.35139 An, JinMyong; Kim, JinMyong; Ryu, PyongJo 4 2022 A note on the Lumer-Phillips theorem for bi-continuous semigroups. Zbl 1520.47068 Kruse, Karsten; Seifert, Christian 4 2022 Mapping properties of Fourier transforms. Zbl 1511.46025 Triebel, Hans 3 2022 On a vector-valued generalisation of viscosity solutions for general PDE systems. Zbl 1509.35107 Katzourakis, Nikos 2 2022 Some remarks on the Boyd functions related to the admissible sequences. Zbl 1517.26004 Lamby, Thomas; Nicolay, Samuel 2 2022 On the existence of solutions of a Hamiltonian strongly degenerate elliptic system with potentials in \(\mathbb{R}^n\). Zbl 1514.35165 My, Bui Kim 2 2022 Sobolev and Trudinger inequalities in weighted Morrey spaces for double phase functionals. Zbl 1516.31016 Mizuta, Yoshihiro; Shimomura, Tetsu 2 2022 Integration with respect to Baire vector measures with applications to the spectral theory. Zbl 1511.46028 Nowak, Marian 1 2022 On the existence and decay in a new thermoelastic theory with two temperatures. Zbl 1503.74023 Fernández, José R.; Mukhopadhyay, Santwana; Quintanilla, Ramon; Shivay, Om Namha 1 2022 Multiplicity of solutions for a singular system involving the fractional \(p\)-\(q\)-Laplacian operator and sign-changing weight functions. Zbl 1505.35209 Nguyen Thanh Chung; Ghanmi, Abdeljabbar 1 2022 Generalized grand Lorentz martingale spaces. Zbl 1525.46016 Hao, Zhiwei; Li, Libo 1 2022 Mapping properties of pseudodifferential and Fourier operators. Zbl 1520.47089 Triebel, Hans 1 2022 Detailed proof of classical Gagliardo-Nirenberg interpolation inequality with historical remarks. Zbl 1479.46038 Fiorenza, Alberto; Formica, Maria Rosaria; Roskovec, Tomáš G.; Soudský, Filip 17 2021 Exact controllability and stabilization of locally coupled wave equations: theoretical results. Zbl 1467.35216 Gerbi, Stéphane; Kassem, Chiraz; Mortada, Amina; Wehbe, Ali 12 2021 Pseudo \(S\)-asymptotically Bloch type periodicity with applications to some evolution equations. Zbl 1472.34116 Chang, Yong-Kui; Wei, Yanyan 9 2021 Small data global well-posedness and scattering for the inhomogeneous nonlinear Schrödinger equation in \(H^s (\mathbb{R}^n)\). Zbl 1483.35193 An, JinMyong; Kim, JinMyong 6 2021 Maximum principle for space and time-space fractional partial differential equations. Zbl 1469.35070 Kirane, Mokhtar; Torebek, Berikbol T. 4 2021 Complex interpolation of Besov-type spaces on domains. Zbl 1480.46034 Zhuo, Ciqiang 4 2021 Global strong solution of nonhomogeneous Bénard system with large initial data and vacuum in a bounded domain. Zbl 1472.35315 Zhong, Xin 4 2021 A Kirchhoff \(p(x)\)-biharmonic problem involving singular nonlinearities and Navier boundary conditions. Zbl 1468.35063 Kefi, Khaled; Saoudi, Kamel; Al-Shomrani, Mohammed Mosa 4 2021 Multifractal geometry of slices of measures. Zbl 1476.28004 Selmi, Bilel 4 2021 Singular \(p\)-homogenization for highly conductive fractal layers. Zbl 1484.35219 Creo, Simone 3 2021 Global properties of vector fields on compact Lie groups in Komatsu classes. Zbl 1483.35310 Kirilov, Alexandre; de Moraes, Wagner A. A.; Ruzhansky, Michael 3 2021 Existence of solutions to the \(A\)-Laplace system via Young measures. Zbl 1471.35132 Balaadich, Farah; Azroul, Elhoussine 3 2021 Polynomial stability of a suspension bridge model by indirect dampings. Zbl 1483.35039 Nicaise, Serge; Hadjsaleh, Monia Bel 2 2021 Uniform regularity for the isentropic Hall-MHD system. Zbl 1473.35439 Fan, Jishan; Zhou, Yong 2 2021 Principal frequency of \(p\)-sub-Laplacians for general vector fields. Zbl 1467.35232 Ruzhansky, Michael; Sabitbek, Bolys; Suragan, Durvudkhan 2 2021 Positive solutions for non-variational fractional elliptic systems with negative exponents. Zbl 1467.35334 de Araujo, Anderson L. A.; Faria, Luiz F. O.; Leite, Edir J. F.; Miyagaki, Olímpio H. 2 2021 On a weighted Adachi-Tanaka type Trudinger-Moser inequality in nonradial Sobolev spaces. Zbl 1467.35012 Albuquerque, Francisco S. B. 2 2021 A note on Lipschitz continuity of the solutions of a class of elliptic free boundary problems. Zbl 1471.35109 Lyaghfouri, Abdeslem 1 2021 The equivalence theorem for logarithmic interpolation spaces in the quasi-Banach case. Zbl 1479.46087 Besoy, Blanca F.; Cobos, Fernando 1 2021 Fractional \(p \& q\) Laplacian problems in \(\mathbb{R}^N\) with critical growth. Zbl 1446.35245 Ambrosio, Vincenzo 38 2020 Existence and new general decay results for a viscoelastic Timoshenko system. 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Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 200 Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen 197 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 143 Journal of Differential Equations 137 Mathematische Nachrichten 129 Applied Mathematics and Computation 110 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 88 Journal of Functional Analysis 80 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 79 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 76 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 72 Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations 70 Abstract and Applied Analysis 67 Applicable Analysis 65 Journal of Approximation Theory 64 Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 63 Results in Mathematics 58 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 57 Applied Mathematics Letters 53 Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras 51 Journal of Integral Equations and Applications 51 Boundary Value Problems 50 Integral Equations and Operator Theory 50 Linear Algebra and its Applications 49 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. 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