Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences Short Title: Proc. R. Soc. Lond., A, Math. Phys. Eng. Sci. Publisher: Royal Society Publishing, London ISSN: 1364-5021; 1471-2946/e Online: Predecessor: Proceedings A. Royal Society of London Comments: Journal; This journal is available open access with a moving wall of 2 years. Documents Indexed: 1,192 Publications (since 2015) References Indexed: 898 Publications with 39,138 References. all top 5 Latest Issues 476, No. 2244 (2020) 476, No. 2243 (2020) 476, No. 2242 (2020) 476, No. 2241 (2020) 476, No. 2240 (2020) 476, No. 2239 (2020) 476, No. 2238 (2020) 476, No. 2237 (2020) 476, No. 2236 (2020) 476, No. 2235 (2020) 476, No. 2234 (2020) 476, No. 2233 (2020) 475, No. 2232 (2019) 475, No. 2231 (2019) 475, No. 2230 (2019) 475, No. 2229 (2019) 475, No. 2228 (2019) 475, No. 2227 (2019) 475, No. 2226 (2019) 475, No. 2225 (2019) 475, No. 2224 (2019) 475, No. 2223 (2019) 475, No. 2222 (2019) 475, No. 2221 (2019) 474, No. 2220 (2018) 474, No. 2219 (2018) 474, No. 2218 (2018) 474, No. 2217 (2018) 474, No. 2216 (2018) 474, No. 2215 (2018) 474, No. 2214 (2018) 474, No. 2213 (2018) 474, No. 2212 (2018) 474, No. 2211 (2018) 474, No. 2210 (2018) 474, No. 2209 (2018) 473, No. 2208 (2017) 473, No. 2207 (2017) 473, No. 2206 (2017) 473, No. 2205 (2017) 473, No. 2204 (2017) 473, No. 2203 (2017) 473, No. 2202 (2017) 473, No. 2201 (2017) 473, No. 2200 (2017) 473, No. 2199 (2017) 473, No. 2198 (2017) 473, No. 2197 (2017) 472, No. 2196 (2016) 472, No. 2195 (2016) 472, No. 2194 (2016) 472, No. 2193 (2016) 472, No. 2192 (2016) 472, No. 2191 (2016) 472, No. 2190 (2016) 472, No. 2189 (2016) 472, No. 2188 (2016) 472, No. 2187 (2016) 472, No. 2186 (2016) 472, No. 2185 (2016) 471, No. 2184 (2015) 471, No. 2183 (2015) 471, No. 2182 (2015) 471, No. 2181 (2015) all top 5 Authors 10 Goriely, Alain 9 Movchan, Alexander B. 9 Parnell, William J. 8 Abrahams, I. David 8 Kaplunov, Julius D. 7 Holm, Darryl Dallas 7 Movchan, Natasha V. 7 Neild, Simon A. 7 Simpson, Matthew J. 6 Ammari, Habib 6 Destrade, Michel 6 Kuznetsov, Andrey V. 6 Straughan, Brian 5 Ali, Sk Zeeshan 5 Brunton, Steven L. 5 Crampin, Edmund John 5 Dey, Subhasish 5 Fokas, Athanassios 5 Hill, Thomas L. 5 Jones, Ian S. 5 Kutz, J. Nathan 5 Kuznetsov, Ivan A. 5 Ogden, Raymond William 5 Porporato, Amilcare 5 Rogerson, Graham A. 5 Tronci, Cesare 4 Audoly, Basile 4 Bigoni, Davide 4 Bruno, Oscar P. 4 Carta, Giorgio 4 Chiribella, Giulio 4 Craster, Richard V. 4 Crowdy, Darren Gregory 4 Daly, Keith R. 4 Dorfmann, Luis 4 Fowler, Andrew C. 4 Fu, Yibin 4 Haberman, Michael R. 4 Haller, George 4 Hui, Chung-Yuen 4 Kent, Adrian 4 Maurel, Agnès 4 Mihai, L. Angela 4 Milton, Graeme Walter 4 Mishuris, Gennady S. 4 Neff, Patrizio 4 Paulino, Glaucio H. 4 Purohit, Prashant K. 4 Roose, Tiina 4 Rothman, Daniel H. 4 Royer-Carfagni, Gianni F. 4 Shearer, Tom 4 Vella, Dominic 4 Yan, Zhenya 4 Zabarankin, Michael 4 Zhang, Guoqiang 3 Argatov, Ivan I. 3 Assier, RaphaĂ«l C. 3 Athanassoulis, Gerassimos A. 3 Ayton, Lorna J. 3 Bagarello, Fabio 3 Barbagallo, Gabriele 3 Barletta, Antonio 3 Bridges, Thomas J. 3 Broom, Mark 3 Cao, Jinde 3 Cavalieri, AndrĂ© V. G. 3 Celli, Michele 3 Champneys, Alan R. 3 Chen, Lin 3 Chen, Yichao 3 Choi, Gary Pui-Tung 3 Clanet, Christophe 3 Cohen, Yossi 3 Colbrook, Matthew J. 3 d’Agostino, Marco Valerio 3 El, Gennady A. 3 Evangelista, Luiz Roberto 3 Gawthrop, Peter J. 3 Ghorbaniasl, Ghader 3 Gower, Artur L. 3 Groh, Rainer M. 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Zbl 1404.35397 Schaeffer, Hayden 131 2017 Matrix models and deformations of JT gravity. Zbl 1472.83071 Witten, Edward 98 2020 Data-driven forecasting of high-dimensional chaotic systems with long short-term memory networks. Zbl 1402.92030 Vlachas, Pantelis R.; Byeon, Wonmin; Wan, Zhong Y.; Sapsis, Themistoklis P.; Koumoutsakos, Petros 83 2018 The mixed coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equation on the half-line via the Fokas method. Zbl 1371.35278 Tian, Shou-Fu 72 2016 Rogue periodic waves of the focusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation. Zbl 1402.35256 Chen, Jinbing; Pelinovsky, Dmitry E. 70 2018 Sparse identification of nonlinear dynamics for model predictive control in the low-data limit. Zbl 1425.93175 Kaiser, E.; Kutz, J. N.; Brunton, S. L. 68 2018 Applications of variable-order fractional operators: a review. Zbl 1439.26028 Patnaik, Sansit; Hollkamp, John P.; Semperlotti, Fabio 65 2020 Large gyres as a shallow-water asymptotic solution of Euler’s equation in spherical coordinates. Zbl 1404.86015 Constantin, A.; Johnson, R. S. 63 2017 Nonlinear information fusion algorithms for data-efficient multi-fidelity modelling. Zbl 1407.62252 Perdikaris, P.; Raissi, M.; Damianou, A.; Lawrence, N. D.; Karniadakis, G. E. 60 2017 Model selection for dynamical systems via sparse regression and information criteria. Zbl 1404.65308 Mangan, N. M.; Kutz, J. N.; Brunton, S. L.; Proctor, J. L. 57 2017 The postulations á la d’Alembert and á la Cauchy for higher gradient continuum theories are equivalent: a review of existing results. Zbl 1371.82032 dell’Isola, F.; Seppecher, P.; Della Corte, A. 55 2015 Locally adaptive activation functions with slope recovery for deep and physics-informed neural networks. Zbl 1472.68175 Jagtap, Ameya D.; Kawaguchi, Kenji; Karniadakis, George Em 52 2020 Robust data-driven discovery of governing physical laws with error bars. Zbl 1407.62267 Zhang, Sheng; Lin, Guang 47 2018 Continuum modelling of pantographic sheets for out-of-plane bifurcation and vibrational analysis. Zbl 1404.74064 Giorgio, I.; Rizzi, N. L.; Turco, E. 46 2017 Overcoming the curse of dimensionality in the numerical approximation of semilinear parabolic partial differential equations. Zbl 1472.65157 Hutzenthaler, Martin; Jentzen, Arnulf; Kruse, Thomas; Nguyen, Tuan Anh; von Wurstemberger, Philippe 45 2020 Energy approach to brittle fracture in strain-gradient modelling. Zbl 1402.74094 Placidi, Luca; Barchiesi, Emilio 44 2018 Trigonal curves and algebro-geometric solutions to soliton hierarchies. I. Zbl 1404.35392 Ma, Wen-Xiu 35 2017 Stochastic partial differential fluid equations as a diffusive limit of deterministic Lagrangian multi-time dynamics. Zbl 1402.76101 Cotter, C. J.; Gottwald, G. A.; Holm, D. D. 35 2017 Methodical fitting for mathematical models of rubber-like materials. Zbl 1404.74016 Destrade, Michel; Saccomandi, Giuseppe; Sgura, Ivonne 34 2017 Superregular breathers, characteristics of nonlinear stage of modulation instability induced by higher-order effects. Zbl 1404.35398 Zhang, Jian-Hui; Wang, Lei; Liu, Chong 33 2017 Recoverability in quantum information theory. Zbl 1371.81070 Wilde, Mark M. 33 2015 Dynamics of lumps and dark-dark solitons in the multi-component long-wave-short-wave resonance interaction system. Zbl 1402.35070 Rao, Jiguang; Porsezian, Kuppuswamy; He, Jingsong; Kanna, Thambithurai 32 2018 Trigonal curves and algebro-geometric solutions to soliton hierarchies. II. Zbl 1404.35393 Ma, Wen-Xiu 32 2017 SINDy-PI: a robust algorithm for parallel implicit sparse identification of nonlinear dynamics. Zbl 1473.93007 Kaheman, Kadierdan; Kutz, J. Nathan; Brunton, Steven L. 31 2020 On anomalous localized resonance and plasmonic cloaking beyond the quasi-static limit. Zbl 1407.35228 Li, Hongjie; Liu, Hongyu 31 2018 Nonlinear regularization operators as derived from the micromorphic approach to gradient elasticity, viscoplasticity and damage. Zbl 1371.74226 Forest, Samuel 31 2016 Koopman wavefunctions and classical-quantum correlation dynamics. Zbl 1472.81012 Bondar, Denys I.; Gay-Balmaz, François; Tronci, Cesare 30 2019 Revisiting the Fisher-Kolmogorov-Petrovsky-Piskunov equation to interpret the spreading-extinction dichotomy. Zbl 1472.35398 El-Hachem, Maud; Mccue, Scott W.; Jin, Wang; Du, Yihong; Simpson, Matthew J. 30 2019 Well-posed continuum equations for granular flow with compressibility and \(\mu(I)\)-rheology. Zbl 1404.76278 Barker, T.; Schaeffer, D. G.; Shearer, M.; Gray, J. M. N. T. 30 2017 A priori estimation of memory effects in reduced-order models of nonlinear systems using the Mori-Zwanzig formalism. Zbl 1402.76065 Gouasmi, Ayoub; Parish, Eric J.; Duraisamy, Karthik 30 2017 Review of smoothed particle hydrodynamics: towards converged Lagrangian flow modelling. Zbl 1472.76068 Lind, Steven J.; Rogers, Benedict D.; Stansby, Peter K. 29 2020 Mittag-Leffler synchronization of delayed fractional-order bidirectional associative memory neural networks with discontinuous activations: state feedback control and impulsive control schemes. Zbl 1404.92013 Ding, Xiaoshuai; Cao, Jinde; Zhao, Xuan; Alsaadi, Fuad E. 29 2017 Assessing the robustness of spatial pattern sequences in a dryland vegetation model. Zbl 1371.92136 Gowda, Karna; Chen, Yuxin; Iams, Sarah; Silber, Mary 29 2016 Understanding how porosity gradients can make a better filter using homogenization theory. Zbl 1371.76133 Dalwadi, M. P.; Griffiths, I. M.; Bruna, M. 28 2015 Direct linearizing transform for three-dimensional discrete integrable systems: the lattice AKP, BKP and CKP equations. Zbl 1404.39004 Fu, Wei; Nijhoff, Frank W. 27 2017 How to characterize a nonlinear elastic material? A review on nonlinear constitutive parameters in isotropic finite elasticity. Zbl 1404.74018 Mihai, L. Angela; Goriely, Alain 27 2017 Opinion dynamics: inhomogeneous Boltzmann-type equations modelling opinion leadership and political segregation. Zbl 1372.91084 DĂĽring, Bertram; Wolfram, Marie-Therese 27 2015 A minimization principle for the description of modes associated with finite-time instabilities. Zbl 1371.34064 Babaee, H.; Sapsis, T. P. 27 2016 Contact geometry for simple thermodynamical systems with friction. Zbl 1472.53109 Simoes, Alexandre Anahory; de LeĂłn, Manuel; Lainz Valcázar, Manuel; MartĂn de Diego, David 26 2020 Submesocale currents in the ocean. Zbl 1371.86012 McWilliams, James C. 26 2016 Quantum speedup of Monte Carlo methods. Zbl 1371.82053 Montanaro, Ashley 25 2015 Variational principles for stochastic soliton dynamics. Zbl 1371.70041 Holm, Darryl D.; Tyranowski, Tomasz M. 25 2016 Mixed finite-element formulations in piezoelectricity and flexoelectricity. Zbl 1371.74261 Mao, Sheng; Purohit, Prashant K.; Aravas, Nikolaos 25 2016 Interplay between cost and effectiveness in influenza vaccine uptake: a vaccination game approach. Zbl 1472.92196 Arefin, Md. Rajib; Masaki, Tanaka; Kabir, K. M. Ariful; Tanimoto, Jun 24 2019 Sub-wavelength focusing of acoustic waves in bubbly media. Zbl 1404.76235 Ammari, Habib; Fitzpatrick, Brian; Gontier, David; Lee, Hyundae; Zhang, Hai 24 2017 Dynamics of flexural gravity waves: from sea ice to Hawking radiation and analogue gravity. Zbl 1402.76024 Das, S.; Sahoo, T.; Meylan, M. H. 23 2018 The general coupled Hirota equations: modulational instability and higher-order vector rogue wave and multi-dark soliton structures. Zbl 1472.78020 Zhang, Guoqiang; Yan, Zhenya; Wang, Li 22 2019 Symmetry determination and nonlinearization of a nonlinear time-fractional partial differential equation. Zbl 1472.35446 Zhang, Zhi-Yong 22 2020 Modulational instability, beak-shaped rogue waves, multi-dark-dark solitons and dynamics in pair-transition-coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equations. Zbl 1404.35424 Zhang, Guoqiang; Yan, Zhenya; Wen, Xiao-Yong 22 2017 On fibre dispersion modelling of soft biological tissues: a review. Zbl 1472.74156 Holzapfel, Gerhard A.; Ogden, Ray W.; Sherifova, Selda 21 2019 A fully coupled subwavelength resonance approach to filtering auditory signals. Zbl 1472.94022 Ammari, Habib; Davies, Bryn 21 2019 Modelling and analysing the coexistence of dual dilemmas in the proactive vaccination game and retroactive treatment game in epidemic viral dynamics. Zbl 1472.92222 Kabir, K. M. Ariful; Tanimoto, Jun 21 2019 Quantum machine learning: a classical perspective. Zbl 1402.68154 Ciliberto, Carlo; Herbster, Mark; Ialongo, Alessandro Davide; Pontil, Massimiliano; Rocchetto, Andrea; Severini, Simone; Wossnig, Leonard 21 2018 Twistor theory at fifty: from contour integrals to twistor strings. Zbl 1404.81004 Atiyah, Michael; Dunajski, Maciej; Mason, Lionel J. 21 2017 New conformal mapping for adaptive resolving of the complex singularities of Stokes wave. Zbl 1402.76027 Lushnikov, Pavel M.; Dyachenko, Sergey A.; Silantyev, Denis A. 21 2017 Model selection for hybrid dynamical systems via sparse regression. Zbl 1427.93253 Mangan, N. M.; Askham, T.; Brunton, S. L.; Kutz, J. N.; Proctor, J. L. 21 2019 Nonlinear electroelasticity: material properties, continuum theory and applications. Zbl 1404.74017 Dorfmann, Luis; Ogden, Ray W. 20 2017 Real wave propagation in the isotropic-relaxed micromorphic model. Zbl 1404.82028 Neff, Patrizio; Madeo, Angela; Barbagallo, Gabriele; D’Agostino, Marco Valerio; Abreu, Rafael; Ghiba, Ionel-Dumitrel 20 2017 The \(n\)-component nonlinear Schrödinger equations: dark-bright mixed \(N\)- and high-order solitons and breathers, and dynamics. Zbl 1404.35375 Zhang, Guoqiang; Yan, Zhenya 20 2018 Universal recovery map for approximate Markov chains. Zbl 1376.81015 Sutter, David; Fawzi, Omar; Renner, Renato 20 2016 Causal dissipation for the relativistic dynamics of ideal gases. Zbl 1404.82058 FreistĂĽhler, Heinrich; Temple, Blake 19 2017 On a new fractional uncertainty relation and its implications in quantum mechanics and molecular physics. Zbl 1439.81065 El-Nabulsi, Rami Ahmad 19 2020 First evidence of non-locality in real band-gap metamaterials: determining parameters in the relaxed micromorphic model. Zbl 1371.82126 Madeo, Angela; Barbagallo, Gabriele; d’Agostino, Marco Valerio; Placidi, Luca; Neff, Patrizio 19 2016 Whitham modulation theory for the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation. Zbl 1404.35382 Ablowitz, Mark J.; Biondini, Gino; Wang, Qiao 18 2017 Domain structure of ultrathin ferromagnetic elements in the presence of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction. Zbl 1404.82101 Muratov, Cyrill B.; Slastikov, Valeriy V. 18 2017 Explicit backbone curves from spectral submanifolds of forced-damped nonlinear mechanical systems. Zbl 1402.34047 Breunung, Thomas; Haller, George 18 2018 The nonlinear Schrödinger equation with \(t\)-periodic data: II: Perturbative results. Zbl 1371.35274 Lenells, J.; Fokas, A. S. 18 2015 Point vortex interactions on a toroidal surface. Zbl 1371.76046 Sakajo, Takashi; Shimizu, Yuuki 18 2016 Bidispersive-inclined convection. Zbl 1371.80017 Falsaperla, Paolo; Mulone, Giuseppe; Straughan, Brian 18 2016 Rogue waves in multiphase solutions of the focusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation. Zbl 1371.35268 Bertola, Marco; El, Gennady A.; Tovbis, Alexander 18 2016 Onsager’s conjecture in bounded domains for the conservation of entropy and other companion laws. Zbl 1472.35285 Bardos, C.; Gwiazda, P.; Ĺšwierczewska-Gwiazda, A.; Titi, E. S.; Wiedemann, E. 17 2019 Interfacial waveforms in chiral lattices with gyroscopic spinners. Zbl 1404.74010 Garau, M.; Carta, G.; Nieves, M. J.; Jones, I. S.; Movchan, N. V.; Movchan, A. B. 17 2018 The nonlinear Schrödinger equation with \(t\)-periodic data: I. Exact results. Zbl 1371.35273 Lenells, J.; Fokas, A. S. 17 2015 A curve shortening flow rule for closed embedded plane curves with a prescribed rate of change in enclosed area. Zbl 1371.53062 Dallaston, Michael C.; McCue, Scott W. 17 2016 Refined boundary conditions on the free surface of an elastic half-space taking into account non-local effects. Zbl 1371.74025 Chebakov, R.; Kaplunov, J.; Rogerson, G. A. 17 2016 Radiating dispersive shock waves in non-local optical media. Zbl 1371.78043 El, Gennady A.; Smyth, Noel F. 17 2016 Superalgebraically convergent smoothly windowed lattice sums for doubly periodic Green functions in three-dimensional space. Zbl 1371.78330 Bruno, Oscar P.; Shipman, Stephen P.; Turc, Catalin; Venakides, Stephanos 17 2016 Control of chaotic systems by deep reinforcement learning. Zbl 1472.68171 Bucci, M. A.; Semeraro, O.; Allauzen, A.; Wisniewski, G.; Cordier, L.; Mathelin, L. 16 2019 On the dynamic homogenization of periodic media: Willis’ approach versus two-scale paradigm. Zbl 1402.74047 Meng, Shixu; Guzina, Bojan B. 16 2018 Piecewise affine stress-free martensitic inclusions in planar nonlinear elasticity. Zbl 1404.74015 Conti, S.; Klar, M.; Zwicknagl, B. 16 2017 Windowed Green function method for the Helmholtz equation in the presence of multiply layered media. Zbl 1402.78011 Bruno, O. P.; PĂ©rez-Arancibia, C. 16 2017 Matter rogue waves for the three-component Gross-Pitaevskii equations in the spinor Bose-Einstein condensates. Zbl 1402.76165 Sun, Wen-Rong; Wang, Lei 16 2018 Discretization of polynomial vector fields by polarization. Zbl 1372.65201 Celledoni, Elena; McLachlan, Robert I.; McLaren, David I.; Owren, Brynjulf; Quispel, G. R. W. 16 2015 On well-posedness of variational models of charged drops. Zbl 1371.76163 Muratov, Cyrill B.; Novaga, Matteo 16 2016 Efficient methods for linear Schrödinger equation in the semiclassical regime with time-dependent potential. Zbl 1372.65280 Bader, Philipp; Iserles, Arieh; Kropielnicka, Karolina; Singh, Pranav 16 2016 Basin bifurcations, oscillatory instability and rate-induced thresholds for Atlantic meridional overturning circulation in a global oceanic box model. Zbl 1472.86003 Alkhayuon, Hassan; Ashwin, Peter; Jackson, Laura C.; Quinn, Courtney; Wood, Richard A. 15 2019 Satellite conjunction analysis and the false confidence theorem. Zbl 1472.62173 Balch, Michael Scott; Martin, Ryan; Ferson, Scott 15 2019 A unified approach for topology optimization with local stress constraints considering various failure criteria: von Mises, Drucker-Prager, Tresca, Mohr-Coulomb, Bresler-Pister and Willam-Warnke. Zbl 1472.74179 Giraldo-Londoño, Oliver; Paulino, Glaucio H. 15 2020 Vigorous convection in porous media. Zbl 1472.76094 Hewitt, D. R. 15 2020 A non-local asymptotic theory for thin elastic plates. Zbl 1404.74092 Chebakov, R.; Kaplunov, J.; Rogerson, G. A. 15 2017 On the analysis of the double Hopf bifurcation in machining processes via centre manifold reduction. Zbl 1404.74065 Molnar, T. G.; Dombovari, Z.; Insperger, T.; Stepan, G. 15 2017 On the role of micro-inertia in enriched continuum mechanics. Zbl 1404.82039 Madeo, Angela; Neff, Patrizio; Aifantis, Elias C.; Barbagallo, Gabriele; d’Agostino, Marco Valerio 15 2017 Rapidly convergent quasi-periodic Green functions for scattering by arrays of cylinders – including Wood anomalies. Zbl 1404.78024 Bruno, Oscar P.; Fernandez-Lado, Agustin G. 15 2017 Modelling nonlinear electrohydrodynamic surface waves over three-dimensional conducting fluids. Zbl 1404.76298 Wang, Zhan 15 2017 Bidispersive vertical convection. Zbl 1404.76257 Gentile, M.; Straughan, B. 15 2017 Evolutionary graph theory revisited: when is an evolutionary process equivalent to the Moran process. Zbl 1371.92098 Pattni, Karan; Broom, Mark; Rychtář, Jan; Silvers, Lara J. 15 2015 Formal groups and \(Z\)-entropies. Zbl 1371.94581 Tempesta, Piergiulio 15 2016 General rogue wave solutions of the coupled Fokas-Lenells equations and non-recursive Darboux transformation. Zbl 1472.76020 Ye, Yanlin; Zhou, Yi; Chen, Shihua; Baronio, Fabio; Grelu, Philippe 14 2019 A modelling framework to assess the likely effectiveness of facemasks in combination with ‘lock-down’ in managing the COVID-19 pandemic. Zbl 1472.92241 Stutt, Richard O. J. H.; Retkute, Renata; Bradley, Michael; Gilligan, Christopher A.; Colvin, John 14 2020 Exponential stability in Mindlin’s form II gradient thermoelasticity with microtemperatures of type III. Zbl 1472.74006 Aouadi, M.; Passarella, F.; Tibullo, V. 14 2020 Matrix models and deformations of JT gravity. Zbl 1472.83071 Witten, Edward 98 2020 Applications of variable-order fractional operators: a review. Zbl 1439.26028 Patnaik, Sansit; Hollkamp, John P.; Semperlotti, Fabio 65 2020 Locally adaptive activation functions with slope recovery for deep and physics-informed neural networks. Zbl 1472.68175 Jagtap, Ameya D.; Kawaguchi, Kenji; Karniadakis, George Em 52 2020 Overcoming the curse of dimensionality in the numerical approximation of semilinear parabolic partial differential equations. Zbl 1472.65157 Hutzenthaler, Martin; Jentzen, Arnulf; Kruse, Thomas; Nguyen, Tuan Anh; von Wurstemberger, Philippe 45 2020 SINDy-PI: a robust algorithm for parallel implicit sparse identification of nonlinear dynamics. Zbl 1473.93007 Kaheman, Kadierdan; Kutz, J. Nathan; Brunton, Steven L. 31 2020 Review of smoothed particle hydrodynamics: towards converged Lagrangian flow modelling. Zbl 1472.76068 Lind, Steven J.; Rogers, Benedict D.; Stansby, Peter K. 29 2020 Contact geometry for simple thermodynamical systems with friction. Zbl 1472.53109 Simoes, Alexandre Anahory; de LeĂłn, Manuel; Lainz Valcázar, Manuel; MartĂn de Diego, David 26 2020 Symmetry determination and nonlinearization of a nonlinear time-fractional partial differential equation. Zbl 1472.35446 Zhang, Zhi-Yong 22 2020 On a new fractional uncertainty relation and its implications in quantum mechanics and molecular physics. Zbl 1439.81065 El-Nabulsi, Rami Ahmad 19 2020 A unified approach for topology optimization with local stress constraints considering various failure criteria: von Mises, Drucker-Prager, Tresca, Mohr-Coulomb, Bresler-Pister and Willam-Warnke. Zbl 1472.74179 Giraldo-Londoño, Oliver; Paulino, Glaucio H. 15 2020 Vigorous convection in porous media. Zbl 1472.76094 Hewitt, D. R. 15 2020 A modelling framework to assess the likely effectiveness of facemasks in combination with ‘lock-down’ in managing the COVID-19 pandemic. Zbl 1472.92241 Stutt, Richard O. J. H.; Retkute, Renata; Bradley, Michael; Gilligan, Christopher A.; Colvin, John 14 2020 Exponential stability in Mindlin’s form II gradient thermoelasticity with microtemperatures of type III. Zbl 1472.74006 Aouadi, M.; Passarella, F.; Tibullo, V. 14 2020 Structure-preserving integrators for dissipative systems based on reversible-irreversible splitting. Zbl 1439.82069 Shang, Xiaocheng; Ă–ttinger, Hans Christian 14 2020 Mimicking the active cochlea with a fluid-coupled array of subwavelength Hopf resonators. Zbl 1439.74133 Ammari, Habib; Davies, Bryn 14 2020 Steering eco-evolutionary game dynamics with manifold control. Zbl 1472.91009 Wang, Xin; Zheng, Zhiming; Fu, Feng 13 2020 Shallow neural networks for fluid flow reconstruction with limited sensors. Zbl 1472.68172 Erichson, N. Benjamin; Mathelin, Lionel; Yao, Zhewei; Brunton, Steven L.; Mahoney, Michael W.; Kutz, J. Nathan 13 2020 A generalized fractional-order elastodynamic theory for non-local attenuating media. Zbl 1472.74020 Patnaik, Sansit; Semperlotti, Fabio 13 2020 Liquid crystals on deformable surfaces. Zbl 1472.82040 Nitschke, Ingo; Reuther, Sebastian; Voigt, Axel 13 2020 Target competition for resources under multiple search-and-capture events with stochastic resetting. Zbl 1472.60149 Bressloff, P. C. 13 2020 Localized structures on librational and rotational travelling waves in the sine-Gordon equation. Zbl 1472.35010 Pelinovsky, Dmitry E.; White, Robert E. 13 2020 How do conservative backbone curves perturb into forced responses? A Melnikov function analysis. Zbl 1439.70030 Cenedese, Mattia; Haller, George 13 2020 Learning partial differential equations for biological transport models from noisy spatio-temporal data. Zbl 1439.35493 Lagergren, John H.; Nardini, John T.; Lavigne, G. Michael; Rutter, Erica M.; Flores, Kevin B. 13 2020 The super-StĂĽckelberg procedure and dS in pure supergravity. 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Rajib; Masaki, Tanaka; Tanimoto, Jun 6 2020 High endemic levels of typhoid fever in rural areas of Ghana may stem from optimal voluntary vaccination behaviour. Zbl 1472.92192 Acosta-Alonzo, Carmen B.; Erovenko, Igor V.; Lancaster, Aaleah; Oh, Hyunju; Rychtář, Jan; Taylor, Dewey 6 2020 Model reduction by mean-field homogenization in viscoelastic composites. I: Primal theory. Zbl 1472.74181 Idiart, MartĂn I.; Lahellec, Noel; Suquet, Pierre 6 2020 Oscillatory dynamics in the dilemma of social distancing. Zbl 1472.92213 Glaubitz, Alina; Fu, Feng 6 2020 Violations of the Clausius-Duhem inequality in Couette flows of granular media. Zbl 1472.74047 Ostoja-Starzewski, Martin; Laudani, Rossella 6 2020 The hidden unstable orbits of maps with gaps. Zbl 1439.37051 Jeffrey, Mike R.; Webber, Simon 6 2020 Green’s functions for unsymmetric composite laminates with inclusions. Zbl 1472.74048 Hsu, Chia-Wen; Hwu, Chyanbin 5 2020 Passage through exceptional point: case study. Zbl 1472.81096 Znojil, Miloslav 5 2020 Stochastic modelling in fluid dynamics: ItĂ´ versus Stratonovich. Zbl 1472.76045 Holm, Darryl D. 5 2020 Exact conditions for preservation of the partial indices of a perturbed triangular \(2 \times 2\) matrix function. Zbl 1472.15019 Adukov, Victor M.; Mishuris, Gennady; Rogosin, Sergei V. 5 2020 Speed oscillations in classical pilot-wave dynamics. Zbl 1472.37044 Durey, Matthew; Turton, Sam E.; Bush, John W. M. 5 2020 Learning on dynamic statistical manifolds. Zbl 1472.62011 Boso, F.; Tartakovsky, D. M. 5 2020 On the consistency of a class of R-symmetry gauged 6D \(N = (1,0)\) supergravities. Zbl 1472.83110 Pang, Yi; Sezgin, Ergin 5 2020 A transformation between stationary point vortex equilibria. Zbl 1473.76013 Krishnamurthy, Vikas S.; Wheeler, Miles H.; Crowdy, Darren G.; Constantin, Adrian 5 2020 The convective instability of a Maxwell-Cattaneo fluid in the presence of a vertical magnetic field. Zbl 1472.76125 Eltayeb, I. A.; Hughes, D. W.; Proctor, M. R. E. 5 2020 Model reduction by mean-field homogenization in viscoelastic composites. II: Application to rigidly reinforced solids. Zbl 1472.74182 Idiart, MartĂn I.; Lahellec, Noel; Suquet, Pierre 5 2020 Magnetic winding: what is it and what is it good for? Zbl 1472.78010 Prior, Christopher; Mactaggart, David 5 2020 Stability and memory-loss go hand-in-hand: three results in dynamics and computation. Zbl 1472.37088 Manjunath, G. 5 2020 Network comparison and the within-ensemble graph distance. Zbl 1472.05138 Hartle, Harrison; Klein, Brennan; McCabe, Stefan; Daniels, Alexander; St-Onge, Guillaume; Murphy, Charles; HĂ©bert-Dufresne, Laurent 5 2020 On relativistic gasdynamics: invariance under a class of reciprocal-type transformations and integrable Heisenberg spin connections. Zbl 1472.76130 Rogers, C.; Ruggeri, T.; Schief, W. K. 5 2020 Extreme dissipation and intermittency in turbulence at very high Reynolds numbers. 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R. 4 2020 Static elastic cloaking, low-frequency elastic wave transparency and neutral inclusions. Zbl 1472.74121 Norris, Andrew N.; Parnell, William J. 4 2020 How rare are power-law networks really? Zbl 1473.90020 Artico, I.; Smolyarenko, I.; Vinciotti, V.; Wit, E. C. 4 2020 Exact solutions of the harmonic oscillator plus non-polynomial interaction. Zbl 1472.81072 Dong, Qian; Hernández, H. Iván GarcĂa; Sun, Guo-Hua; Toutounji, Mohamad; Dong, Shi-Hai 4 2020 A Mathieu function boundary spectral method for scattering by multiple variable poro-elastic plates, with applications to metamaterials and acoustics. Zbl 1472.74117 Colbrook, Matthew J.; Kisil, Anastasia V. 4 2020 Minimum wave speeds in monostable reaction-diffusion equations: sharp bounds by polynomial optimization. Zbl 1472.35219 Bramburger, Jason J.; Goluskin, David 4 2020 On the Wiener-Hopf solution of water-wave interaction with a submerged elastic or poroelastic plate. Zbl 1472.76019 Smith, M. J. A.; Peter, M. A.; Abrahams, I. D.; Meylan, M. H. 4 2020 Boundary-layer effects on electromagnetic and acoustic extraordinary transmission through narrow slits. Zbl 1472.78017 BrandĂŁo, Rodolfo; Holley, Jacob R.; Schnitzer, Ory 4 2020 Validity of Winkler’s mattress model for thin elastomeric layers: beyond Poisson’s ratio. Zbl 1472.74149 Chandler, Thomas G. J.; Vella, Dominic 4 2020 Post-buckling analysis of functionally graded multilayer graphene platelet reinforced composite cylindrical shells under axial compression. Zbl 1472.74147 Sun, Jiabin; Zhu, Shengbo; Tong, Zhenzhen; Zhou, Zhenhuan; Xu, Xinsheng 4 2020 Analytic and numerical solutions to the seismic wave equation in continuous media. Zbl 1472.86012 Walters, S. J.; Forbes, L. K.; Reading, A. M. 4 2020 Small deformation theory for two leaky dielectric drops in a uniform electric field. Zbl 1472.78016 Zabarankin, Michael 3 2020 Linear and nonlinear thermosolutal instabilities in an inclined porous layer. Zbl 1472.76095 Kumar, Gautam; Narayana, Puranam Anantha Lakshmi; Sahu, Kirti Chandra 3 2020 ...and 839 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 9,077 Authors 54 Tian, Shoufu 40 Ammari, Habib 28 Holm, Darryl Dallas 28 Neff, Patrizio 27 Barchiesi, Emilio 25 Geng, Xianguo 25 Zhang, Tiantian 24 Karniadakis, George Em 24 Wang, Xiubin 23 Liu, Hongyu 22 He, Jingsong 21 Placidi, Luca 21 Simpson, Matthew J. 19 Brunton, Steven L. 17 Goriely, Alain 17 Hoefer, Mark A. 17 Kaplunov, Julius D. 17 Ma, Wen-Xiu 17 Turco, Emilio 17 Yavari, Arash 16 dell’Isola, Francesco 16 Rychtár, Jan 16 Tronci, Cesare 16 Yang, Jinjie 15 Di Fratta, Giovanni 15 Giorgio, Ivan 15 Hiltunen, Erik Orvehed 15 Madeo, Angela 14 Kutz, J. 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