Bulletin of the Hellenic Mathematical Society Short Title: Bull. Hell. Math. Soc. Publisher: Hellenic Mathematical Society, Athens ISSN: 0072-7466 Online: https://bulletin.math.uoc.gr/issues.html Predecessor: Bulletin of the Greek Mathematical Society Comments: Journal; Indexed cover-to-cover; Published electronic only as of Vol. 60 (2016). This journal is available open access. Documents Indexed: 55 Publications (since 2016) References Indexed: 55 Publications with 1,284 References. all top 5 Latest Issues 68 (2024) 67 (2023) 66 (2022) 65 (2021) 64 (2020) 63 (2019) 62 (2018) 61 (2017) 60 (2016) all top 5 Authors 5 Iosevich, Alex 4 Nestoridis, Vassili 2 Aravanis, Theofanis I. 2 Kolountzakis, Mihail N. 2 Pakianathan, Jonathan 2 Senger, Steven 2 Sourdis, Christos 1 Alikakos, Nicholas D. 1 Argyros, Spiros A. 1 Arnold, David M. 1 Athanasiadis, Christos A. 1 Bárány, Imre 1 Barbatis, Gerassimos 1 Barthe, Franck 1 Bernal-Gonzàlez, Luis 1 Betsakos, Dimitrios 1 Birklbauer, Philipp 1 Brazitikos, Silouanos 1 Bright, Paige 1 Cleanthous, Galatia 1 Dassios, George 1 De Koninck, Jean-Marie 1 Demir, Sakin 1 Diamantis, Ioannis 1 Díaz, Josep 1 Dougalis, Vassilios A. 1 Duran, Angel 1 Fang, Xinyu 1 Favorov, Sergeĭ Yur’evich 1 Fellhauer, Adrian Felix Dominik 1 Frantzikinakis, Nikos 1 Furedi, Zoltan 1 Fusco, Giorgio 1 Georgiadis, Athanasios G. 1 Georgiou, Alexandros 1 Giannopoulos, Apostolos A. 1 Glakousakis, E. 1 Grafakos, Loukas 1 Gregoriades, Vassilios 1 Hammack, Richard H. 1 Heritage, Barrett 1 Hioni, Labrini 1 Kainen, Paul C. 1 Kampoukou, A. 1 Kátai, Imre 1 Kirousis, Lefteris Miltiades 1 Klartag, Bo’az 1 Kokonezi, Sofia. 1 Komatsu, Toru 1 Koutsianas, Angelos 1 Liu, Allen P. 1 Livieratos, John 1 Mader, Adolf 1 Mayeli, Azita 1 Meyer, Yves 1 Moschonas, D. 1 Motakis, Pavlos 1 Murphy, Brendan 1 Mutzbauer, Otto 1 Nikolidakis, Eleftherios Nikolaos 1 Pallson, Eyvindur Ari 1 Papadimitrakis, Michael 1 Papadimitropoulos, Christos 1 Pattakos, Nikolaos 1 Pelekis, Christos 1 Petridis, Giorgis 1 Ramon, Jan 1 Sakkalis, Takis 1 Saridaki, Leetha 1 Skarmogiannis, Nikos 1 Smpokos, Konstantinos 1 Solak, Ebru 1 Soydan, Gokhan 1 Stamatakis, Marios Georgios 1 Stockdale, Cody B. 1 Sun, Maxwell 1 Tertikas, Achilles 1 Theodorakopoulos, Stefanos 1 Thilikos, Dimitrios M. 1 Tolias, Andreas G. 1 Tsolomitis, Antonis 1 Tzanakis, Nikos 1 Wang, Yuyi 1 Wolf, Charles all top 5 Fields 12 Number theory (11-XX) 11 Functional analysis (46-XX) 10 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 10 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 7 Combinatorics (05-XX) 6 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 6 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 5 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 4 Computer science (68-XX) 3 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 3 Real functions (26-XX) 3 Measure and integration (28-XX) 3 Operator theory (47-XX) 2 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 2 Geometry (51-XX) 2 General topology (54-XX) 2 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 2 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 2 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 1 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 1 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 1 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 1 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 1 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 1 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 1 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 1 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 1 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 32 Publications have been cited 118 times in 115 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Some open problems on multiple ergodic averages. Zbl 1425.37004 Frantzikinakis, Nikos 29 2016 An example related to the Erdős-Falconer question over arbitrary finite fields. Zbl 1425.11022 Murphy, Brendan; Petridis, Giorgis 10 2019 Spectral gaps, symmetries and log-concave perturbations. Zbl 1442.35276 Barthe, Frank; Klartag, Bo’az 8 2020 Tempered distributions with discrete support and spectrum. Zbl 1425.46026 Favorov, S. Yu. 8 2018 Guinand’s measures are almost periodic distributions. Zbl 1425.42008 Meyer, Yves 5 2017 A limited-range Calderón-Zygmund theorem. Zbl 1440.42054 Grafakos, Loukas; Stockdale, Cody B. 5 2019 Pseudo links in handlebodies. Zbl 1484.57004 Diamantis, Ioannis 4 2021 The local \(h\)-polynomial of the edgewise subdivision of the simplex. Zbl 1425.05163 Athanasiadis, Christos A. 4 2016 Polynomial esimates towards a sharp Helly-type theorem for the diameter of convex sets. Zbl 1425.52006 Brazitikos, Silouanos 4 2018 On 2-skeleta of Platonic polytopes. Zbl 1425.57002 Hammack, Richard; Kainen, Paul C. 4 2018 Non-asymptotic \(\ell_1\) spaces with unique \(\ell_1\) asymptotic model. Zbl 1453.46011 Argyros, Spiros A.; Georgiou, Alexandros; Motakis, Pavlos 3 2020 Packing near the tiling density and exponential bases for product domains. Zbl 1425.52017 Kolountzakis, Mihail N. 3 2016 Complete solution of the Diophantine equation \(x^2+5^a\cdot 11^b = y^n\). Zbl 1425.11059 Soydan, G.; Tzanakis, N. 3 2016 Inequalities for the variation operator. Zbl 1451.26019 Demir, Sakin 3 2020 On the generalized Fermat equation \(a^2+3b^6=c^n\). Zbl 1458.11057 Koutsianas, Angelos 2 2020 A two-parameter finite field Erdős-Falconer distance problem. Zbl 1425.42010 Birklbauer, Philipp; Iosevich, Alex 2 2017 On spaces of holomorphic functions with bounded or continuous up to the boundary derivatives. Zbl 1425.30043 Moschonas, D.; Nestoridis, V. 2 2018 Antipodal sets in infinite dimensional Banach spaces. Zbl 1435.46010 Glakousakis, E.; Mercourakis, S. 2 2019 Topological and algebraic genericity in chains of sequence spaces and function spaces. Zbl 1487.46023 Bernal-González, L.; Nestoridis, V. 2 2021 Sharp lower bounds for the vector Allen-Cahn energy and qualitative properties of minimizers under no symmetry hypotheses. Zbl 1518.35291 Alikakos, Nicholas D.; Fusco, Giorgio 2 2023 Falconer-type estimates for dot products. Zbl 1476.28003 Iosevich, Alex; Senger, Steven 1 2020 Numerical solution of internal-wave systems in the intermediate long wave and the Benjamin-Ono regimes. Zbl 1492.65279 Dougalis, Vassilios A.; Duran, Angel; Saridaki, Leetha 1 2022 Jacobians of quaternion polynomials. Zbl 1425.26004 Sakkalis, Takis 1 2017 Angle chains and pinned variants. Zbl 1482.52018 Pallson, Eyvindur Ari; Senger, Steven; Wolf, Charles 1 2021 Belief revision against background knowledge. Zbl 1547.03094 Aravanis, Theofanis 1 2022 Riesz means via heat kernel bounds. Zbl 1425.43002 Cleanthous, Galatia; Georgiadis, Athanasios G. 1 2016 On the Bernstein-Hoeffding method. Zbl 1425.60019 Pelekis, Christos; Ramon, Jan; Wang, Yuyi 1 2018 Wavelet decomposition and bandwidth of functions defined on vector spaces over finite fields. Zbl 1425.42038 Iosevich, Alex; Liu, Allen; Mayeli, Azita; Pakianathan, Jonathan 1 2018 Almost similar configurations. Zbl 1430.51031 Bárány, Imre; Füredi, Zoltán 1 2019 Best Sobolev constants in the presence of sharp Hardy terms in Euclidean and hyperbolic space. Zbl 1429.35010 Barbatis, G.; Tertikas, A. 1 2019 Sets of full measure avoiding Cantor sets. Zbl 1547.28019 Kolountzakis, Mihail N. 1 2023 Algorithmically efficient syntactic characterization of possibility domains. Zbl 1452.91133 Díaz, Josep; Kirousis, Lefteris; Kokonezi, Sofia.; Livieratos, John 1 2019 Sharp lower bounds for the vector Allen-Cahn energy and qualitative properties of minimizers under no symmetry hypotheses. Zbl 1518.35291 Alikakos, Nicholas D.; Fusco, Giorgio 2 2023 Sets of full measure avoiding Cantor sets. Zbl 1547.28019 Kolountzakis, Mihail N. 1 2023 Numerical solution of internal-wave systems in the intermediate long wave and the Benjamin-Ono regimes. Zbl 1492.65279 Dougalis, Vassilios A.; Duran, Angel; Saridaki, Leetha 1 2022 Belief revision against background knowledge. Zbl 1547.03094 Aravanis, Theofanis 1 2022 Pseudo links in handlebodies. Zbl 1484.57004 Diamantis, Ioannis 4 2021 Topological and algebraic genericity in chains of sequence spaces and function spaces. Zbl 1487.46023 Bernal-González, L.; Nestoridis, V. 2 2021 Angle chains and pinned variants. Zbl 1482.52018 Pallson, Eyvindur Ari; Senger, Steven; Wolf, Charles 1 2021 Spectral gaps, symmetries and log-concave perturbations. Zbl 1442.35276 Barthe, Frank; Klartag, Bo’az 8 2020 Non-asymptotic \(\ell_1\) spaces with unique \(\ell_1\) asymptotic model. Zbl 1453.46011 Argyros, Spiros A.; Georgiou, Alexandros; Motakis, Pavlos 3 2020 Inequalities for the variation operator. Zbl 1451.26019 Demir, Sakin 3 2020 On the generalized Fermat equation \(a^2+3b^6=c^n\). Zbl 1458.11057 Koutsianas, Angelos 2 2020 Falconer-type estimates for dot products. Zbl 1476.28003 Iosevich, Alex; Senger, Steven 1 2020 An example related to the Erdős-Falconer question over arbitrary finite fields. Zbl 1425.11022 Murphy, Brendan; Petridis, Giorgis 10 2019 A limited-range Calderón-Zygmund theorem. Zbl 1440.42054 Grafakos, Loukas; Stockdale, Cody B. 5 2019 Antipodal sets in infinite dimensional Banach spaces. Zbl 1435.46010 Glakousakis, E.; Mercourakis, S. 2 2019 Almost similar configurations. Zbl 1430.51031 Bárány, Imre; Füredi, Zoltán 1 2019 Best Sobolev constants in the presence of sharp Hardy terms in Euclidean and hyperbolic space. Zbl 1429.35010 Barbatis, G.; Tertikas, A. 1 2019 Algorithmically efficient syntactic characterization of possibility domains. Zbl 1452.91133 Díaz, Josep; Kirousis, Lefteris; Kokonezi, Sofia.; Livieratos, John 1 2019 Tempered distributions with discrete support and spectrum. Zbl 1425.46026 Favorov, S. Yu. 8 2018 Polynomial esimates towards a sharp Helly-type theorem for the diameter of convex sets. Zbl 1425.52006 Brazitikos, Silouanos 4 2018 On 2-skeleta of Platonic polytopes. Zbl 1425.57002 Hammack, Richard; Kainen, Paul C. 4 2018 On spaces of holomorphic functions with bounded or continuous up to the boundary derivatives. Zbl 1425.30043 Moschonas, D.; Nestoridis, V. 2 2018 On the Bernstein-Hoeffding method. Zbl 1425.60019 Pelekis, Christos; Ramon, Jan; Wang, Yuyi 1 2018 Wavelet decomposition and bandwidth of functions defined on vector spaces over finite fields. Zbl 1425.42038 Iosevich, Alex; Liu, Allen; Mayeli, Azita; Pakianathan, Jonathan 1 2018 Guinand’s measures are almost periodic distributions. Zbl 1425.42008 Meyer, Yves 5 2017 A two-parameter finite field Erdős-Falconer distance problem. Zbl 1425.42010 Birklbauer, Philipp; Iosevich, Alex 2 2017 Jacobians of quaternion polynomials. Zbl 1425.26004 Sakkalis, Takis 1 2017 Some open problems on multiple ergodic averages. Zbl 1425.37004 Frantzikinakis, Nikos 29 2016 The local \(h\)-polynomial of the edgewise subdivision of the simplex. Zbl 1425.05163 Athanasiadis, Christos A. 4 2016 Packing near the tiling density and exponential bases for product domains. Zbl 1425.52017 Kolountzakis, Mihail N. 3 2016 Complete solution of the Diophantine equation \(x^2+5^a\cdot 11^b = y^n\). Zbl 1425.11059 Soydan, G.; Tzanakis, N. 3 2016 Riesz means via heat kernel bounds. Zbl 1425.43002 Cleanthous, Galatia; Georgiadis, Athanasios G. 1 2016 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 167 Authors 5 Richter, Florian Karl 4 Diamantis, Ioannis 4 Frantzikinakis, Nikos 4 Kainen, Paul C. 4 Koh, Doowon 4 Le, Anh Ngoc 4 Lev, Nir 4 Mirek, Mariusz 4 Moreira, Joel 3 Iosevich, Alex 3 Koutsogiannis, Andreas 3 Kuca, Borys 3 Palsson, Eyvindur Ari 3 Pham Van Thang 2 Acosta, Francisco Romero 2 Alan, Murat 2 Argyros, Spiros A. 2 Bergelson, Vitaly 2 Briët, Jop 2 Cattiaux, Patrick 2 Cheong, Daewoong 2 Demir, Sakin 2 Favorov, Sergeĭ Yur’evich 2 Geng, Zhiyuan 2 Guillin, Arnaud 2 Hammack, Richard H. 2 Ionescu, Alexandru D. 2 Klartag, Bo’az 2 Kovač, Vjekoslav 2 Livshyts, Galyna V. 2 Magyar, Akos 2 Motakis, Pavlos 2 Nestoridis, Vassili 2 Pacetti, Ariel Martín 2 Rakhmonov, Firdavs 2 Reti, Gilad 2 Shen, Chun-Yen 2 Soberón, Pablo 2 Suzuki, Soichiro 2 Szarek, Tomasz Zachary 2 Torcomian, Lucas Villagra 2 Zhang, Philip B. 1 Alikakos, Nicholas D. 1 Almeida, Víctor M. 1 Almendra-Hernández, Víctor Hugo 1 Altman, Daniel 1 Ambrus, Gergely 1 Aravanis, Theofanis I. 1 Athanasiadis, Christos A. 1 Axarlis, M. 1 Baake, Michael 1 Balogh, József 1 Ban, Jungchao 1 Barbatis, Gerassimos 1 Bennett, Michael A. 1 Betancor Perez, Jorge Juan 1 Bhowmik, Pablo 1 Bona, Jerry Lloyd 1 Bonnefont, Michel 1 Bourgain, Jean 1 Burgin, Alex 1 Candela, Pablo 1 Cardona, Duván 1 Chen, Ming-Liang 1 Christ, Michael 1 Clemen, Felix Christian 1 Clément, François 1 Dalmasso, Estefanía D. 1 Deliyanni, Irene 1 Dillon, Travis 1 Du, Xiumin 1 Duran, Angel 1 Durcik, Polona 1 Favorov, Sergii Yu. 1 Fleischmann, Henry L. 1 Gaebler, Harrison 1 Ge, Gennian 1 Georgiou, Alexandros 1 Ghiloni, Riccardo 1 Green, Ben Joseph 1 Greenfeld, Rachel 1 Griesmer, John T. 1 Haglund, James 1 Hammkack, Richard H. 1 Hu, Wen-Guei 1 Ivanov, Grigory M. 1 Joulin, Aldéric 1 Juhnke-Kubitzke, Martina 1 Karageorgos, Dimitris 1 Keleti, Tamás 1 Kendall, Matthew 1 Kim, Jinbeom 1 Kirousis, Lefteris Miltiades 1 Kolaitis, Phokion G. 1 Kolountzakis, Mihail N. 1 Kolchinskiĭ, Vladimir I’ich 1 Konidas, Christos Angelos 1 Konyagin, Sergeĭ Vladimirovich 1 Kotsovolis, Giorgos 1 Krause, Ben ...and 67 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 77 Journals 5 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 5 Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 4 Advances in Mathematics 3 Journal d’Analyse Mathématique 3 SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 3 Forum of Mathematics, Sigma 2 Analysis Mathematica 2 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 2 Israel Journal of Mathematics 2 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 2 Studia Mathematica 2 Inventiones Mathematicae 2 Journal of Functional Analysis 2 Mathematische Zeitschrift 2 Monatshefte für Mathematik 2 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 2 Real Analysis Exchange 2 Discrete & Computational Geometry 2 Computational Geometry 2 The Journal of Geometric Analysis 2 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 2 Matematychni Studiï 2 Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 2 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 2 Bulletin of the Hellenic Mathematical Society 1 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 1 Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 1 Discrete Mathematics 1 Journal of Statistical Physics 1 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 1 Mathematics of Computation 1 Mathematics Magazine 1 Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie 1 Acta Arithmetica 1 Archivum Mathematicum 1 Colloquium Mathematicum 1 Illinois Journal of Mathematics 1 Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society 1 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 1 Mathematische Annalen 1 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 1 Topology and its Applications 1 European Journal of Combinatorics 1 Advances in Applied Mathematics 1 Statistics & Probability Letters 1 Combinatorica 1 Forum Mathematicum 1 Geometric and Functional Analysis. GAFA 1 Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 1 Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications 1 Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse. Mathématiques. Série VI 1 Russian Mathematics 1 Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 1 The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 1 The New York Journal of Mathematics 1 The Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR) 1 Bernoulli 1 The Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 1 Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire 1 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 1 Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society 1 Integers 1 Advanced Nonlinear Studies 1 ACM Transactions on Computational Logic 1 International Journal of Number Theory 1 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 1 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM 1 Journal of Spectral Theory 1 Sankhyā. Series A 1 Communications in Mathematics 1 Forum of Mathematics, Pi 1 Transactions of the London Mathematical Society 1 Discrete Analysis 1 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. Series B 1 The Art of Discrete and Applied Mathematics 1 Water Waves 1 Sampling Theory, Signal Processing, and Data Analysis all top 5 Cited in 30 Fields 32 Number theory (11-XX) 32 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 30 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 25 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 17 Measure and integration (28-XX) 15 Combinatorics (05-XX) 13 Functional analysis (46-XX) 8 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 8 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 7 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 6 Real functions (26-XX) 5 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 5 Operator theory (47-XX) 3 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 2 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 2 Statistics (62-XX) 2 Computer science (68-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 1 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 1 Potential theory (31-XX) 1 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 1 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Integral equations (45-XX) 1 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 1 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 1 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 1 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) Citations by Year