Ingenieur-Archiv Short Title: Ing.-Arch. Publisher: Springer, Berlin ISSN: 0020-1154 Online: Successor: Archive of Applied Mechanics Comments: Journal; No longer indexed Documents Indexed: 1,894 Publications (1930–1990) References Indexed: 692 Publications with 8,398 References. all top 5 Latest Issues 60, No. 7 (1990) 60, No. 6 (1990) 60, No. 5 (1990) 60, No. 4 (1990) 60, No. 3 (1990) 60, No. 2 (1989) 60, No. 1 (1989) 59, No. 6 (1989) 59, No. 5 (1989) 59, No. 4 (1989) 59, No. 2 (1989) 59, No. 1 (1989) 58, No. 6 (1988) 58, No. 5 (1988) 58, No. 4 (1988) 58, No. 3 (1988) 58, No. 2 (1988) 58, No. 1 (1988) 57 (1987) 56 (1986) 55 (1985) 54 (1984) 53 (1983) 52 (1982) 51 (1981/1982) 50 (1981) 49 (1980) 48 (1979) 47 (1978) 46 (1977) 45 (1976) 44 (1975) 43 (1973/1974) 42 (1972/1973) 41 (1971/1972) 40 (1971) 39 (1970) 38 (1969) 37 (1968/1969) 36 (1967/1968) 35 (1966/1967) 34 (1965) 33 (1963/1964) 32 (1963) 31 (1962) 30 (1961) 29 (1960) 27 (1960) 28 (1959) 27 (1959) 26 (1958) 25 (1957) 24 (1956) 23 (1955) 22 (1954) 21 (1953) 20 (1952) 19 (1951) 18 (1950) 17 (1949) 16 (1947/1948) 15 (1944) 14 (1943/1944) 13 (1942/1943) 12 (1941) 11 (1940) 10 (1939) 9 (1938) 8 (1937) 7 (1936) 6 (1935) 5 (1934) 4 (1933) 3 (1932) 2 (1931/1932) 1 (1930) all top 5 Authors 36 Grammel, Richard 30 Leipholz, Horst H. E. 23 Müller, Wilhelm 23 Woinowsky-Krieger, S. 20 Bufler, Hans 19 Gran Olsson, Rolf Harald 17 Federhofer, Karl 15 Pöschl, Theodor 15 Ziegler, Hans 14 Hohenemser, Kurt Heinrich 14 Klotter, Karl 13 Szablewski, Witold 12 Weidenhammer, Fritz 11 Isay, Wolfgang-Hermann 11 Karas, Karl 11 Magnus, Kurt 11 Prager, William 11 Rüdiger, Dieter 10 Reissner, Eric 10 Schmieden, Curt 9 Fadle, Johann 9 Göhner, Otto 9 Mettler, Eberhard 9 Neuber, Heinz 9 Tölke, Friedrich 9 Truckenbrodt, Erich 9 Wuest, Walter 8 Bauer, Helmut F. 8 Craemer, H. 8 Desoyer, K. 8 Falk, Sigurd 8 Helmbold, Heinrich B. 8 Marguerre, Karl 8 Ruge, Peter 8 Theocaris, Pericles S. 8 Zoller, Konrad 7 Argyris, John Hadji 7 Dörr, Johannes 7 Kimmel, A. 7 Lutz, Otto 7 Mahrenholtz, Oskar H. 7 Meyer zur Capellen, Walther 7 Nickel, Karl L. E. 7 Sauer, Robert 7 Slibar, Alfred 6 Eschler, H. 6 Flügge-Lotz, Irmgard 6 Jindra, Friedrich 6 Jung, Hartmut 6 Kucharski, W. 6 Ohlig, R. 6 Rotta, Julius C. 6 Schiehlen, Werner O. 6 Schunck, T. E. 6 Sonntag, Rudolf 6 Stange, Kurt 6 Swida, W. 6 Vielsack, Peter 6 Weinel, Ernst Albert 6 Zerna, W. 5 Collatz, Lothar 5 Föppl, Otto 5 Hagedorn, Peter 5 Kneschke, Alfred 5 Lehmann, Theodor 5 Panagiotopoulos, Panagiotis D. 5 Paslay, Paul R. 5 Pestel, Eduard C. 5 Reissner, Hans Jacob 5 Rossbach, Heinrich Friedrich 5 Schaefer, Hermann 5 Stein, Erwin 5 Volterra, Enrico 5 Wittenburg, Jens Peter 4 Athanasiadis, G. 4 Bárta, Jaroslav 4 Bay, Herbert 4 Biezeno, Cornelis Benjamin 4 Brinkmann, Günther 4 Chia, Chuen-Yuan 4 Chonan, S. 4 Fischer, Johannes 4 Flügge, Wilhelm 4 Gamer, Udo 4 Girkmann, Karl 4 Gradstein, S. 4 Heck, O. S. 4 Ježek, K. 4 Karamanlidis, Dimitrios 4 Kauderer, Hans 4 Kounadis, Anthony N. 4 Kunert, K.-H. 4 Lee, Seng-Lip 4 Link, H. 4 Mang, H. 4 Melan, Ernst 4 Michalke, Alfons 4 Mioduchowski, Andrew 4 Müller, Emil 4 Müller, Peter Chr. ...and 848 more Authors all top 5 Fields 489 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 110 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 78 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 46 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 30 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 22 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 17 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 12 Integral equations (45-XX) 6 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 6 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 5 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 4 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 4 Statistics (62-XX) 3 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 3 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 1 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 1 Potential theory (31-XX) 1 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Functional analysis (46-XX) 1 Operator theory (47-XX) 1 Computer science (68-XX) 1 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 1 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 1 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 815 Publications have been cited 3,089 times in 2,415 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Die Stabilitätskriterien der Elastomechanik. Zbl 0047.42606 Ziegler, H. 81 1952 A nonlinear programming approach to the unilateral contact-, and friction-boundary value problem in the theory of elasticity. Zbl 0332.73018 Panagiotopoulos, P. D. 65 1975 Zur Plastizität des räumlichen Kontinuums. JFM 64.0840.01 Melan, E. 64 1938 Three-dimensional anisotropic and inhomogeneous elastic media matrix analysis for small and large displacements. Zbl 0131.39502 Argyris, J. H. 34 1965 Aufwicklung einer unstabilen Unstetigkeitsfläche. Zbl 0002.07804 Kaden, H. 32 1931 Über die Berücksichtigung der Schubverzerrung in ebenen Platten. Zbl 0030.04301 Hencky, H. 32 1947 Net-stress analysis in creep mechanics. Zbl 0502.73036 Betten, J. 29 1982 Fully developed turbulent flow in a pipe: an intermediate layer. Zbl 0509.76060 Afzal, N. 28 1982 Untersuchungen über turbulente Strömungen in nicht kreisförmigen Rohren. JFM 56.1264.04 Nikuradse, J. 27 1930 Boundary elements and symmetry. Zbl 0573.73094 Hartmann, F.; Katz, C.; Protopsaltis, B. 26 1985 An infinite row of collinear cracks in an infinite elastic sheet. Zbl 0086.38805 Koiter, W. T. 25 1959 Einige Bemerkungen zu einer allgemeinen Klasse von Stoffgesetzen für große elasto-plastische Formänderungen. Zbl 0241.73006 Lehmann, Th. 23 1972 Elastic-plastic deformation of the rotating solid disk. Zbl 0554.73029 Gamer, U. 20 1984 Stress analysis of a semi-infinite plate with an oblique edge crack. Zbl 0426.73089 Hasebe, N.; Inohara, S. 19 1980 A thermomechanical description of materials with internal variables in the process of phase transitions. Zbl 0495.73098 Tanaka, K.; Nagaki, S. 19 1982 Arguments for and against Engesser’s buckling formulas. Zbl 0487.73046 Ziegler, H. 19 1982 Some remarks on the problem of column buckling. Zbl 0487.73047 Reissner, E. 19 1982 Applications of finite elements in space and time. Zbl 0241.73096 Argyris, J. H.; Chan, A. S. L. 19 1972 Analoge Systeme von Schalengleichungen. Zbl 0099.40601 Günther, W. 18 1961 Allgemeine Theorie der Stabilität erzwungener Schwingungen elastischer Körper. Zbl 0035.11701 Mettler, E. 18 1949 On conservative elastic systems of the first and second kind. Zbl 0305.73033 Leipholz, H. H. E. 18 1974 Untersuchungen über die Wandschubspannung in turbulenten Reibungsschichten. Zbl 0035.41702 Ludwieg, H.; Tillmann, W. 17 1949 On the formal development of elastic foundation models. Zbl 0555.73027 Kerr, A. D. 17 1984 On the dynamics of elastic systems with moving concentrated masses. Zbl 0606.73062 Sadiku, S.; Leipholz, H. H. E. 17 1987 Räumliche Verzweigungsprobleme des dünnen elastischen Stabes mit endlichen Verformungen. Zbl 0167.23602 Kovari, K. 16 1969 On some nonmonotone subdifferential boundary conditions in elastostatics. Zbl 0698.73009 Naniewicz, Z. 16 1989 Finite-element analysis of slow incompressible viscous fluid motion. Zbl 0274.76028 Argyris, J. H.; Mareczek, G. 16 1974 Wachstum der laminaren Grenzschicht an schräg angeströmten Zylindern bei Anfahrt aus der Ruhe. Zbl 0064.20204 Wundt, H. 15 1955 Mechanische Systeme mit unstetigen Übergängen. Zbl 0551.70006 Pfeiffer, F. 15 1984 Stationäre, axialsymmetrische, durch eine schüttelnde Masse erregte Schwingungen eines homogenen elastischen Halbraumes. JFM 62.0941.02 Reißner, E. 15 1936 A variational solution of the Rayleigh problem for a power law non- Newtonian conducting fluid. Zbl 0243.76003 Vujanovic, B.; Strauss, A. M.; Djukic, Dj. 15 1972 Oberflächenorientierte Schalentheorien endlicher Verschiebungen. (Boundary surface orientated shell theories with large deflections). Zbl 0595.73061 Schoop, H. 14 1986 On finite element computaition for plates. (Zur Plattenberechnung mittels finiter Elemente.) Zbl 0197.21901 Bufler, H.; Stein, Erwin 14 1970 Zur Fließbedingung der Plastizitätstheorie. Zbl 0211.28501 Sayir, M. 14 1970 Ein Beitrag zur Theorie geschweisster Verbindungen. Zbl 0004.27702 Melan, Ernst 14 1932 The Biot stresses in nonlinear elasticity and the associated generalized variational principles. Zbl 0592.73017 Bufler, H. 13 1985 Coupling of bending and torsional vibration of a cracked Timoshenko shaft. Zbl 0614.73058 Papadopoulos, C. A.; Dimarogonas, A. D. 13 1987 Freie und erzwungene Torsionsschwingungen des elastischen Halbraumes. JFM 63.1340.02 Reißner, E. 13 1937 Über turbulente Strahlausbreitung. JFM 60.1390.01 Förthmann, E. 13 1934 On the analysis of thick rectangular plates. Zbl 0289.73046 Iyengar, K. T. Sundara Raja; Chandrashekhara, K.; Sebastian, V. K. 13 1974 Theorie dreidimensionaler Setzungsvorgänge in Tonschichten. Zbl 0096.42401 Heinrich, G.; Desoyer, K. 12 1961 Die Stabilität der Kreiszylinderschale. JFM 58.1285.02 Flügge, W. 12 1932 Eine Erweiterung der klassischen Schalentheorie; der Einfluß von Dickenverzerrungen und Querschnittsverwölbungen. Zbl 0496.73083 Kienzler, R. 12 1982 Die elastoplastische Berechnung von allgemeinen Tragwerken und Kontinua. Zbl 0175.23601 Argyris, J. H.; Scharpf, D. W.; Spooner, J. B. 12 1969 Einige Erhaltungssätze der Kontinuumsmechanik vom J-Integral-Typ. Zbl 0452.73082 Buggisch, H. 11 1981 Der selbsterregte unsymmetrische Kreisel. Zbl 0059.17304 Grammel, R. 11 1954 Über den Zusammenhang von Spannungen und Formänderungen im Verfestigungsgebiet. JFM 58.0847.01 Schmidt, R. 11 1932 On a quasi-stationary model of debonding processes in layered composites. Zbl 0675.73006 Naniewicz, Z.; Woźniak, Cz. 11 1988 Bifurcation analysis for sand samples with a non-linear constitutive equation. Zbl 0452.73023 Kolymbas, D. 10 1981 Some special solutions for the flexural vibrations of discs of varying thickness. Zbl 0101.18301 Conway, H. D. 10 1958 Instabilität durchströmter Rohre. Zbl 0124.41001 Roth, W. 10 1964 Die Selbstspannungs-Eigenwertfunktionen der quadratischen Scheibe. JFM 66.1051.02 Fadle, J. 10 1940 Rechnergestütztes Aufstellen der Bewegungsgleichungen gewöhnlicher Mehrkörpersysteme. Zbl 0354.70010 Schiehlen, W.; Kreuzer, E. 10 1977 On the work theorems in nonlinear network theory. Zbl 0437.73035 Bufler, H.; Nguyen-Tuong, B. 10 1980 Die Bestimmung des Spannungs- und Verschiebungszustandes eines geschichteten Körpers mit Hilfe von Übertragungsmatrizen. Zbl 0115.42101 Bufler, H. 10 1962 Allgemeine Schalentheorie beliebiger Werkstoffe und Verformungen. (General theory of shells any materials and deformations.). Zbl 0227.73146 Krätzig, W. B. 10 1971 Squeezing flow between parallel plates. Zbl 0708.76046 Singh, P.; Radhakrishnan, V.; Narayan, K. A. 10 1990 Elastoplastische Stoffgleichungen für trockenen Sand. Zbl 0259.73046 Gudehus, G. 10 1973 Zur Variationsformulierung nichtlinearer Randwertprobleme. Zbl 0369.35002 Bufler, H. 9 1976 On refined plate models based on kinematical assumptions. Zbl 0604.73057 Lewiński, T. 9 1987 Eine systematische Herleitung verbesserter Plattengleichungen. Zbl 0526.73063 Preusser, Gerda 9 1984 On circular micropolar plates. Zbl 0164.27403 Ariman, T. 9 1968 The equations of motion for curved and twisted elastic bars deduced by the use of the ”Method of internal constraints”. Zbl 0072.19501 Volterra, E. 9 1956 Die Matrizentheorie der Statik. Zbl 0078.38001 Argyris, J. H. 9 1957 Theoretical studies of sea animal locomotion. I. Zbl 0118.42201 Sickmann, J. 9 1962 On the equations of motion of shells in the reference state. Zbl 0127.15502 Habip, L. M.; Ebcioglu, I. K. 9 1965 Inadaptation theorems in the dynamics of elastic-work hardening structures. Zbl 0271.73030 Corradi, L.; Maier, G. 9 1973 Stability of elastic rods via Liapunov’s second method. Zbl 0295.73041 Leipholz, H. H. E. 9 1975 On a theory concerning the dynamical behavior of structures carrying moving masses. Zbl 0294.73065 Stanisic, M. M.; Euler, J. A.; Montgomery, S. T. 9 1974 Convex analysis and unilateral static problems. Zbl 0339.73007 Panagiotopoulos, P. D. 8 1976 Moving load on a pre-stressed plate resting on a fluid half-space. Zbl 0338.73039 Chonan, S. 8 1976 On a new integration rule with the Gegenbauer polynomials for singular integral equations used in the theory of elasticity. Zbl 0627.73018 Ladopoulos, E. G. 8 1988 A theory of rotating elasto-plastic shrink fits. Zbl 0585.73062 Gamer, U.; Kollmann, F. G. 8 1986 Spannungsintensitaetsfaktoren von Risssystemen. Zbl 0482.73074 Gross, D. 8 1982 On a new boundary element solution scheme for elastoplasticity. Zbl 0489.73095 Tanaka, M.; Tanaka, K. 8 1981 The BIE analysis of the Berger equation. Zbl 0523.73064 Sladek, J.; Sladek, V. 8 1983 Klassifikation gedämpfter Schwingungssysteme und Eingrenzung ihrer Eigenwerte. Zbl 0095.38601 Falk, S. 8 1960 Zur Theorie der rollenden Reibung. Zbl 0089.42503 Bufler, H. 8 1959 Matrix displacement analysis of plates and shells. Zbl 0141.42304 Argyris, J. H. 8 1966 A linearization tool for use with matrix formalisms of rotational dynamics. Zbl 0167.23303 Roberson, R. E.; Likins, P. W. 8 1969 Verallgemeinerte Theorie der Plattenstatik. Zbl 0052.20703 Kromm, A. 8 1953 Über den geraden Knickstab mit begrenzter Durchbiegung. Zbl 0057.40303 Link, H. 8 1954 Ein Bitrag zur Theorie geschweißter Verbindungen. JFM 58.1281.01 Melan, E. 8 1932 Aufwicklung einer unstabilen Unstetigkeitsfläche. JFM 57.1135.06 Kaden, H. 8 1931 Optimal spherical cupola of uniform strength. Zbl 0434.73065 Prager, W.; Rozvany, G. I. N. 8 1980 On the parameter identification of elastomechanical systems using input and output residuals. Zbl 0557.73017 Cottin, N.; Felgenhauer, H.-P.; Natke, H. G. 8 1984 An expression for transient thermal stress in a nonhomogeneous plate with temperature variation through thickness. Zbl 0604.73009 Sugano, Y. 8 1987 Nichtlineare Stabilitätsuntersuchungen mit der Methode der Finiten Elemente. Zbl 0482.73053 Brendel, B.; Ramm, E. 8 1982 Integral-equation solution for half planes bonded together or in contact and containing internal cracks or holes. Zbl 0518.73098 Tsamasphyros, G.; Theocaris, P. S. 8 1983 Zur Frage der Druckverteilung unter elastisch gelagerten Tragwerken. JFM 68.0566.01 Schubert, G. 8 1942 Beiträge zur hydrodynamischen Theorie der Lagerreibung. JFM 66.1073.04 Nahme, R. 8 1940 Über das ebene Windschattenproblem. JFM 56.1261.06 Schlichting, H. 8 1930 Stress-unilateral analysis of discretized cable and membrane structure in the presence of large displacements. Zbl 0356.73056 Panagiotopoulos, P. D. 8 1975 Axisymmetric vibration of human skull-brain system. Zbl 0373.73100 Misra, J. C. 8 1978 Stress analysis for a strip with semi-elliptical notches or cracks on both sides by means of rational mapping function. Zbl 0377.73108 Hasebe, N.; Horiuchi, Y. 8 1978 Über den Einfluß der Dämpfung bei nichtkonservativen Stabilitätsproblemen elastischer Stäbe. Zbl 0126.41408 Leipholz, H. 8 1964 Über die Befreiung der Ansatzfunktionen des Ritzschen und Galerkinschen Verfahrens von den Randbedingungen. Zbl 0156.22602 Leipholz, H. 8 1967 On consistent first approximations in the general linear theory of thin elastic shells. Zbl 0227.73145 Reissner, E. 8 1971 Spannungs- und Stabilitätsproblem eines elastisch-querisotropen Schichtsystems. (Stress problem and stability problem of a elastic cross- isotropic layer system). Zbl 0231.73023 Bufler, H. 8 1972 Potential flow analysis by finite elements. Zbl 0251.76009 Argyris, J. H.; Mareczek, G. 8 1972 Squeezing flow between parallel plates. Zbl 0708.76046 Singh, P.; Radhakrishnan, V.; Narayan, K. A. 10 1990 Discrete and continuum modelling of delamination processes. Zbl 0712.73058 Woźniak, Cz. 5 1990 Nonlinear dynamic stability of a simple floating bridge model. Zbl 0713.73063 Kounadis, A. N.; Mahrenholtz, O.; Bogacz, R. 2 1990 Closed form solutions of the differential equations governing the plastic fracture field in a power-law hardening material with low strain- hardening exponent. Zbl 0715.73056 Panayotounakos, D. E.; Markakis, M. 2 1990 Numerical solution of the curved rigid line problem in an infinite plate. Zbl 0712.73104 Chen, Y. Z.; Zhao, Z. W. 1 1990 Axisymmetric bonded punch problem: A complete solution. Zbl 0713.73081 Fabrikant, V. I. 1 1990 On some nonmonotone subdifferential boundary conditions in elastostatics. Zbl 0698.73009 Naniewicz, Z. 16 1989 Microlocal parameters in a modelling of microperiodic multilayered elastic plates. Zbl 0691.73006 Matysiak, S. J.; Nagórko, W. 7 1989 Non-similar solutions of free convection flow over a vertical frustum of a cone for constant wall temperature. Zbl 0688.76062 Singh, P.; Radhakrishnan, V.; Narayan, K. A. 3 1989 Considerations on self- and parametrically excited vibrational systems. Zbl 0689.70011 Yano, S. 3 1989 Numerische Stabilitätsanalyse linear und nichtlinear, deformierbarer, parametererregter Schalentragwerke. (Numerical stability analysis of linearly and nonlinearly deformable shell structures under parametric excitation). Zbl 0694.73029 Eller, C.; Krätzig, W. B. 2 1989 The center of shear as a problem of the theory of plates of variable thickness. Zbl 0695.73006 Reissner, E. 2 1989 Finite axisymmetric deformation of shells of revolution with application to flexural buckling of circular plates. Zbl 0712.73031 Makowski, J.; Stumpf, H. 2 1989 Stress concentration factors due to the bending of a thick plate with circular hole. Zbl 0691.73007 Chen, P. S.; Archer, R. R. 2 1989 Stability of a rocking block on a cylinder, including the effect of initial imperfections of arbitrary magnitude. Zbl 0694.73022 Guran, A.; Rimrott, F. P. J. 2 1989 On the flexural vibration of an elastic plate carrying a concentrated mass. Zbl 0695.73023 Sadiku, S. 2 1989 On a single edge crack problem in an elastic strip. Zbl 0695.73035 Ishida, R. 2 1989 The effects of material nonlinearity and compressibility in the buckling of nonlinear elastic systems. Zbl 0693.73036 Varellis, I.; Kounadis, A. N. 1 1989 Stabilität elastischer Tragwerke mit nichtlinearem Verformungsverhalten bei instationären Einwirkungen. (Stability of elastic structures with nonlinear deformation behaviour against instationary actions). Zbl 0693.73037 Dinkler, D. 1 1989 Elastic half-space with several domains subjected to tangential displacements. Zbl 0693.73078 Fabrikant, V. I. 1 1989 An upper bound approach on yield surfaces of porous materials. Zbl 0698.73030 Oyane, M.; Omura, M.; Tabata, T.; Hisatsune, T. 1 1989 Method of initial functions for thick transversely isotropic shells. Zbl 0724.73282 Faraji, S.; Archer, R. R. 1 1989 Zur Äquivalenz der klassischen Stabilitätskriterien der Elastomechanik bei nichtkonservativen Kräften. (On the equivalence of classical criteria of elastomechanics in case of non-conservative loads). Zbl 0694.73019 Schräpel, H.-D. 1 1989 Dynamic analysis of constrained elastic systems. Zbl 0695.73019 Sadiku, S. 1 1989 On the accuracy of the harmonic balance method concerning vibrations of beams with nonlinear supports. Zbl 0695.73021 Gudmundson, P. 1 1989 On a quasi-stationary model of debonding processes in layered composites. Zbl 0675.73006 Naniewicz, Z.; Woźniak, Cz. 11 1988 On a new integration rule with the Gegenbauer polynomials for singular integral equations used in the theory of elasticity. Zbl 0627.73018 Ladopoulos, E. G. 8 1988 Tangent stiffness matrices for projection methods in elasto-plasticity. (Tangentiale Steifigkeitsmatrizen bei Anwendung von Projektionsverfahren in der Elastoplastizitätstheorie.) Zbl 0627.73029 Gruttmann, F.; Stein, Erwin 6 1988 Plane contact problems for a periodic two-layered elastic composite. Zbl 0631.73096 Kaczyński, A.; Matysiak, S. J. 6 1988 Eine direkt formulierte lineare Theorie für viskoelastische Platten und Schalen. (A directly formulated linear theory of viscoelastic plates and shells). Zbl 0661.73032 Altenbach, H. 6 1988 Conservation laws in plate theories. Zbl 0661.73031 Sosa, H.; Rafalski, P.; Herrmann, G. 4 1988 Nonlinear analysis of doubly curved symmetrically laminated shallow shells with rectangular planform. Zbl 0661.73040 Chia, C. Y. 4 1988 Strainhardening effects in shakedown processes. Zbl 0627.73030 König, J. A.; Siemaszko, A. 3 1988 The refinement approximate criterion for chaos in a two-state mechanical oscillator. Zbl 0655.70026 Szemplińska-Stupnicka, W. 2 1988 Stress intensity factor for transient thermal stresses in an infinite elastic solid containing an annular crack. Zbl 0627.73005 Noda, N.; Matsunaga, Y.; Nyuko, H. 1 1988 Zur numerischen Behandlung von elastischen Stößen in Mehrkörpersystemen. (On the numerical treatment of elastic impact motion in multibody systems). Zbl 0645.70008 Ostermeyer, G.-P. 1 1988 Optimierung des Isolationsverhaltens von Lagerungen bei Maschinenbauteilkomplexen. (Optimization of isolation behaviour of mechanical aggregate system mountings). Zbl 0661.73067 Reithmeier, E.; Küçükay, F. 1 1988 An engineering theory for beam bending. Zbl 0627.73060 Rychter, Z. 1 1988 Strukturmodifikation mit dem Modal-Korrektur-Verfahren für das System mit nicht proportionaler Dämpfung. (Structural modification by means of modal correction for a non proportional damped system). Zbl 0667.70026 Li, L.; Stühler, W. 1 1988 On the dynamics of elastic systems with moving concentrated masses. Zbl 0606.73062 Sadiku, S.; Leipholz, H. H. E. 17 1987 Coupling of bending and torsional vibration of a cracked Timoshenko shaft. Zbl 0614.73058 Papadopoulos, C. A.; Dimarogonas, A. D. 13 1987 On refined plate models based on kinematical assumptions. Zbl 0604.73057 Lewiński, T. 9 1987 An expression for transient thermal stress in a nonhomogeneous plate with temperature variation through thickness. Zbl 0604.73009 Sugano, Y. 8 1987 Integral equations for any configuration of curved cracks and holes in an elastic strip. Zbl 0598.73102 Theotokoglou, E. N.; Tsamasphyros, G. J. 5 1987 Transient thermal stress problem in an orthotropic, thin plate with a Griffith crack. Zbl 0606.73011 Noda, N. 5 1987 Analytic research on dynamic phenomena of parametrically and self-excited mechanical systems. Zbl 0609.73062 Yano, S. 4 1987 Vibrations and transient responses of Timoshenko beams resting on elastic foundations. Zbl 0604.73062 Yokoyama, T. 4 1987 On an approximate criterion for chaotic motion in a model of a buckled beam. Zbl 0606.73044 Rudowski, J.; Szemplińska-Stupnicka, W. 4 1987 Influence of moving masses on rectangular plate dynamics. Zbl 0606.73061 Saigal, S.; Agrawal, O. P.; Stanišič, M. M. 3 1987 The plane frictionless contact of two elastic bodies - The inclusion problem. Zbl 0614.73117 Theocaris, P. S.; Bardzokas, D. 2 1987 Bifurcating self-excited vibrations of a horizontally rotating viscoelastic shaft. Zbl 0626.73045 Kurnik, W. 2 1987 Free-form shell analysis by a mixed-hybrid finite element approach. Zbl 0626.73073 Karamanlidis, D.; Jasti, R. 2 1987 Thermoelastic waves in a thin plate with mixed boundary conditions and thermal relaxation. Zbl 0626.73007 Massalas, C. V.; Kalpakidis, V. K. 2 1987 Curved mixed beam elements for the analysis of thin-walled free-form arches. Zbl 0622.73081 Karamanlidis, D.; Jasti, R. 2 1987 Induced surface oscillations due to time-oscillatory temperature distribution in a visco-elastic spherical system. Zbl 0608.76004 Bauer, H. F.; Eidel, W. 1 1987 On robots with flexible links: dynamics, control and stability. Zbl 0598.73068 Kalker, J. J.; Olsder, G. J. 1 1987 Kinematic hardening of trusses. Zbl 0604.73031 Lippmann, H.; Winter, W. 1 1987 The mass-centre motion of a continuously variable system of particles. II. Zbl 0606.70028 Kapoulitsas, G. 1 1987 The general solution of thin-walled toroidal shells with various boundary conditions and subjected to arbitrary loadings. Zbl 0606.73085 Xia, Zihui; Zhang, Wei 1 1987 Oberflächenorientierte Schalentheorien endlicher Verschiebungen. (Boundary surface orientated shell theories with large deflections). Zbl 0595.73061 Schoop, H. 14 1986 A theory of rotating elasto-plastic shrink fits. Zbl 0585.73062 Gamer, U.; Kollmann, F. G. 8 1986 Zur Struktur konsistenter inkrementeller Theorien für geometrisch nichtlineare Flächentragwerke und deren Operatordarstellung (The structure of consistent incremental theories for geometrically nonlinear shells and their operator formulation). Zbl 0581.73021 Başar, Y. 7 1986 Active control of elastic plates. Zbl 0573.73096 Leipholz, H. H. E.; Abdel-Rohman, M. 5 1986 The discrete Babuška-Brezzi condition. Zbl 0581.73019 Hartmann, F. 5 1986 Tensor-orientierte Formulierung nichtlinearer, finiter Schalenelemente. (Tensor-oriented formulation of nonlinear, finite shell elements). Zbl 0576.73071 Harte, R.; Krätzig, W. B. 3 1986 Freie und erzwungene nichtlineare Schwingungen eines reibungsfreien Flüssigkeitstropfens unter Schwerelosigkeit (Free and forced nonlinear oscillations of an inviscid drop in zero gravity environment). Zbl 0591.76033 Eidel, W. 3 1986 On the parameter identification of elastomechanical systems using weighted input and modal residuals. Zbl 0576.73053 Cottin, N.; Natke, H. G. 3 1986 On the derivation and comparative analysis of large rotation shell theories. Zbl 0576.73055 Nolte, L.-P.; Makowski, J.; Stumpf, H. 3 1986 The mass-centre motion of a continuously variable system of particles. I. Zbl 0577.70029 Kapoulitsas, G. 3 1986 The principle of virtual work and its dual for contact problems. Zbl 0595.73124 Kalker, J. J. 3 1986 Vibration of asymmetric rotor supported by oil film bearings. Zbl 0573.73070 Iwatsubo, T.; Tsujiuchi, N.; Inoue, T. 2 1986 On the impact of a rigid sphere on a viscoelastic half-space. Zbl 0573.73117 Aksel, N. 1 1986 Berechnung inelastischer Platten mittels Einflußfunktionen (The use of influence functions in bending problems of inelastic plates). Zbl 0588.73150 Irschik, H. 1 1986 Eine Erweiterung der linearen Schalentheorie mit schiefen Raumkoordinaten (An extension to linear shell theory with oblique space coordinates). Zbl 0576.73001 Kowalewski, J. 1 1986 Pre- and postbuckling finite element analysis of thin-walled one- dimensional structures (trusses, cables, etc.). Zbl 0588.73132 Karamanlidis, D.; Gesch-Karamanlidis, H. 1 1986 Über den Schubmittelpunkt. (On the centre of shear). Zbl 0595.73047 Stickforth, J. 1 1986 Boundary elements and symmetry. Zbl 0573.73094 Hartmann, F.; Katz, C.; Protopsaltis, B. 26 1985 The Biot stresses in nonlinear elasticity and the associated generalized variational principles. Zbl 0592.73017 Bufler, H. 13 1985 Stability diagrams for coupled Mathieu-equations. Zbl 0578.34033 Hansen, J. 5 1985 On a new theory of the dynamic behavior of the structures carrying moving masses. Zbl 0559.73068 Stanišić, M. M. 5 1985 Linearisierung der Differentialgleichung des Einmassenschwingers für beliebige, eindeutige Kennlinien mit Anwendungen im Automobilbau. (Linearization of the differential equation of the one-mass-model for arbitrary single valued stiffness and damping functions with applications in the automotive industry). Zbl 0574.70028 Kohaupt, Ludwig 3 1985 Antiplane shear crack in an infinite plate with a circular inclusion. Zbl 0565.73085 Theocaris, P. S.; Demakos, C. B. 3 1985 Zur Eigenformmethode nichtproportional gedämpfter Schwingungssysteme (On the modal superposition method of non-proportinally damped systems). Zbl 0575.73064 Müller, F. H.; Baseler, J. 3 1985 On integral-equation-methods for the evaluation of motions and loads of arbitrary bodies in waves. Zbl 0553.73044 Papanikolaou, A. 2 1985 Analysis of chaotic systems using the cell mapping approach. Zbl 0577.58025 Kreuzer, E. J. 2 1985 Yield surface description of isotropic materials after cold prestrain. Zbl 0559.73039 Mazilu, P.; Meyers, A. 2 1985 Reinforcement of a cracked plate by a loaded strip-inclusion. Zbl 0555.73022 Theocaris, P. S.; Bardzokas, D. 2 1985 On damped linear dynamical systems. Zbl 0577.73053 Knowles, J. K. 2 1985 A simple law of steady-state creep for material with anisotropy introduced by plastic prestraining. Zbl 0567.73045 Waniewski, M. 1 1985 Oberflächen-Instabilität bei geschichtetem Halbraum mit Biegesteifigkeit (Surface instability of a half space with bending stiffness). Zbl 0567.73098 Mühlhaus, H.-B. 1 1985 On the Beltrami-Michell compatibility condition and its relatives. Zbl 0569.73008 Ton, Tran-Cong 1 1985 A problem of unsymmetrical bending of shear-deformable circular ring plates. Zbl 0553.73030 Reissner, E.; Reissner, J. E. 1 1985 Limit analysis of circular and annular plates. Zbl 0559.73042 Cinquini, C.; Zanon, P. 1 1985 Elastic-plastic deformation of the rotating solid disk. Zbl 0554.73029 Gamer, U. 20 1984 On the formal development of elastic foundation models. Zbl 0555.73027 Kerr, A. D. 17 1984 Mechanische Systeme mit unstetigen Übergängen. Zbl 0551.70006 Pfeiffer, F. 15 1984 Eine systematische Herleitung verbesserter Plattengleichungen. Zbl 0526.73063 Preusser, Gerda 9 1984 On the parameter identification of elastomechanical systems using input and output residuals. Zbl 0557.73017 Cottin, N.; Felgenhauer, H.-P.; Natke, H. G. 8 1984 A hemivariational inequality approach to the unilateral contact problem and substationarity principles. Zbl 0554.73094 Panagiotopoulos, P. D.; Avdelas, A. V. 3 1984 Zum Randwertproblem der schwingenden schubelastischen Platte. Zbl 0532.73056 Kelkel, K. 2 1984 ...and 715 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 3,025 Authors 31 Panagiotopoulos, Panagiotis D. 29 Argyris, John Hadji 26 Leipholz, Horst H. E. 19 Bufler, Hans 18 Stein, Erwin 17 Elishakoff, Isaac 17 Hasebe, Norio 16 Reissner, Eric 15 Altenbach, Holm 13 Bruhns, Otto Timme 11 Theocaris, Pericles S. 10 Doltsinis, J. St. 10 Mistakidis, E. S. 9 Bauer, Helmut F. 9 Irschik, Hans 9 Kirillov, Oleg N. 9 Krätzig, Wilfried B. 9 Xiao, Heng 9 Ziegler, Hans 8 Gray, Leonard J. 8 Hagedorn, Peter 8 Kounadis, Anthony N. 8 Panagouli, O. K. 8 Tanaka, Masataka 8 Weichert, Dieter 8 Woźniak, Czesław 7 Eremeyev, Victor A. 7 Gamer, Udo 7 Miehe, Christian 7 Naniewicz, Zdzisław 7 Schiehlen, Werner O. 7 Wriggers, Peter 6 Başar, Yavuz 6 Challamel, Noël 6 Chen, Liqun 6 Corradi, Leone 6 Herrmann, George 6 Ioakimidis, Nikolaos Ioakim 6 Klewicki, Joseph C. 6 Ladopoulos, E. G. 6 Lehmann, Theodor 6 Liu, Yinghua 6 Matysiak, Stanisław Jan 6 Meyers, Albert Thomas Marie 6 Misra, Jagadis Chandra 6 Paulino, Glaucio H. 6 Pullin, Dale I. 6 Rozvany, George I. N. 6 Sayir, Mahir Behar 6 Selvadurai, A. Patrick S. 6 Wang, Chien-Ming 6 Zohdi, Tarek I. 5 Antes, Heinz 5 Atanackovic, Teodor M. 5 Athanasiadis, G. 5 Balmer, Hans A. 5 Betten, Josef 5 Borja, Ronaldo I. 5 Coman, Ciprian D. 5 D’Annibale, Francesco 5 Elling, Volker W. 5 Gross, Dietmar 5 Heise, Ulrich 5 Hwang, Yongyun 5 Katsikadelis, John T. 5 Kunert, K.-H. 5 Luo, Albert C. 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