

swMATH ID: 7554
Software Authors:
Description: emgr - EMpirical GRamian Framework. In control and system theory the system Gramian matrices of linear input-output systems have wide-spread use, for example in: model reduction, decentralized control, optimal placement, sensitivity analysis or parameter identification. Empirical Gramian matrices correspond to the (linear) system Gramians, but extend to parametric and nonlinear systems due to their data-driven computation. The empirical Gramian framework is a compact open-source toolbox compatible with MATLAB and OCTAVE.
Homepage: http://gramian.de/
Dependencies: Octave, Matlab
Keywords: model reduction; model order reduction; control system; control theory; empirical gramian; arXiv_cs.MS; arXiv_cs.SY; arXiv_math.OC; 93A15; 93B20; 93C10
Related Software: Matlab; morgen; pyMOR; Octave; hapod; DUNE; MATLAB ODE suite; MathEnergy; Loewner; FEniCSRail; CSparse; StrucID; NumPy; Python; SOMDDPA; libROM; SciPy; LAPACK; FreeMat; GasLib
Cited in: 18 Documents
This software is also referenced in ORMS.

Standard Articles

3 Publications describing the Software, including 1 Publication in zbMATH Year
emgr – EMpirical GRamian framework version 5.99. Zbl 07910046
Himpe, Christian
emgr - The Empirical Gramian Framework arXiv
Christian Himpe
A Unified Software Framework for Empirical Gramians Link
Christian Himpe; Mario Ohlberger

Citations by Year