
E Theorem Prover

swMATH ID: 10187
Software Authors: Schulz, Stephan
Description: E: A Brainiac Theorem Prover: E is a theorem prover for full first-order logic with equality. It accepts a problem specification, typically consisting of a number of first-order clauses or formulas, and a conjecture, again either in clausal or full first-order form. The system will then try to find a formal proof for the conjecture, assuming the axioms. If a proof is found, the system can provide a detailed list of proof steps that can be individually verified. If the conjecture is existential (i.e. it’s of the form “there exists an X with property P”), the latest versions can also provide possible answers (values for X). Development of E started as part of the E-SETHEO project at TUM. The first public release was in in 1998, and the system has been continuously improved ever since. I believe that E now is one of the most powerful and friendly reasoning systems for first-order logic. The prover has successfully participated in many competitions.
Homepage: http://www4.informatik.tu-muenchen.de/~schulz/E/E.html
Related Software: VAMPIRE; TPTP; SPASS; Isabelle/HOL; Mizar; Sledgehammer; MaLARea; z3; OTTER; HOL Light; MPTP 0.2; HOL; Satallax; Coq; Flyspeck; Metis_; Mace4; iProver; MaLeCoP; LEO-II
Cited in: 233 Documents
Further Publications: http://www4.informatik.tu-muenchen.de/~schulz/E/References.html
all top 5

Cited by 266 Authors

49 Urban, Josef
20 Kaliszyk, Cezary
19 Blanchette, Jasmin Christian
19 Schulz, Stephan
18 Sutcliffe, Geoff
14 Paulson, Lawrence Charles
13 Jakubův, Jan
12 Benzmüller, Christoph Ewald
12 Voronkov, Andrei
9 Tourret, Sophie
8 Bentkamp, Alexander
8 Bonacina, Maria Paola
8 Hustadt, Ullrich
8 Ranise, Silvio
8 Reger, Giles
8 Schmidt, Renate A.
8 Vukmirović, Petar
7 Cruanes, Simon
7 Waldmann, Uwe
6 Kühlwein, Daniel
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