

swMATH ID: 10354
Software Authors: Manteuffel, Andreas von; Studerus, Cedric
Description: Reduze – Feynman integral reduction in C++. Reduze is a computer program for reducing Feynman integrals to master integrals employing a variant of Laporta’s reduction algorithm. This web page presents version 2 of the program. New features include the distributed reduction of single topologies on multiple processor cores. The parallel reduction of different topologies is supported via a modular, load balancing job system. Fast graph and matroid based algorithms allow for the identification of equivalent topologies and integrals. Reduze uses GiNaC or, optionally, Fermat to perform manipulations of algebraic expressions.
Homepage: http://reduze.hepforge.org/
Related Software: FIRE; LiteRed; Kira; FORM; AIR; FIRE5; FiniteFlow; GiNaC; SecDec; CutTools; Azurite; FIESTA; Mathematica; epsilon; Fuchsia; Axodraw; FireFly; Mincer; pySecDec; SINGULAR
Cited in: 149 Documents

Standard Articles

1 Publication describing the Software, including 1 Publication in zbMATH Year
Reduze – Feynman integral reduction in C++. Zbl 1219.81133
Studerus, C.
all top 5

Cited by 243 Authors

16 Gehrmann, Thomas
15 Von Manteuffel, Andreas
14 Tancredi, Lorenzo
11 Blümlein, Johannes
11 Zhang, Yang
9 Schneider, Carsten
8 Henn, Johannes M.
7 Behring, Arnd
7 Mastrolia, Pierpaolo
6 Ablinger, Jakob
6 De Freitas, Abilio
6 Smirnov, Aleksandr Vladimirovich
5 Frellesvig, Hjalte
5 Panzer, Erik
5 Schabinger, Robert M.
5 Schönwald, Kay
5 Weinzierl, Stefan
5 Zeng, Mao
4 Georgoudis, Alessandro
4 Gracey, John A.
4 Huber, Tobias
4 Mandal, Manoj Kumar
4 Melnikov, Kirill
4 Ruijl, Ben
4 Smirnov, Vladimir A.
4 Yang, Tong-Zhi
3 Badger, Simon D.
3 Boels, Rutger H.
3 Böhm, Janko
3 Bonciani, Roberto
3 Borowka, Sophia
3 Chen, Jiaqi
3 Chicherin, Dmitry
3 Feng, Bo
3 Gasparotto, Federico
3 Klappert, Jonas
3 Lange, Fabian
3 Lee, Roman N.
3 Mizera, Sebastian
3 Peraro, Tiziano
3 Rana, Narayan
3 Sotnikov, Vasily
3 Studerus, C.
3 Wasser, Pascal
3 Yang, Li Lin
2 Abreu, Samuel
2 Ahmed, Taushif
2 Baranowski, Daniel
2 Bonetti, Marco
2 Brønnum-Hansen, Christian
2 Caola, Fabrizio
2 Caron-Huot, Simon
2 Dhani, Prasanna K.
2 Glover, E. W. N.
2 Jiang, Xuhang
2 Laporta, Stefano
2 Larsen, Kasper J.
2 Li, Tingfei
2 Lo Presti, N. A.
2 Maierhöfer, Philipp
2 Mattiazzi, Luca
2 Page, Ben
2 Patil, Raj
2 Pikelner, Andrey F.
2 Pokraka, Andrzej
2 Primo, Amedeo
2 Ravindran, Varadarajan
2 Schlenk, Johannes
2 Søgaard, Mads
2 Steinhoff, Jan
2 Usovitsch, Johann
2 Vermaseren, Jos A. M.
2 Wang, Chenyu
2 Wang, Guoxing
2 Wu, Zihao
2 Xu, Xiaofeng
2 Yang, Gang
2 Zhu, Hua Xing
2 Zoia, Simone
1 Argeri, Mario
1 Armadillo, Tommaso
1 Banerjee, Pulak
1 Bargieła, Piotr
1 Belitsky, Andrei V.
1 Bendle, Dominik
1 Bern, Zvi
1 Bijnens, Johan
1 Binucci, Carla
1 Bitoun, Thomas
1 Bödeker, Dietrich
1 Bogner, Christian
1 Bosma, Jorrit
1 Brandes, Ulrik
1 Braun, Vladimir M.
1 Britto, Ruth
1 Bruns, Peter C.
1 Brüser, Robin
1 Buccioni, Federico
1 Capatti, Zeno
1 Carrasco, John Joseph M.
...and 143 more Authors

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