

swMATH ID: 10932
Software Authors: Mohseni-Zadeh, S.; Brézellec, P.; Risler, J.-L.
Description: Cluster-C, an algorithm for the large-scale clustering of protein sequences based on the extraction of maximal cliques Although the characterization of proteins cannot solely rely upon sequence similarity, it has been widely proved that all-vs-all massive sequence comparisons may be an effective approach and a good basis for the prediction of biochemical functions or for the delineation of common shared properties. The program Cluster-C presented here enables a stand-alone and efficient construction of protein families within whole proteomes. The algorithm, which is based on the detection of cliques, ensures a high level of connectivity within the clusters. As opposed to the single transitive linkage method, Cluster-C allows a large number of sequences to be classified in such a way that the multidomain proteins do not produce a chain-grouping effect resulting in meaningless clusters.
Moreover, some proteins can be present in several different but relevant clusters, which is of help in the determination of their functional domains. In the present analysis we used the \(Z\)-value, an evaluation of the significance of the similarity score, as the criterion for connecting sequences (the user can freely define the threshold of the similarity criterion). The clusters built with a rather low threshold (\(Z\)=14) include more than 97
Homepage: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1476927104000386
Keywords: Protein clustering; Maximal clique; Multidomain proteins; Sequence similarity
Related Software: PSI-BLAST; BLAST; Algorithm 457; ProClust; MrBayes; MEGA; PHYLIP; Pajek; GenThreader; Pfam; FUGUE; RAPTOR; GeneRAGE; LASSAP
Cited in: 6 Documents

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