

swMATH ID: 1111
Software Authors:
Description: Lisp-Stat is an extensible statistical computing environment for data analysis, statistical instruction and research, with an emphasis on providing a framework for exploring the use of dynamic graphical methods. Extensibility is achieved by basing Lisp-Stat on the Lisp language, in particular on a subset of Common Lisp. Lisp-Stat extends standard Lisp arithmetic operations to perform element-wise operations on lists and vectors, and adds a variety of basic statistical and linear algebra functions. A portable window system interface forms the basis of a dynamic graphics system that is designed to work identically in a number of different graphical user interface environments, such as the Macintosh operating system, the X window system, and Microsoft Windows. A prototype-based object-oriented programming system is used to implement the graphics system and to allow it to be customized and adapted. The object-oriented programming system is also used as the basis for statistical model representations, such as linear and nonlinear regression models and generalized linear models. Many aspects of the system design were motivated by the S language.
Homepage: http://homepage.cs.uiowa.edu/~luke/xls/xlsinfo/
Operating Systems: UNIX, Windows, MacOS X
Keywords: regression models; maximum likelihood estimation; approximate Bayesian methods; plots
Related Software: R; ViSta; XGobi; Mondrian; iplots; GGobi; ARC; cranvas; MacSpin; tourr; MANET; JMP; S-PLUS; Noweb; MINITAB; shiny; RGtk2; GitHub; XploRe; NPSOL
Cited in: 89 Documents

Standard Articles

4 Publications describing the Software, including 1 Publication in zbMATH Year
Some Notes on the Past and Future of Lisp-Stat Link
Luke Tierney
Lisp-Stat to Java to R Link
Balasubramanian Narasimhan
The Health of Lisp-Stat Link
Pedro Valero-Mora; Frederic Udina
LISP-STAT. An object-oriented environment for statistical computing and dynamic graphics. Zbl 0747.62007
Tierney, Luke
all top 5

Cited by 113 Authors

7 Li, Ker-Chau
6 Cook, Ralph Dennis
4 Chaloner, Kathryn M.
4 Chen, Chun-Houh
3 Bura, Efstathia
3 Kass, Robert E.
3 Young, Forrest W.
2 Berger, James Orvis
2 Clyde, Merlise A.
2 Cook, Dianne
2 Doss, Hani
2 Friendly, Michael L.
2 Hall, Peter Gavin
2 Hofmann, Heike
2 Ibrahim, Joseph George
2 Müller, Peter
2 Papandonatos, George D.
2 Parmigiani, Giovanni
2 Raftery, Adrian E.
2 Reid, Nancy
2 Scrucca, Luca
2 Seo, Han Son
2 Slate, Elizabeth H.
2 Stromberg, Arnold J.
2 Tierney, Luke
2 Valero-Mora, Pedro M.
2 Weiss, Robert E.
2 Wetzel, Nate
2 Wickham, Hadley
1 Abrams, Keith R.
1 Ashby, Deborah
1 Athreya, Krishna Balasundaram
1 Benner, Axel
1 Bischl, Bernd
1 Cabrera, Javier F.
1 Carey, Vincent J.
1 Carroll, Raymond James
1 Chambers, John McKinley
1 Chan, Kung-Sik
1 Chen, Jih-An
1 Cheng, Xiaoyue
1 Christiansen, Cindy L.
1 Errington, Doug
1 Faldowski, Richard A.
1 Fasciano, Massimo
1 Ferris, Kevin
1 Filliben, James J.
1 Firth, David
1 Fujiwara, Takeshi
1 Galmacci, Gianfranco
1 Geisser, Seymour
1 Ghosh, Malay
1 Guttman, Irwin
1 Heckman, Nancy E.
1 Held, Leonhard
1 Hickson, Demarc A.
1 Hocking, Toby Dylan
1 Hoeting, Jennifer A.
1 Højsgaard, Søren
1 Hsu, Jason C.
1 Huh, Moon Yul
1 Khan, Faizan Uddin Fahad
1 Khuri, André I.
1 Kim, Kiyeol
1 Kobayashi, Ikunori
1 Korb, Ingo
1 Kotthaus, Helena
1 Lambert, Diane
1 Lane, David M.
1 Lang, Michel
1 Lapalme, Guy
1 Laud, Purushottam W.
1 Loh, Wei-Yin
1 Lue, Heng-Hui
1 Martins, Thiago G.
1 Marwedel, Peter
1 McDougall, Andrew J.
1 McFarlane, Mary M.
1 Moller, Jesper
1 Morris, Carl N.
1 Mukherjee, Bhramar
1 Muruzábal, Jorge
1 Nakano, Junji
1 Narasimhan, Balasubramanian
1 Petrie, Adam
1 Rahnenführer, Jörg
1 Roberts, Gareth O.
1 Roos, Małgorzata
1 Rue, Håvard
1 Scott, David Warren
1 Sethuraman, Jayaram
1 Sievert, Carson
1 Sinha, Bikas Kumar
1 Stack, Jim
1 Sweeting, Trevor J.
1 Theus, Martin
1 Tong, Howell
1 Tukey, John Wilder
1 VanderPlas, Susan
1 Verdinelli, Isabella
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