TagProp swMATH ID: 11682 Software Authors: Guillaumin, M., Mensink, T., Verbeek, J., & Schmid, C. Description: TagProp: Discriminative metric learning in nearest neighbor models for image auto-annotation. Image auto-annotation is an important open problem in computer vision. For this task we propose TagProp, a discriminatively trained nearest neighbor model. Tags of test images are predicted using a weighted nearest-neighbor model to exploit labeled training images. Neighbor weights are based on neighbor rank or distance. TagProp allows the integration of metric learning by directly maximizing the log-likelihood of the tag predictions in the training set. In this manner, we can optimally combine a collection of image similarity metrics that cover different aspects of image content, such as local shape descriptors, or global color histograms. We also introduce a word specific sigmoidal modulation of the weighted neighbor tag predictions to boost the recall of rare words. We investigate the performance of different variants of our model and compare to existing work. We present experimental results for three challenging data sets. On all three, TagProp makes a marked improvement as compared to the current state-of-the-art. Homepage: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/login.jsp?tp=&arnumber=5459266 Related Software: ImageNet; NUS-WIDE; SIFT; PASCAL VOC; Pegasos; C4.5; MULAN; WSABIE; LIBSVM; SVMstruct; Caltech-256; WordNet; LANCELOT; CNN-RNN; DeCAF; LMNN; FastXML; SimpleMKL; SHOGUN; iCoseg Cited in: 14 Documents all top 5 Cited by 40 Authors 1 Amiri, S. Hamid 1 Bengio, Samy 1 Caetano, Tibério S. 1 Carvalho, Luis Eduardo 1 Dou, Jing 1 Ge, Hongwei 1 Ghanem, Bernard 1 Guillaumin, Matthieu 1 Huang, Qingming 1 Jamzad, Mansour 1 Jawahar, C. V. 1 Jia, Fan 1 Li, Guorong 1 Li, Yaoyi 1 Li, Zechao 1 Liu, Jing 1 Liu, Wei 1 Liu, Weiwei 1 Lu, Hanqing 1 Lu, Hongtao 1 Lyu, Siwei 1 McAuley, Julian J. 1 Mensink, Thomas 1 Miao, Xu 1 Ramisa, Arnau 1 Rao, Rajesh P. N. 1 Schmid, Cordelia 1 Tsang, Ivor Wai-Hung 1 Usunier, Nicolas 1 Verbeek, Jakob J. 1 Verma, Yashaswi 1 Wang, Zhen 1 Weston, Jason 1 Wu, Baoyuan 1 Xu, Changsheng 1 Xu, Huimin 1 Xue, Zhe 1 Yan, Zehang 1 Zang, Miao 1 Zhang, Yongmei all top 5 Cited in 7 Serials 5 International Journal of Computer Vision 2 Information Sciences 2 Pattern Recognition 2 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 1 Machine Learning 1 Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR) 1 Electronic Journal of Statistics Cited in 4 Fields 12 Computer science (68-XX) 5 Statistics (62-XX) 2 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 1 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) Citations by Year