

swMATH ID: 12743
Software Authors:
Description: The Parallel Linear Algebra for Scalable Multi-core Architectures (PLASMA) project aims to address the critical and highly disruptive situation that is facing the Linear Algebra and High Performance Computing community due to the introduction of multi-core architectures. PLASMA’s ultimate goal is to create software frameworks that enable programmers to simplify the process of developing applications that can achieve both high performance and portability across a range of new architectures. The development of programming models that enforce asynchronous, out of order scheduling of operations is the concept used as the basis for the definition of a scalable yet highly efficient software framework for Computational Linear Algebra applications.
Homepage: http://icl.cs.utk.edu/plasma/
Related Software: MAGMA; LAPACK; ScaLAPACK; BLAS; StarPU; CUDA; DAGuE; MKL; SparseMatrix; OpenCL; LINPACK; PLAPACK; HSL_MA87; MUMPS; PARDISO; Scotch; SBR Toolbox; QUARK; Intel TBB; Cilk
Cited in: 46 Documents
Further Publications: http://icl.cs.utk.edu/plasma/pubs/index.html
all top 5

Cited by 117 Authors

7 Dongarra, Jack J.
4 Agullo, Emmanuel
4 Haidar, Azzam
4 Kurzak, Jakub
4 Ltaief, Hatem
4 Tomov, Stanimire Z.
3 Abdelfattah, Ahmad
3 Buttari, Alfredo
3 Gates, Mark
3 Guermouche, Abdou
3 Hogg, Jonathan D.
3 Lopez, Florent
3 Luszczek, Piotr
3 Rouet, François-Henry
2 Amestoy, Patrick R.
2 Duff, Iain S.
2 Ghysels, Pieter
2 Hammarling, Sven J.
2 Higham, Nicholas John
2 Keyes, David Elliot
2 L’Excellent, Jean-Yves
2 Li, Xiaoye Sherry
2 Margaritis, Konstantinos G.
2 Michailidis, Panagiotis D.
2 van de Geijn, Robert Alexander
2 Van Zee, Field Garritt
2 Yamazaki, Ichitaro
2 YarKhan, Asim
2 Zounon, Mawussi
1 Abaļenkovs, Maksims
1 Anzt, Hartwig
1 Ashby, Thomas J.
1 Baboulin, Marc
1 Bagherpour, Negin
1 Beliakov, Gleb
1 Bohlender, Gerd
1 Bouwmeester, Henricus
1 Bylina, Beata
1 Bylina, Jarosław
1 Carson, Erin Claire
1 Cheng, Lizhi
1 Chiang, Naiyuan
1 Ciznicki, Milosz
1 Costa, Timothy B.
1 D’Azevedo, Eduardo F.
1 Du, Peng
1 Erlebacher, Gordon
1 Fernandes, Luiz Gustavo
1 Fodor, Szabina
1 Ghodsi, Seyed Roholah
1 Giraud, Luc
1 Göddeke, Dominik
1 Granat, Robert A.
1 Grasser, Tibor
1 Gu, Ming
1 Herrmann, Julien
1 Hu, Zhiang
1 Iwen, Mark A.
1 Jego, Antoine
1 Jemni, Mohamed
1 Jüngel, Ansgar
1 Kågström, Bo
1 Kolberg, Mariana Luderitz
1 Kolda, Tamara Gibson
1 Komatitsch, Dimitri
1 Kressner, Daniel
1 Kriemann, Ronald
1 Kurowski, Krzysztof
1 Kuznik, Frédéric
1 Langou, Julien
1 Li, Shengguo
1 Liao, Xiangke
1 Low, Tze Meng
1 Marjoram, Paul
1 Marrakchi, Sirine
1 Mary, Theo A.
1 Matiyasevich, Yuriĭ Vladimirovich
1 Meerbergen, Karl
1 Michéa, David
1 Morhammer, Andreas
1 Muchmore, Patrick
1 Napov, Artem
1 Nath, Rajib
1 Obrecht, Christian
1 Reid, John
1 Relton, Samuel D.
1 Roman, Jean
1 Rosenberg, Lee
1 Roux, Jean-Jacques
1 Rudolf, Florian
1 Rupp, Karl
1 Schatz, Martin D.
1 Schwarz, Angelika
1 Scott, Jennifer
1 Selberherr, Siegfried
1 Shao, Meiyue
1 Shen, Chunhua
1 Sid-Lakhdar, Wissam M.
1 Šístek, Jakub
1 Smith, Tyler M.
...and 17 more Authors

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