

swMATH ID: 13792
Software Authors: A'Campo, Norbert; Popov, Vladimir
Description: The computer algebra package HNC (Hilbert null cone): The package HNC written by Norbert A’Campo and Vladimir Popov, allows the study of the Hilbert Null Cone following the article of Vladimir Popov. Popov, V.L., The cone of Hilbert null forms, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math. 2003, no. 2 (241), 177-194
Homepage: http://www.geometrie.ch/
Related Software: GAP; SLA; CoReLG; NoCK; Sophus; LiePRing; FPLSA; QuaGroup; LieAlgDB; LieRing; LiE; PARI/GP; CHEVIE; Magma
Cited in: 7 Documents

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