

swMATH ID: 14693
Software Authors: Denner, A.; Dittmaier, S.; Hofer, L.
Description: COLLIER: a fortran-based complex one-loop library in{par}extended regularizations. We introduce the fortran-library COLLIER for the numerical evaluation of one-loop scalar and tensor integrals in perturbative relativistic quantum field theories. Important features are the implementation of dedicated methods to achieve numerical stability for 3- and 4-point tensor integrals, the support of complex masses for internal particles, and the possibility to choose between dimensional and mass regularization for infrared singularities. COLLIER supports one-loop N-point functions up to currently N=6 and has been tested in various NLO QCD and EW calculations.
Homepage: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0010465516303320
Related Software: CutTools; OneLOop; RECOLA; FeynArts; Ninja; HELAC-1LOOP; FormCalc; GoSam; QCDLoop; Golem95C; FORM; FeynCalc; LoopTools; Kira; pySecDec; LiteRed; OpenLoops; SHERPA; BlackHat; Package-X
Cited in: 15 Documents

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