ConGolog swMATH ID: 1801 Software Authors: De Giacomo; Lespérance, Y.; Levesque, H. J. Description: ConGolog, a concurrent programming language based on the situation calculus As an alternative to planning, an approach to high-level agent control based on concurrent program execution is considered. A formal definition in the situation calculus of such a programming language is presented and illustrated with some examples. The language includes facilities for prioritizing the execution of concurrent processes, interrupting the execution when certain conditions become true, and dealing with exogenous actions. The language differs from other procedural formalisms for concurrency in that the initial state can be incompletely specified and the primitive actions can be user-defined by axioms in the situation calculus. Some mathematical properties of the language are proven, for instance, that the proposed semantics is equivalent to that given earlier for the portion of the language without concurrency. Homepage: Keywords: cognitive robotics; reasoning about actions; situation calculus; semantics of programs; concurrency Related Software: GOLOG; AgentSpeak; METATEM; Jason; Graphplan; 3APL; 2APL; PDDL; NuSMV; SPIN; CCalc; SNet; pGOLOG; UNITY; Snoop; LUPS; Jadex; simpleAPL; MCMAS; RATSY Cited in: 40 Documents Standard Articles 2 Publications describing the Software, including 2 Publications in zbMATH Year SNet: A modeling and simulation environment for agent networks based on i* and ConGolog. Zbl 1046.68748Gans, Günter; Lakemeyer, Gerhard; Jarke, Matthias; Vits, Thomas 2002 ConGolog, a concurrent programming language based on the situation calculus. Zbl 0948.68175De Giacomo, G.; Lespérance, Y.; Levesque, H. J. 2000 all top 5 Cited by 67 Authors 6 De Giacomo, Giuseppe 4 de Boer, Frank S. 4 Lakemeyer, Gerhard 4 Lespérance, Yves 4 Meyer, John-Jules Charles 3 Levesque, Hector J. 3 Martelli, Alberto 3 McIlraith, Sheila A. 3 Patrizi, Fabio 3 Sardina, Sebastian 2 Baldoni, Matteo 2 Baral, Chitta R. 2 Baroglio, Cristina 2 Bordini, Rafael H. 2 Giordano, Laura 2 Logan, Brian 2 Mascardi, Viviana 2 Reiter, Raymond 2 Schwind, Camilla B. 2 Son, Tran Cao 2 Thielscher, Michael 2 van der Hoek, Wiebe 2 van Riemsdijk, M. Birna 1 Alechina, Natasha 1 Baier, Jorge A. 1 Bienvenu, Meghyn 1 Blom, Michelle L. 1 Claßen, Jens 1 de Vries, Wieke 1 Felli, Paolo 1 Fichtner, Matthias 1 Fritz, Christian 1 Gabaldon, Alfredo 1 Gans, Günter 1 Gerevini, Alfonso Emilio 1 Grosskreutz, Henrik 1 Großmann, Axel 1 Herzig, Andreas 1 Hindriks, Koen V. 1 Hübner, Jomi Fred 1 Isozaki, Hideki 1 Jarke, Matthias 1 Jin, Zhi 1 Katsuno, Hirofumi 1 Khan, Shakil M. 1 Kinny, David N. 1 Leite, João 1 Lu, Ruqian 1 Mao, Xinjun 1 Martelli, Maurizio 1 Moreira, Álvaro Freitas 1 Morgenstern, Leora 1 Omicini, Andrea 1 Patti, Viviana 1 Pearce, Adrian R. 1 Perrussel, Laurent 1 Pinto, Javier A. 1 Reiter, Ray 1 Saetti, Alessandro 1 Slota, Martin 1 Sterling, Leon S. 1 Ternovska, Eugenia 1 Torroni, Paolo 1 van Eijk, Rogier M. 1 Vits, Thomas 1 Wooldridge, Michael J. 1 Xiao, Zhanhao all top 5 Cited in 15 Serials 6 Artificial Intelligence 2 Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 1 Theoretical Computer Science 1 JETAI. Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 1 Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing 1 Journal of Logic, Language and Information 1 Logic Journal of the IGPL 1 Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences (WUJNS) 1 Fundamenta Informaticae 1 The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming 1 Theory and Practice of Logic Programming 1 ACM Transactions on Computational Logic 1 Journal of Applied Logic 1 Science in China. Series F 1 Applied Logic Series Cited in 5 Fields 39 Computer science (68-XX) 7 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 2 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) Citations by Year