ProbCD swMATH ID: 20338 Software Authors: Vêncio, Ricardo; Shmulevich, Ilya Description: ProbCD: enrichment analysis accounting for categorization uncertainty. As in many other areas of science, systems biology makes extensive use of statistical association and significance estimates in contingency tables, a type of categorical data analysis known in this field as enrichment (also over-representation or enhancement) analysis. In spite of efforts to create probabilistic annotations, especially in the Gene Ontology context, or to deal with uncertainty in high throughput-based datasets, current enrichment methods largely ignore this probabilistic information since they are mainly based on variants of the Fisher Exact Test. We developed an open-source R package to deal with probabilistic categorical data analysis, ProbCD, that does not require a static contingency table. The contingency table for the enrichment problem is built using the expectation of a Bernoulli Scheme stochastic process given the categorization probabilities. An on-line interface was created to allow usage by non-programmers and is available at: this http URL . We present an analysis framework and software tools to address the issue of uncertainty in categorical data analysis. In particular, concerning the enrichment analysis, ProbCD can accommodate: (i) the stochastic nature of the high-throughput experimental techniques and (ii) probabilistic gene annotation. Homepage: Dependencies: R Related Software: R; GOLEM; GOPET; BayGO; Gaggle; GOtcha; BiNGO; KEGG; DAVID; GenePattern; GOstat; Onto-Tools; GSA; gcrma; GlobalAncova; PAGE; GOTM; limma; corpor; Bioconductor Cited in: 0 Documents