FastDTW swMATH ID: 22574 Software Authors: Salvador, S.; Chan, P. Description: FastDTW: Toward accurate dynamic time warping in linear time and space. fastdtw: Python implementation of FastDTW [1], which is an approximate Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) algorithm that provides optimal or near-optimal alignments with an O(N) time and memory complexity. Stan Salvador, and Philip Chan. “FastDTW: Toward accurate dynamic time warping in linear time and space.” Intelligent Data Analysis 11.5 (2007): 561-580. Homepage: Source Code: Related Software: Python; GDAL; OpenCV; dtw; LIBSVM; shapeDTW; fda (R); UTV; UCR Suite; GDTW; scikit-image; pyproj; RivMAP; GeoPandas; Matplotlib; NumPy; NetworkX; Shapely; RivGraph; R Cited in: 10 Documents all top 5 Cited by 24 Authors 1 Bakker, Bram 1 d’Alché-Buc, Florence 1 Deriso, Dave 1 Djerrab, Moussab 1 Dong, Wei 1 Fanaee-T, Hadi 1 Garcia, Alexandre 1 Goncharov, A. V. 1 Griebel, Michael 1 Ito, Katsuya 1 Lemire, Daniel 1 Olver, Peter John 1 Prekopcsák, Zoltán 1 Qu, Changzheng 1 Sakemoto, Ryuta 1 Sangnier, Maxime 1 Schüller, Anton 1 Schweitzer, Marc Alexander 1 Strijov, Vadim V. 1 Thoresen, Magne 1 van Woudenberg, Jasper G. J. 1 Witteman, Marc F. 1 Yang, Yun 1 Zhang, Chi all top 5 Cited in 8 Serials 1 Computational Mathematics and Modeling 1 Machine Learning 1 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 1 Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 1 Optimization and Engineering 1 Asia-Pacific Financial Markets 1 SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 1 Advances in Data Analysis and Classification. ADAC all top 5 Cited in 10 Fields 4 Statistics (62-XX) 2 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 2 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 1 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Computer science (68-XX) 1 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 1 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) Citations by Year