

swMATH ID: 23946
Software Authors:
Description: Bio2rdf : A semantic web atlas of post genomic knowledge about human and mouse. The Bio2RDF project uses a data integration approach based on semantic web rules to answer a broad question: What is known about the mouse and human genomes? Using its rdfizing services, a semantic mashup of 65 million triples was built from 30 public bioinformatics data providers: GO, NCBI, UniProt, KEGG, PDB and many others. The average link-rank (ALR) of a node is 4.7 which means that a usual topic is connected to 4.7 other topics by direct or reverse links within the warehouse. A knowledge map of the graph and descriptive statistics about its content are presented. A downloadable version of the Bio2RDF Atlas graph in N3 format is available at url{http://bio2rdf.org/download}.
Homepage: http://bio2rdf.org/
Related Software: KEGG; DBpedia; ArrayExpress; STRING; PubChem; node2vec; SimRank; Orange4WS; PL-ranking; SEGS; SegMine; NCDawareRank; Fr-ONT; Biomine; NetSDM; Aleph; ABNER; PROSITE; PSI-BLAST; BioKleisli
Cited in: 3 Documents

Standard Articles

2 Publications describing the Software Year
Bio2rdf release 2: Improved coverage, interoperability and provenance of life science linked data
Callahan, Alison; Cruz-Toledo, José; Ansell, Peter; Dumontier, Michel
Bio2rdf : A semantic web atlas of post genomic knowledge about human and mouse
Belleau, François; Tourigny, Nicole; Good, Benjamin; Morissette, Jean

Citations by Year