

swMATH ID: 24597
Software Authors:
Description: gWidgetsWWW: Creating Interactive Web Pages within R. The gWidgetsWWW package provides a framework for easily developing interactive web pages from within R. It uses the API developed in the gWidgets programming interface to specify the layout of the controls and the relationships between them. The web pages may be served locally under R’s built-in web server for help pages or from an rApache-enabled web server.
Homepage: https://www.jstatsoft.org/article/view/v049i10
Source Code:  https://github.com/cran/gWidgetsWWW
Dependencies: R
Keywords: GUI; R; R package; interactive web pages; gWidgets API; gWidgets; Journal of Statistical Software
Related Software: R; gWidgets; tourr; DataDesk; LISP-STAT; Glotaran; JMP; RKWard; tourrGui; RcmdrPlugin.survival; Rcmdr; Deducer; iDEMO; Spotfire; RStudio; Rwui; Rook; rApache; rpy2; Django
Cited in: 0 Documents

Standard Articles

1 Publication describing the Software Year
gWidgetsWWW: Creating Interactive Web Pages within R Link
John Verzani