DataDesk swMATH ID: 24653 Software Authors: Velleman, P. F. Description: DataDesk has been developed by Paul Velleman (PhD with John Tukey). Initially a Macintosh product, a Windows version is available since 1997. it combines dynamic data exploration and visualization tools with interactive statistics procedures. Designed for interactive, screen centric work, this object ( graphs, tables, results) oriented software provides the basic statistical tools, both exploratory and confirmatory and highly interactive graphs. Results are objects that can be managed as such. There are two add-ins for Excel: Viz!on et DataDesk/XL. DataDescription Inc. publishes Activstats, authored by P. Velleman, a highly regarded comprehensive multimedia statistcs learning product (introductory first level). It combines a introduction to statistics with the use of Datadesk. In addition to Datadesk, Activstats has tools to learn other statistical software, namely Excel, JMP, Minitab), and SPSS and can be used as a complement to a variety statistics textbook (published by Pearson Education). ”It also meets the ASA/MAA guidelines for teaching introductory statistics and the Advanced Placement Statistics Course”. (Data Desk Plus combines Data Desk with ActivStats) Homepage: Related Software: R; JMP; tourr; gWidgetsWWW; LISP-STAT; Glotaran; RKWard; tourrGui; RcmdrPlugin.survival; Rcmdr; Deducer; iDEMO; gWidgets; GGobi; Mondrian; iPlots eXtreme; Rserve; survival; MANET; iplots Cited in: 1 Document Cited by 2 Authors 1 Eick, Stephen G. 1 Wills, Graham J. Cited in 1 Serial 1 European Journal of Operational Research Cited in 1 Field 1 Computer science (68-XX) Citations by Year