metan swMATH ID: 25490 Software Authors: Harris, R.; Bradburn, M.; Deeks, J.; Harbord, R.; Altman, D.; Sterne, J. Description: Metan: Fixed- and Random-Effects Meta-Analysis. This article describes updates of the meta-analysis command metan and options that have been added since the command’s original publication (Bradburn, Deeks, and Altman, metan — an alternative meta-analysis command, Stata Technical Bulletin Reprints, vol. 8, pp. 86–100). These include version 9 graphics with flexible display options, the ability to meta-analyze precalculated effect estimates, and the ability to analyze subgroups by using the by() option. Changes to the output, saved variables, and saved results are also described. Homepage: Dependencies: Stata Related Software: SAS; MetaEasy; RevMan; metaeff; R; meta; metafor; Stata; metaan; XL2GIF; SPSS; MakeGIF; WinBUGS; MIX; Excel Cited in: 0 Documents