

swMATH ID: 28085
Software Authors: Bakshi, Supratim Das; Chakrabortty, Joydeep; Patra, Sunando Kumar
Description: CoDEx: A Mathematica package to calculate the Wilson Coefficients of SMEFT operators (up to dimension - 6) to connect some Beyond Standard Model (BSM) theory with weak scale precision observables, using Covariant Derivative Expansion. Works for single and multiple degenerate heavy field propagators, at tree and one-loop level.
Homepage: https://effexteam.github.io/CoDEx/
Source Code:  https://github.com/effExTeam/CoDEx-1.0.0
Dependencies: Mathematica
Keywords: High Energy Physics; arXiv_hep-ph; arXiv_hep-ex; arXiv_hep-th; Mathematica; SMEFT; Wilson Coefficients; WCs
Related Software: DsixTools; SuperTracer; Matchmakereft; MatchingTools; Wilson; STrEAM; FeynRules; SmeftFR; SMEFTsim; WCxf; Mathematica; FeynArts; flavio; DEFT; BasisGen; FeynCalc; FormCalc; WHIZARD; CalcHEP; GroupMath
Cited in: 19 Documents

Standard Articles

1 Publication describing the Software Year
CoDEx: Wilson coefficient calculator connecting SMEFT to UV theory arXiv
Supratim Das Bakshi, Joydeep Chakrabortty, Sunando Kumar Patra

Citations by Year