

swMATH ID: 28991
Software Authors:
Description: R package ProFit: Bayesian Profile Fitting of Galaxy Images. ProFit is a Bayesian galaxy fitting tool that uses a fast C++ image generation library and a flexible interface to a large number of likelihood samplers. We present ProFit, a new code for Bayesian two-dimensional photometric galaxy profile modelling. ProFit consists of a low-level c++ library (libprofit), accessible via a command-line interface and documented API, along with high-level R (ProFit) and PYTHON (PyProFit) interfaces (available at github.com/ICRAR/libprofit, github.com/ICRAR/ProFit, and github.com/ICRAR/pyprofit respectively).
Homepage: https://arxiv.org/abs/1611.08586
Source Code:  https://github.com/ICRAR/ProFit
Dependencies: R
Keywords: Astrophysics; arXiv_astro-ph.IM; arXiv_astro-ph.CO; Galaxies; arXiv_astro-ph.GA; Bayesian Profile Fitting; Galaxy Images
Related Software: magicaxis; R; CRAN; GIM2D; GALFIT; GALMORPH; BUDDA; ELLIPSE; LaplaceApproximation; cmaes; LaplacesDemon; FFTW; R2Cuba; Python; GASPHOT; Imfit; ASCL; LAMBDAR; imager; data.table
Cited in: 0 Documents

Standard Articles

1 Publication describing the Software Year
ProFit: Bayesian Profile Fitting of Galaxy Images arXiv
A.S.G. Robotham, D.S. Taranu, R. Tobar, A. Moffett, S.P. Driver