PARADE swMATH ID: 29853 Software Authors: Stasko, John T. Description: The PARADE Environment for Visualizing Parallel Program Executions: A Progress Report. This report describes the current status of the PARADE visualization environment. PARADE supports the design and implementation of software visualizations of parallel and distributed programs. It contains primary components for monitoring a program’s execution, building the software visualization, and mapping the execution to the visualization. In this report we provide brief descriptions of many of the projects that comprise the PARADE environment, and we provide references to more detailed information on the projects. Homepage: Related Software: Tango; ANIMAL; Pavane; GeoWin; FAUST; CAITLIN; JOTSA; MUSE; EVEGA; ALADDIN; JCAT; KIEL; POLKA; JAWAA; JFLAP Cited in: 1 Document Cited by 2 Authors 1 Kerren, Andreas 1 Stasko, John T. Cited in 0 Serials Cited in 1 Field 1 Computer science (68-XX) Citations by Year