

swMATH ID: 29860
Software Authors: Brown, Marc H.
Description: MacBALSA: Algorithm Animation Software. This software is capable of performing very sophisticated algorithm animations. The following article contains a good description of the software. Marc H. Brown, Exploring Algorithms Using Balsa-II, IEEE Computer, May 1988, 14-36.
Homepage: http://www.eg.bucknell.edu/~zaccone/MacBALSA/MacBALSA.html
Related Software: Tango; Zeus; Xaa; SALSA; KIEL; GeoWin; CATBox; EVEGA; SIAMOA; DDD; Eliot; AAPT; INCENSE; JHAVE; GANIMAL; Leonardo; FAUST; CAITLIN; ANIMAL; Pavane
Cited in: 3 Documents

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