

swMATH ID: 31552
Software Authors:
Description: R package PROreg: Patient Reported Outcomes Regression Analysis. Offers a variety of tools, such as specific plots and regression model approaches, for analyzing different patient reported questionnaires. Specially, mixed-effects models based on the beta-binomial distribution are implemented to deal with binomial data with over-dispersion (see Najera-Zuloaga J., Lee D.-J. and Arostegui I. (2017) <doi:10.1177/0962280217690413>).
Homepage: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/PROreg/index.html
Source Code:  https://github.com/cran/PROreg
Dependencies: R
Related Software: nlme; JM; pllf; HRQoL; R
Cited in: 2 Documents

Cited in 1 Field

2 Statistics (62-XX)

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