

swMATH ID: 3522
Software Authors:
Meyer, Bertrand
Description: Eiffel is an ISO-standardized, object-oriented programming language designed by Bertrand Meyer (an object-orientation proponent and author of Object-Oriented Software Construction) and Eiffel Software. The design of the language is closely connected with the Eiffel programming method. Both are based on a set of principles, including design by contract, command-query separation, the uniform-access principle, the single-choice principle, the open-closed principle, and option-operand separation. Many concepts initially introduced by Eiffel later found their way into Java, C#, and other languages. New language design ideas, particularly through the Ecma/ISO standardization process, continue to be incorporated into the Eiffel language.
Homepage: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eiffel_%28programming_language%29
Related Software: JML; Smalltalk; Spec#; ESC/Java; Z; Boogie; Isabelle/HOL; Coq; Simula 67; Ada95; Haskell; KRAKATOA; KeY; LARCH; Dafny; z3; Featherweight Java; Why3; JUnit; CLOS
Cited in: 241 Documents
all top 5

Cited by 477 Authors

8 Meyer, Bertrand
7 Leavens, Gary T.
5 de Boer, Frank S.
5 Mitchell, John C.
5 Porkoláb, Zoltán
4 Biczó, Mihály
4 Logozzo, Francesco
4 Müller, Peter
4 Naumann, David A.
4 Owe, Olaf
4 Paige, Richard F.
3 Brooke, Phillip J.
3 Bruce, Kim B.
3 Felleisen, Matthias
3 Fisher, Kathleen
3 Furia, Carlo Alberto
3 Johnsen, Einar Broch
3 Leino, K. Rustan M.
3 Olderog, Ernst-Rüdiger
3 Ostroff, Jonathan S.
3 Pócza, Krisztián
2 America, Pierre
2 Apt, Krzysztof Rafal
2 Bettini, Lorenzo
2 Blaschek, Günther
2 Capecchi, Sara
2 Castro, María Eugenia
2 Cavalcanti, Ana
2 Cheon, Yoonsik
2 Chothia, Tom
2 Cornélio, Márcio
2 Cousot, Patrick
2 Cousot, Radhia
2 da Costa, Umberto Souza
2 De Angelis, Emanuele
2 Degen, Markus
2 Doberkat, Ernst-Erich
2 Dovland, Johan
2 Ducournau, Roland
2 Findler, Robert Bruce
2 Fioravanti, Fabio
2 Heckel, Reiko
2 Heintz, Joos
2 Jaghoori, Mohammad Mahdi
2 Longo, Giuseppe
2 Martins Moreira, Anamaria
2 Matera, Guillermo
2 Muñoz-Caro, Camelia
2 Musicante, Martin A.
2 Nienaltowski, Piotr
2 Niño, Alfonso
2 Noble, James S.
2 Pettorossi, Alberto
2 Poetzsch-Heffter, Arnd
2 Potanin, Alex
2 Proietti, Maurizio
2 Qin, Shengchao
2 Runge, Tobias
2 Schaefer, Ina
2 Signoles, Julien
2 Sirjani, Marjan
2 Souza Neto, Plácido A.
2 Steffen, Martin
2 Thiemann, Peter J.
2 Thirunarayan, Krishnaprasad
2 Thüm, Thomas
2 Tobin-Hochstadt, Sam
2 Venneri, Betti
2 Wagner, Eric G.
2 Wehr, Stefan
2 Woodcock, James C. P.
1 Abercrombie, Parker
1 Abnous, Razmik
1 Abrahamyan, Susanna
1 Achten, Peter
1 Aderhold, Markus
1 Aguirre, Nazareno M.
1 Ahrendt, Wolfgang
1 Akin, John Edward
1 Alagic, Suad
1 Alpuente, María
1 Amighi, Afshin
1 Ángyán, János G.
1 Arapis, Constantin
1 Arnold, Patrick
1 Artho, Cyrille
1 Bacon, David Francis
1 Bailes, Cecily
1 Ballis, Demis
1 Bank, Bernd
1 Bar-David, Tsvi
1 Barbosa, Luís Soares
1 Barnett, Mike
1 Bartocci, Ezio
1 Bastarrica, María Cecilia
1 Baude, Françoise
1 Bauer, Sebastian S.
1 Bergel, Alexandre
1 Bianculli, Domenico
1 Bickford, Mark
...and 377 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 51 Serials

23 Formal Aspects of Computing
15 Science of Computer Programming
13 Theoretical Computer Science
7 Journal of Functional Programming
5 Acta Informatica
5 Information and Computation
5 The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming
5 Computer Languages, Systems & Structures
4 Computer Physics Communications
3 Information Processing Letters
3 Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis de Rolando Eötvös Nominatae. Sectio Computatorica
3 Formal Methods in System Design
3 RAIRO. Theoretical Informatics and Applications
3 Concurrency and Computation: Practice & Experience
2 ACM Computing Surveys
2 Information Sciences
2 Programming and Computer Software
2 Software. Practice & Experience
2 Journal of Complexity
2 Mathematical and Computer Modelling
2 European Journal of Operational Research
2 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
2 Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence
2 Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation
2 Science in China. Series F
2 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai. Informatica
1 Artificial Intelligence
1 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
1 Discrete Applied Mathematics
1 Applied Mathematics and Computation
1 Automatica
1 Journal of Computer and System Sciences
1 Journal of Symbolic Computation
1 Journal of Computer Science and Technology
1 Journal of Automated Reasoning
1 Annals of Operations Research
1 Mathematical Structures in Computer Science
1 Advances in Engineering Software
1 Cybernetics and Systems Analysis
1 Nordic Journal of Computing
1 European Journal of Control
1 Computing and Visualization in Science
1 M2AN. Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis. ESAIM, European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics
1 Engineering Computations
1 Theory and Practice of Logic Programming
1 Reihe Informatik
1 AMAST Series in Computing
1 Logical Methods in Computer Science
1 Frontiers of Computer Science
1 Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming
1 Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science

Citations by Year