

swMATH ID: 36524
Software Authors: Plietzsch, Anton; Kogler, Raphael; Auer, Sabine; Merino, Julia; Gil-de-Muro, Asier; Liße, Jan; Vogel, Christina; Hellmann, Frank
Description: PowerDynamics.jl - An experimentally validated open-source package for the dynamical analysis of power grids. PowerDynamics.jl is a Julia package for time-domain modeling of power grids that is specifically designed for the stability analysis of systems with high shares of renewable energies. It makes use of Julia’s state-of-the-art differential equation solvers and is highly performant even for systems with a large number of components. Further, it is compatible with Julia’s machine learning libraries and allows for the utilization of these methods for dynamical optimization and parameter fitting. The package comes with a number of predefined models for synchronous machines, transmission lines and inverter systems. However, the strict open-source approach and a macro-based user-interface also allows for an easy implementation of custom-built models which makes it especially interesting for the design and testing of new control strategies for distributed generation units. This paper presents how the modeling concept, implemented component models and fault scenarios have been experimentally tested against measurements in the microgrid lab of TECNALIA. Subjects:
Homepage: https://arxiv.org/abs/2101.02103
Source Code:  https://github.com/JuliaEnergy/PowerDynamics.jl
Dependencies: Julia
Keywords: arXiv_eess.SY; Julia; power grids; Power Systems; Dynamic Simulatio; Microgrids; Inverters; Julia package
Related Software: Julia; DifferentialEquations.jl; StochasticDelayDiffEq.jl; LightGraphs.jl; StochasticDiffEq.jl; NetworkDynamics.jl; JiTCODE; Simulink; DiffEqFlux; Python; SciPy; Plots.jl; RADAU; JiTCSDE; GitHub; NeuralPDE.jl; NetworkDynamicsBenchmarks; PackageCompiler.jl; DynamicalSystems.jl; JiTCDDE
Cited in: 1 Document

Standard Articles

1 Publication describing the Software Year
PowerDynamics.jl - An experimentally validated open-source package for the dynamical analysis of power grids arXiv
Anton Plietzsch, Raphael Kogler, Sabine Auer, Julia Merino, Asier Gil-de-Muro, Jan Liße, Christina Vogel, Frank Hellmann

Cited in 1 Serial

1 Chaos

Citations by Year