MicroDicom swMATH ID: 36909 Software Authors: MicroDicom Description: MicroDicom - free DICOM viewer for Windows. MicroDicom is application for primary processing and preservation of medical images in DICOM format MicroDicom DICOM viewer is equipped with most common tools for manipulation of DICOM images and it has an intuitive user interface. MicroDicom DICOM viewer also has the advantage of being free for use and accessible to everyone for non-commercial use. Homepage: https://www.microdicom.com/dicom-viewer.html Related Software: IrfanView; OsiriX; AMIDE Cited in: 1 Document Cited by 3 Authors 1 Inthavong, Kiao 1 Tu, Jiyuan 1 Wong, Kelvin Kian Loong Cited in 1 Serial 1 Biological and Medical Physics, Biomedical Engineering Cited in 1 Field 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) Citations by Year