pyproj swMATH ID: 37599 Software Authors: Snow, Alan D.; Whitaker, Jeff; Cochran, Micah; Van den Bossche, Joris; Mayo, Chris; de Kloe, Jos; Karney, Charles; Ouzounoudis, George; Dearing, Justin; Lostis, Guillaume; Heitor; Filipe; May, Ryan; Itkin, Mikhail; Couwenberg, Bas; Berardinelli, Greg; Badger, The Gitter; Eubank, Nick; Dunphy, Michael; Brett, Matthew; Raspaud, Martin; da Costa, Marco Aurélio; Evers, Kristian; Ranalli, Joe; de Maeyer, Jakob; Popov, Eduard; Gohlke, Christoph; Willoughby, Chris; Barker, Chris; Wiedemann, Bernhard M. Description: pyproj: Python interface to PROJ (cartographic projections and coordinate transformations library). Homepage: Source Code: Dependencies: Python Related Software: scikit-image; FastDTW; RivMAP; GeoPandas; Matplotlib; NumPy; NetworkX; Shapely; GDAL; OpenCV; Python; RivGraph Cited in: 0 Documents