

swMATH ID: 37970
Software Authors:
Description: MASCARET: 1-Dimensionnal free surface flow modelling. MASCARET includes 1-Dimensionnal free surface flow modelling engines. Based on the Saint-Venant equations, different modules can model various phenomenon over large areas and for varied geometries: meshed or branched network, subcritical or supercritical flows, steady or unsteady flows. MASCARET can represent: Flood propagation and modelling of floodplains; Submersion wave resulting from dam break; Regulation of managed rivers; Flow in torrents, Canals wetting; Sediment Transport; Water quality (temperature, passive tracers ...)
Homepage: http://www.opentelemac.org/index.php/presentation?id=138
Related Software: HLLE; SWASHES; Rubar20; HE-E1GODF; TELEMAC; ParBreZo; PEAK; PiXIE; OpenTURNS; PyCharm; BATMAN; DAPPER; Python; Smurf; WASH123D; HEC-RAS; MPI; FullSWOF; eSkel; SkelGIS
Cited in: 15 Documents

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