cWB swMATH ID: 38564 Software Authors: Drago, Marco; Klimenko, Sergey; Lazzaro, Claudia; Milotti, Edoardo; et al. Description: coherent WaveBurst, a pipeline for unmodeled gravitational-wave data analysis. coherent WaveBurst (cWB) is a highly configurable pipeline designed to detect a broad range of gravitational-wave (GW) transients in the data of the worldwide network of GW detectors. The algorithmic core of cWB is a time–frequency analysis with the Wilson–Daubechies–Meyer wavelets aimed at the identification of GW events without prior knowledge of the signal waveform. cWB has been in active development since 2003 and it has been used to analyze all scientific data collected by the LIGO-Virgo detectors ever since. On September 14, 2015, the cWB low-latency search detected the first gravitational-wave event, GW150914, a merger of two black holes. In 2019, a public open-source version of cWB has been released with GPLv3 license. Homepage: Source Code: Dependencies: C++, Python Keywords: Gravitational waves; Signal processing; Wavelets; SoftwareX; Python; coherent WaveBurst (cWB); open-source Related Software: Healpix; ROOT; Python; pygwb; pySEOBNR; PycWB; TensorFlow; Numba; PyCBC; PyCBC Inference; BILBY; SWIGLAL; Cling; LALSuite; CFITSIO; ROOT Cited in: 0 Documents Standard Articles 1 Publication describing the Software Year coherent WaveBurst, a pipeline for unmodeled gravitational-wave data analysis Link Marco Drago, Sergey Klimenko, Claudia Lazzaro, Edoardo Milotti, et. al 2021