SMEFT@NLO swMATH ID: 38907 Software Authors: Degrande, CĂ©line; Durieux, Gauthier; Maltoni, Fabio; Mimasu, Ken; Vryonidou, Eleni; Zhang, Cen Description: Automated one-loop computations in the SMEFT. We present the automation of one-loop computations in the standard-model effective field theory at dimension six. Our general implementation, dubbed SMEFT@NLO, covers all types of operators: bosonic, two- and four-fermion ones. Included ultraviolet and rational counterterms presently allow for fully differential predictions, possibly matched to parton shower, up to the one-loop level in the strong coupling or in four-quark operator coefficients. Exact flavor symmetries are imposed among light quark generations and an initial focus is set on top-quark interactions in the fermionic sector. We illustrate the potential of this implementation with novel loop-induced and next-to-leading-order computations relevant for top-quark, electroweak, and Higgs-boson phenomenology at the LHC and future colliders. Homepage: Related Software: ThickBrick; carl; ManeParse; PyTorch; MadAnalysis; PYTHIA8; Wilson; MatchingTools; DsixTools; BasisGen; DEFT; WCxf; dim6top; HEPfit; flavio; EFTfitter; SmeftFR; SuperTracer; STrEAM; CoDEx Cited in: 2 Documents Cited by 5 Authors 1 Chen, Siyu 1 Feruglio, Ferruccio 1 Glioti, Alfredo 1 Panico, Giuliano 1 Wulzer, Andrea Cited in 1 Serial 2 Journal of High Energy Physics Cited in 2 Fields 2 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 Statistics (62-XX) Citations by Year