FLAVS swMATH ID: 39991 Software Authors: Wang, N.; Zheng, Z.; Zhang, Z.; Chen, C. Description: FLAVS: A fault localization add-in for visual studio. Dynamic fault localization is a representative concept and product proposed by academia to alleviate software engineering pains, but it is rarely heard adopted or used in realistic development. Realizing the difficulties in transferring the approaches of dynamic fault localization to practical tools, this paper gives our work FLAVS, whose add-in implementation organically and seamlessly integrates the approach of dynamic fault localization with software IDEs. The tool is useful for developers using Microsoft Visual Studio platform to debug and test programs with complex bugs. Besides, it is also valuable for researchers to design new fault localization methods and draw performance comparison among different method candidates. Homepage: https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.5555/2819419.2819421 Dependencies: Microsoft Visual Studio Related Software: Crisp; pytest; coverage.py; Fault-Localization; PinPoint; Jaguar; UnitFL; VIDA; WhyLine; Zoltar; GZoltar; PyCharm; Python; CharmFL Cited in: 0 Documents