UnitFL swMATH ID: 39993 Software Authors: Chen, C.; Wang, N. Description: UnitFL: A fault localization tool integrated with unit test. Automatic fault localization techniques are developed to assist software developers in program debugging. However, it is difficult to apply such techniques in practical usage. To bridge the gap between theory and practice, this paper introduces our work UnitFL, which integrates dynamic fault localization approaches with unit tests. Moreover, program slicing and dynamic program instrumentation techniques are applied to cut down the overhead during fault localization process. The tool is useful for developers using Microsoft Visual Studio platform to debug and test large scale programs with complex bugs in different granularities. Besides, it also supports the evaluation of a target program performance to uncover underlying bugs. This tool can be downloaded from Visual Studio Gallery, and up to now, it has been downloaded more than 500 times. Homepage: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8070135 Dependencies: Microsoft Visual Studio Related Software: Crisp; pytest; coverage.py; Fault-Localization; PinPoint; Jaguar; VIDA; WhyLine; FLAVS; Zoltar; GZoltar; PyCharm; Python; CharmFL Cited in: 0 Documents