

swMATH ID: 39996
Software Authors:
Description: Fault-localization: A fault localization tool for Python’s pytest testing framework. Not all failing code raises exceptions; behavioral bugs can be the hardest to diagnose. fault-localization is a pytest plugin that helps you identify and isolate the lines of code most likely to be causing test failure, using the simple rule-of-thumb that the most suspicious code is the code run most often in failing tests. Don’t just rely on your tests to catch bugs - use them to pinpoint bugs.
Homepage: https://github.com/hchasestevens/fault-localization
Source Code:  https://github.com/hchasestevens/fault-localization
Dependencies: Python
Related Software: Crisp; pytest; coverage.py; PinPoint; Jaguar; UnitFL; VIDA; WhyLine; FLAVS; Zoltar; GZoltar; PyCharm; Python; CharmFL
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