

swMATH ID: 40020
Software Authors:
He, J. J.; Fang, T.; Zhang, Z. Z.; et al.
Description: PseUI: Pseudouridine sites identification based on RNA sequence information. Results: In this study, we developed a new model, PseUI, for Ψ sites identification in three species, which are H. sapiens, S. cerevisiae, and M. musculus. Firstly, five different kinds of features including nucleotide composition (NC), dinucleotide composition (DC), pseudo dinucleotide composition (pseDNC), position-specific nucleotide propensity (PSNP), and position-specific dinucleotide propensity (PSDP) were generated based on RNA segments. Then, a sequential forward feature selection strategy was used to gain an effective feature subset with a compact representation but discriminative prediction power. Based on the selected feature subsets, we built our model by using a support vector machine (SVM). Finally, the generalization of our model was validated by both the jackknife test and independent validation tests on the benchmark datasets. The experimental results showed that our model is more accurate and stable than the previously published models. We have also provided a user-friendly web server for our model at http://zhulab.ahu.edu.cn/PseUI, and a brief instruction for the web server is provided in this paper. By using this instruction, the academic users can conveniently get their desired results without complicated calculations.
Homepage: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6114832/
Related Software: RAMPred; RNAm5Cfinder; AlexNet; BERMP; DeepCRISPR; DeepMRMP; RMBase; iRNA-3typeA; iRNA-PseU; iRNAm5C-PseDNC; iRNA-PseColl; Adam; ImageNet; Cd-hit
Cited in: 1 Document

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