DeepCRISPR swMATH ID: 40031 Software Authors: Chuai, G. H.; Ma, H. H.; Yan, J. F.; et al. Description: DeepCRISPR: Optimized CRISPR guide RNA design by deep learning. A major challenge for effective application of CRISPR systems is to accurately predict the single guide RNA (sgRNA) on-target knockout efficacy and off-target profile, which would facilitate the optimized design of sgRNAs with high sensitivity and specificity. Here we present DeepCRISPR, a comprehensive computational platform to unify sgRNA on-target and off-target site prediction into one framework with deep learning, surpassing available state-of-the-art in silico tools. In addition, DeepCRISPR fully automates the identification of sequence and epigenetic features that may affect sgRNA knockout efficacy in a data-driven manner. DeepCRISPR is available at Homepage: Source Code: Related Software: RAMPred; RNAm5Cfinder; PseUI; AlexNet; BERMP; DeepMRMP; RMBase; iRNA-3typeA; iRNA-PseU; iRNAm5C-PseDNC; iRNA-PseColl; Adam; ImageNet; Cd-hit Cited in: 1 Document all top 5 Cited by 7 Authors 1 Chen, Yongbing 1 Gao, Yanxin 1 Han, Ye 1 He, Fei 1 Ji, Jinchao 1 Liu, Bo 1 Sun, Pingping Cited in 1 Serial 1 Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering Cited in 2 Fields 1 Computer science (68-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) Citations by Year