

swMATH ID: 40642
Software Authors:
Description: bootlib: Bootstrapping and Resampling with S-Plus. A library of functions and data written by Angelo Canty to accompany the Cambridge University Press publication Bootstrap Methods and Their Application by Anthony Davison and David Hinkley. Bootstrap methods are computer-intensive methods of statistical analysis using simulation to obtain reliable standard errors, confidence intervals, and other measures of uncertainty for a wide range of problems. This book gives a broad and up-to-date coverage of bootstrap methods with numerous applied examples, together with the basic theory without emphasis on mathematical vigour. The material of the book is covered in eleven chapters in addition to a bibliography and an appendix. Chapter 2 describes the properties of resampling methods for use with single samples from parametric and nonparametric models. Chapter 3 extends the basic ideas to several samples, semiparametric and smooth models. Significance and confidence intervals are the subjects of Chapters 4 and 5. The three subsequent chapters deal with resampling methods appropriate for linear regression models, generalized linear models and nonlinear models, and time series, spatial data and point processes. Chapter 9 describes how variance reduction techniques such as balanced simulation can be adapted to yield improved simulations. Chapter 10 describes various semiparametric versions of the likelihood function and the ideas underlying which are closely related to resampling methods. Chapter 11 gives a short introduction to the resampling routines in software packages
Homepage: http://statwww.epfl.ch/davison/BMA/library.html
Dependencies: R
Related Software: bootstrap; R; boot; ismev; Ox; KernSmooth; MASS (R); GitHub; spatial; fda (R); SemiPar; S-PLUS; SPLIDA; survival; ElemStatLearn; GET; gamair; CopulaModel; QRM; MEMSS
Cited in: 548 Documents

Standard Articles

1 Publication describing the Software, including 1 Publication in zbMATH Year
Bootstrap methods and their application. Zbl 0886.62001
Davison, A. C.; Hinkley, D. V.
all top 5

Cited by 1,136 Authors

9 Cribari-Neto, Francisco
7 Davison, Anthony C.
7 Louzada-Neto, Francisco
5 Bartolucci, Francesco
5 Cordeiro, Gauss Moutinho
5 Hashimoto, Elizabeth M.
5 Mazucheli, Josmar
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4 Bayer, Fábio Mariano
4 Burch, Brent D.
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3 Zitikis, Ričardas
3 Zou, Changliang
2 Achcar, Jorge Alberto
2 Aerts, Marc
2 Amiri, Saeid
2 Armero, Carmen
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2 Bellio, Ruggero
2 Bouzebda, Salim
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2 Cai, Tianxi
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2 Chakraborty, Saptarshi
2 Chang, Ching-Hui
2 Chen, Jie
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2 Cirillo, Pasquale
2 Conesa, David
2 da Silva, Michel Ferreira
2 Di Caterina, Claudia
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2 Espa, Giuseppe
2 Ferfache, Anouar Abdeldjaoued
2 Fernández-Casal, Rubén
2 Francisco-Fernandez, Mario
2 Frery, Alejandro C.
2 Gerard, Patrick D.
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2 Gökpınar, Esra Yiğit
2 Gribkova, Nadezhda Viktorovna
2 Grifell-Tatjé, Emili
2 Hall, Peter Gavin
2 Hens, Niel
2 Hinkley, David V.
2 Hong, Yili
2 Huser, Raphaël
2 Hutson, Alan David
2 Ivković, Ivana
2 Janssen, Paul
2 Kim, Taeho
2 Kolassa, John E.
2 Kuusela, Mikael
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Cited in 127 Serials

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27 Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation
26 Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation
26 Journal of Applied Statistics
23 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference
19 Computational Statistics
17 The Annals of Applied Statistics
16 The Annals of Statistics
16 Journal of Econometrics
14 Statistics & Probability Letters
12 Journal of Multivariate Analysis
12 Electronic Journal of Statistics
11 Statistical Methods and Applications
10 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods
9 Statistical Science
8 Test
8 Lifetime Data Analysis
8 Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics
7 Biometrics
7 European Journal of Operational Research
7 Statistics and Computing
6 The American Statistician
6 Insurance Mathematics & Economics
5 Psychometrika
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5 Statistical Papers
5 Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability
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4 Annals of Operations Research
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4 Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics
4 Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice
4 Sankhyā. Series B
3 Mathematical Biosciences
3 Bulletin of Mathematical Biology
3 Journal of Mathematical Psychology
3 Physica D
3 Bernoulli
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3 AStA. Advances in Statistical Analysis
3 Journal of Probability and Statistics
3 Chilean Journal of Statistics
2 Scandinavian Journal of Statistics
2 Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics
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2 Statistical Analysis and Data Mining
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2 Stat
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1 Stochastic Processes and their Applications
1 Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision
1 Computational Economics
1 Mathematical Methods of Statistics
1 International Journal of Computer Vision
1 Russian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Mathematical Modelling
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1 Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
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1 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B. Statistical Methodology
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