dmbc swMATH ID: 40855 Software Authors: Venturini, Sergio; Piccarreta, Raffaella Description: R package dmbc: Model Based Clustering of Binary Dissimilarity Measurements. Functions for fitting a Bayesian model for grouping binary dissimilarity matrices in homogeneous clusters. Currently, it includes methods only for binary data (<doi:10.18637/jss.v100.i16>). Homepage: Source Code: Dependencies: R Keywords: R; R package; Journal of Statistical Software; dmbc; Bayesian data analysis; dissimilarity matrices; information criteria; multidimensional scaling; MCMC; MDS; mixture models; model-based clustering; three-way MDS Related Software: SAS; JAGS; CRAN Task Views; latentnet; Stan; stats4; ggplot2; modeltools; bayesplot; CODA; Mcmcpack; multicore; snow; Label.switching; Rcpp; smacof; mdsmat; Stata; SPSS; PROXSCAL; R Cited in: 0 Documents Standard Articles 1 Publication describing the Software Year A Bayesian Approach for Model-Based Clustering of Several Binary Dissimilarity Matrices: The dmbc Package in R Link Sergio Venturini, Raffaella Piccarreta 2021