

swMATH ID: 41665
Software Authors: Dutertre, B.; Jovanovic, D.; Navas, J.A.
Description: Sally is a model checker for infinite state systems described as transition systems. It is research software under development so the features and the input language may change rapidly.
Homepage: http://sri-csl.github.io/sally/
Source Code:  https://github.com/SRI-CSL/sally
Dependencies: C++
Related Software: z3; MathSAT5; googletest; Btor2Tools; Verilog2SMV; Cython; Smt-Switch; Pono; Yosys; Ivy; CoSA; SPIN; Mcmt; PySMT; NuSMV; Kind 2; nuXmv; ABC; CTIGAR; CVC4
Cited in: 1 Document

Cited in 0 Serials

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