DILAND swMATH ID: 44506 Software Authors: Khan, Usman A.; Kar, Soummya; Moura, José M. F. Description: DILAND: an algorithm for distributed sensor localization with noisy distance measurements. In this correspondence, we present an algorithm for distributed sensor localization with noisy distance measurements (DILAND) that extends and makes the DLRE more robust. DLRE is a distributed sensor localization algorithm in ℝm (m≥1) introduced in \cite{usman_loctsp:08}. DILAND operates when (i) the communication among the sensors is noisy; (ii) the communication links in the network may fail with a non-zero probability; and (iii) the measurements performed to compute distances among the sensors are corrupted with noise. The sensors (which do not know their locations) lie in the convex hull of at least m+1 anchors (nodes that know their own locations.) Under minimal assumptions on the connectivity and triangulation of each sensor in the network, this correspondence shows that, under the broad random phenomena described above, DILAND converges almost surely (a.s.) to the exact sensor locations. Homepage: https://arxiv.org/abs/0910.2743 Keywords: Distributed iterative sensor localization; sensor networks; Cayley-Menger determinant; barycentric coordinates; absorbing Markov chain; stochastic approximation; anchor Related Software: Adam; AdaGrad; Saga Cited in: 9 Documents Standard Articles 1 Publication describing the Software, including 1 Publication in zbMATH Year DILAND: an algorithm for distributed sensor localization with noisy distance measurements. Zbl 1392.94628Khan, Usman A.; Kar, Soummya; Moura, José M. F. 2010 all top 5 Cited by 29 Authors 2 Tian, Yuping 1 Chai, Senchun 1 Chang, Yanhao 1 Chen, Yong 1 Cui, Lingguo 1 Fan, Chunshi 1 Huang, Xu-Zhou 1 Kar, Soummya 1 Khan, Usman Ali 1 Khorram, Esmaeil 1 Li, Huaqing 1 Moura, José M. F. 1 Nazari, Parvin 1 Niu, Fuxi 1 Niu, Youcheng 1 Sun, Ting 1 Tarzanagh, Davoud Ataee 1 Wang, Bo 1 Wang, Haibo 1 Wang, Haijing 1 Wang, Xiaochu 1 Wang, Zheng 1 Wang, Zhuping 1 Wen, Longfei 1 Xia, Dawen 1 Yan, Huaicheng 1 Yu, Tao 1 Zhang, Baihai 1 Zhang, Hao all top 5 Cited in 7 Serials 2 Journal of the Franklin Institute 2 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 1 Automatica 1 Information Sciences 1 IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 1 Optimization Methods & Software 1 International Journal of Systems Science. Principles and Applications of Systems and Integration all top 5 Cited in 6 Fields 4 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 3 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 2 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Statistics (62-XX) 1 Computer science (68-XX) Citations by Year