

swMATH ID: 4534
Software Authors: Ihaka, Ross; Murrell, Paul; Hornik, Kurt; Zeileis, Achim
Description: R package colorspace: Color Space Manipulation , Carries out mapping between assorted color spaces including RGB, HSV, HLS, CIEXYZ, CIELUV, HCL (polar CIELUV), CIELAB and polar CIELAB. Qualitative, sequential, and diverging color palettes based on HCL colors are provided.
Homepage: http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/colorspace/
Source Code:  https://github.com/cran/colorspace
Dependencies: R (≥ 2.0.0), methods
Related Software: R; ggplot2; RColorBrewer; lattice; vcd; ColorBrewer; knitr; rgl; latticeExtra; RGraphics; dichromat; SAS; rggobi; scatterplot3d; shiny; grDevices; fields; MASS (R); lhs; tgp
Cited in: 12 Documents

Standard Articles

2 Publications describing the Software, including 1 Publication in zbMATH Year
colorspace: A Toolbox for Manipulating and Assessing Colors and Palettes Link
Achim Zeileis, Jason C. Fisher, Kurt Hornik, Ross Ihaka, Claire D. McWhite, Paul Murrell, Reto Stauffer, Claus O. Wilke
Escaping RGBland: selecting colors for statistical graphics. Zbl 1453.62263
Zeileis, Achim; Hornik, Kurt; Murrell, Paul

Citations by Year