LordMuffinGame swMATH ID: 46044 Software Authors: Simian, Dana; Vulpeanu, Adrian Description: Using Python in developing video games. The aim of this paper is to investigate the capabilities of Python language to be used for game developing. On the other hand, we are interested in analyzing the advantages offered by Python in introducing students and non-professionals in the game design world. As a prove of concept, we implemented a slider game in Python using Ursina engine and highlighted how easy different concepts from game design can be implemented using Python. The conclusion is that the main disadvantage of Python (time execution) can be overcome exploiting the multiple data structures provided by the language, the use of OOP (Object Oriented Programming) and of multitude of available frameworks. The ease of learning and understanding the language is a major advantage. Our code can be accessed on Github. Our study and project can also be used as a starting point for developing Python-based projects for introductory game design courses. Homepage: https://webbut.unitbv.ro/index.php/Series_III/article/view/3193/2539 Source Code: https://github.com/VulpeanuAdrian/LordMuffinGame Dependencies: Python Keywords: Python; game design Related Software: PyCharm; Python Cited in: 0 Documents Standard Articles 1 Publication describing the Software, including 1 Publication in zbMATH Year Using Python in developing video games Simian, Dana; Vulpeanu, Adrian 2022