BOLFI swMATH ID: 47412 Software Authors: Developers, ELFI Description: BOLFI: In practice inference problems often have a complicated and computationally heavy simulator, and one simply cannot run it for millions of times. The Bayesian Optimization for Likelihood-Free Inference BOLFI framework is likely to prove useful in such situation: a statistical model (usually Gaussian process, GP) is created for the discrepancy, and its minimum is inferred with Bayesian optimization. This approach typically reduces the number of required simulator calls by several orders of magnitude. Homepage: Source Code: Related Software: ELFI Cited in: 1 Document Cited by 3 Authors 1 Corander, Jukka 1 Koski, Timo J. T. 1 Remes, Ulpu Cited in 1 Serial 1 Kybernetika Cited in 2 Fields 1 Statistics (62-XX) 1 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) Citations by Year