COCONUT swMATH ID: 4760 Software Authors: Schichl, Hermann; project, COCONUT; Neumaier, Arnold; Shcherbina, Oleg; Monfroy, Eric; Pajot, Brice Description: The COCONUT Environment is a modular solver environment for nonlinear continuous global optimization problems with an open-source kernel, which can be expanded by commercial and open-source solver components (inference engines). The first test version of the environment was provided back in 2004 by the COCONUT consortium. Since then it has been under continuous improvement and stabilization, in particular, during the project P18704-N13 sponsored by FWF, the Austrian Science Foundation. The full source of the current development version including the solvers, the strategy engine and the converters is available via a subversion repository. In addition, we provide a binary compiled version of the converters and the two available global optimization solvers. For more information on obtaining the COCONUT sources and binaries please visit the download section. The application programmer’s! interface (API) is designed to make the development of the various module types independent of each other and independent of the internal model representation. It is a collection of open-source C++ classes protected by the LGPL and GPL license models, so that most of it could be used as part of commercial software (special license regulations are contained in the distribution, and they can be read here). It uses the FILIB++ library for interval computations and the matrix template library (MTL) for the internal representation of various matrix classes. The graphs are implemented using the VGTL (Vienna Graph Template Library), and the search database is based on the VDBL (Vienna DataBaseLibrary). Support for dynamic linking relieves the user from recompilation when modules are added or removed. In addition, it is designed for distributed computing, and will probably be developed further (in the years after the end of the COCONUT project) to support parallel computing as wel! l. The solution algorithm is an advanced branch-and-bound scheme which proceeds by working on the search graph, a directed acyclic graph (DAG) of search nodes, each representing an optimization problem, a model. The search nodes come in two flavors: full nodes which record the complete description of a model, and delta nodes which only contain the difference between the model represented by the node and its (then only) parent. Homepage: Programming Languages: C++ Dependencies: FILIB++ library,matrix template library (MTL), VGTL (Vienna Graph Template Library), VDBL (Vienna DataBaseLibrary) Keywords: open source solver platform Related Software: BARON; GlobSol; AMPL; INTOPT_90; GAMS; GLOPTLAB; INTLAB; LINDO; Numerica; Couenne; coco_gop_ex; ICOS; Ipopt; ANTIGONE; COPS; testenv; SCIP; SNOPT; SeDuMi; CPLEX Cited in: 40 Documents Standard Articles 1 Publication describing the Software, including 1 Publication in zbMATH Year Comparison and automated selection of local optimization solvers for interval global optimization methods. Zbl 1256.65057Markót, Mihály Csaba; Schichl, Hermann 2011 all top 5 Cited by 63 Authors 13 Neumaier, Arnold 10 Schichl, Hermann 7 Domes, Ferenc 4 Markót, Mihály Csaba 3 Araya, Ignacio J. 3 Kearfott, Baker 2 Castille, Jessie M. 2 Floudas, Christodoulos Achilleus 2 Gounaris, Chrysanthos E. 2 Huyer, Waltraud 2 Linderoth, Jeff T. 2 Neveu, Bertrand 2 Puranik, Yash 2 Sahinidis, Nikolaos V. 2 Trombettoni, Gilles 2 Tyagi, Gaurav 1 Alperin, Hernán 1 Anand, Christopher Kumar 1 Beiranvand, Vahid 1 Belotti, Pietro 1 Chabert, Gilles 1 Corliss, George F. 1 Deussen, Jens 1 Fazal, Qaisra 1 Fendl, Hannes 1 Fourer, Robert 1 Fuchs, Martin 1 Hansen, Pierre 1 Hare, Warren L. 1 Kahl, Wolfram 1 Kampas, Frank J. 1 Kastsian, Martin 1 Kofler, Kevin 1 Lee, Jon 1 Leyffer, Sven 1 Liberti, Leo 1 Locatelli, Marco 1 Lucet, Yves 1 Luedtke, James R. 1 Mahajan, Ashutosh 1 Maheshwari, Chandrakant 1 Margot, François 1 Messine, Frédéric 1 Mönnigmann, Martin 1 Montanher, Tiago 1 Mross, Stefan 1 Munson, Todd S. 1 Nannicini, Giacomo 1 Naumann, Uwe 1 Nedialkov, Ned 1 Ninin, Jordan 1 Nowak, Ivo 1 Orban, Dominique 1 Pintér, János D. 1 Ponleitner, Bettina 1 Pryce, John D. 1 Reyes, Victor 1 Schoen, Fabio 1 Schulze Darup, Moritz 1 Shcherbina, Oleg Aleksandrovich 1 Vigerske, Stefan 1 Vinkó, Tamás 1 Wächter, Andreas all top 5 Cited in 17 Serials 13 Journal of Global Optimization 3 Constraints 2 Mathematical Programming. Series A. Series B 2 Optimization Methods & Software 2 Optimization and Engineering 1 BIT 1 IEEE Transactions on Computers 1 SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 1 SIAM Journal on Optimization 1 Top 1 Reliable Computing 1 INFORMS Journal on Computing 1 Soft Computing 1 4OR 1 Acta Numerica 1 Mathematical Programming Computation 1 EURO Journal on Computational Optimization all top 5 Cited in 8 Fields 35 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 17 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 4 Computer science (68-XX) 3 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 2 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Special functions (33-XX) 1 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) Citations by Year