

swMATH ID: 554
Software Authors:
Wolfram Research
Description: Almost any workflow involves computing results, and that’s what Mathematica does—from building a hedge-fund trading website or publishing interactive engineering textbooks, to developing embedded image-recognition algorithms or teaching calculus. Mathematica is renowned as the world’s ultimate application for computations. But it’s much more—it’s the only development platform fully integrating computation into complete workflows, moving you seamlessly from initial ideas all the way to deployed individual or enterprise solutions. Computer algebra system (CAS).
Homepage: http://www.wolfram.com/products/mathematica
Dependencies: Mathematica
Keywords: orms; numerical computation; symbolic computation; textbook; Mathematica; programming language; graphical computation; interactive problem-solving system; interactive textbooks; software; NeXT computers
Related Software: Maple; Matlab; SageMath; R; DLMF; Magma; OEIS; MACSYMA; REDUCE; GitHub; SINGULAR; GAP; Macaulay2; Python; Theorema; MPFR; Maxima; FORM; PARI/GP; AXIOM
Cited in: 6,980 Documents
This software is also referenced in ORMS.
Further Publications: http://www.wolfram.com/books/
all top 5

Cited by 9,755 Authors

56 Stanimirović, Predrag S.
48 Sharma, Janak Raj
41 Prokopenya, Alexander N.
33 Kim, Young Ik
33 Tsitouras, Charalampos
31 Soleymani, Fazlollah
28 Geum, Young Hee
26 Cordeiro, Gauss Moutinho
25 Curto, Raúl Enrique
24 Lampret, Vito
23 Zotos, Euaggelos E.
22 Conway, John Thomas
22 Taogetusang
21 Areias, Pedro M. A.
21 Fukushima, Toshio
20 Hereman, Willy A.
20 Tasić, Milan B.
18 Braselton, James P.
18 Headrick, Todd C.
18 Kyurkchiev, Nikolaĭ Veselinov
17 Abell, Martha L.
17 Kutsia, Temur
17 Petković, Marko D.
16 Area, Iván
16 Buchberger, Bruno
16 Exner, George R.
16 Gómez, José R.
16 Koepf, Wolfram A.
15 Banshchikov, Andreĭ Valentinovich
15 Godoy, Eduardo Paciência
15 Jung, Il Bong
15 Lu, Dianchen
15 Rabczuk, Timon
15 Sharma, Rajni
15 Simos, Theodore E.
15 Wagon, Stan
15 Yoon, Jasang
14 Ahn, Changhyun
14 Baumann, Gerd
14 Liu, Yirong
14 Ronveaux, André
14 Vorozhtsov, Evgenii V.
13 Famelis, Ioannis Th.
13 González-Olivares, Eduardo
13 Kacimov, Anvar R.
13 Pearce, Paul A.
13 Pintér, János D.
13 Popova, Evgeniya D.
13 Salti, Mustafa
13 Schneider, Carsten
13 Zarzo, Alejandro
13 Zhang, Hongqing
12 Arora, Himani
12 Aydogdu, Oktay
12 El-Tawil, Magdy A.
12 Ganzha, Victor G.
12 Genç, Ali İ.
12 Huang, Wentao
12 Irtegov, Valentin Dmitrievich
12 Kowalenko, Victor
12 Li, Feng
12 Marin, Mircea
12 Miezaki, Tsuyoshi
12 Milovanović, Gradimir V.
12 Palacián, Jesús F.
12 Ricci, Paolo Emilio
12 Salas, Alvaro H.
12 Weidman, Patrick D.
11 Argyros, Ioannis Konstantinos
11 Grebenikov, Evgeniĭ Aleksandrovich
11 Ioakimidis, Nikolaos Ioakim
11 Korelc, Jože
11 Kumar, Sunil
11 Pant, Mohan Dev
11 Villanueva, Rafael-Jacinto
10 Alvarez, Victor
10 Armario, José ándrés
10 Camacho, Luisa Maria
10 da Rocha, Zélia
10 Frau, María Dolores
10 Gerdt, Vladimir Petrovich
10 Giri, Bibhas Chandra
10 Göktaş, Ünal
10 Lee, Sanghoon
10 Lichtblau, Daniel A.
10 Neta, Beny
10 Romano, Antonio
10 Sáez, Eduardo
10 Schröder, Jörg
10 Sirendaoerji
10 Spaletta, Giulia
10 Wu, Yusen
10 Yoo, Seonguk
9 Bulut, Hasan
9 Eisinberg, Alfredo
9 Govinder, Keshlan Sathasiva
9 Gray, Alfred
9 Karawia, A. A.
9 Kotta, Ulle
9 Lemonte, Artur José
...and 9,655 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 1,266 Serials

200 Computer Physics Communications
182 Applied Mathematics and Computation
151 Journal of High Energy Physics
123 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
92 Journal of Symbolic Computation
78 Computers & Mathematics with Applications
49 Acta Mechanica
47 Journal of Computational Physics
45 Nuclear Physics. B
44 Programming and Computer Software
43 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
41 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
40 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
40 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
39 Physica D
39 Numerical Algorithms
37 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
37 Journal of Theoretical Biology
36 Theoretical Population Biology
34 International Journal of Computer Mathematics
34 Linear Algebra and its Applications
33 Computational Mechanics
33 Mathematical and Computer Modelling
32 Journal of Mathematical Chemistry
31 Mathematics of Computation
31 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis
30 Journal of Mathematical Physics
30 Mathematics in Computer Science
29 International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
29 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
29 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
29 Experimental Mathematics
29 Integral Transforms and Special Functions
28 European Journal of Operational Research
27 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation
26 Classical and Quantum Gravity
26 Bulletin of Mathematical Biology
26 Journal of Number Theory
26 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering
25 ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software
25 Applied Mathematical Modelling
25 Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy
24 Mathematical Biosciences
24 Physics Letters. A
24 Applied Numerical Mathematics
24 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods
23 Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation
22 International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology
22 Journal of Fluid Mechanics
22 Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment
21 Meccanica
21 Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation
20 Discrete Mathematics
20 Journal of Algebra
20 Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements
19 International Journal of Engineering Science
19 International Journal of Theoretical Physics
19 Applied Mathematics Letters
19 Filomat
19 Mathematical Problems in Engineering
19 Nonlinear Dynamics
18 Annals of Physics
18 Computational and Applied Mathematics
18 European Journal of Mechanics. A. Solids
17 Communications in Mathematical Physics
17 Journal of Engineering Mathematics
17 Journal of Statistical Physics
17 Statistics & Probability Letters
17 Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering
17 ZAMM. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik
17 Textbooks in Mathematics
16 Discrete Applied Mathematics
16 International Journal of Solids and Structures
16 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference
15 Physica A
15 Wave Motion
15 Integral Equations and Operator Theory
15 Theoretical Computer Science
15 International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance
15 Journal of Inner Mongolia Normal University. Natural Science Edition
15 Communications in Theoretical Physics
14 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society
14 Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications
14 Journal of Applied Mathematics
14 International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics
13 Journal of Mathematical Biology
13 Mathematics in Practice and Theory
13 Computer Aided Geometric Design
13 Journal of Automated Reasoning
13 Designs, Codes and Cryptography
12 Communications in Algebra
12 Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids
12 Automatica
12 Geometriae Dedicata
12 Computers & Operations Research
12 Doklady Bolgarskoĭ Akademii Nauk
12 Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society
12 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications
12 International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
12 Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization
...and 1,166 more Serials
all top 5

Cited in 63 Fields

1,629 Numerical analysis (65-XX)
1,343 Computer science (68-XX)
707 Partial differential equations (35-XX)
575 Quantum theory (81-XX)
534 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX)
505 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX)
467 Statistics (62-XX)
395 Number theory (11-XX)
382 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX)
364 Fluid mechanics (76-XX)
344 Combinatorics (05-XX)
336 Special functions (33-XX)
322 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX)
322 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX)
316 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX)
263 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX)
256 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX)
255 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX)
249 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX)
196 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX)
187 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX)
165 Differential geometry (53-XX)
160 Systems theory; control (93-XX)
155 Real functions (26-XX)
150 Algebraic geometry (14-XX)
143 Approximations and expansions (41-XX)
124 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX)
119 Operator theory (47-XX)
118 Commutative algebra (13-XX)
114 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX)
111 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX)
110 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX)
104 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX)
96 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX)
93 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX)
90 Geometry (51-XX)
86 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX)
72 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX)
69 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX)
69 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX)
62 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX)
61 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX)
58 Difference and functional equations (39-XX)
56 Mathematics education (97-XX)
52 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX)
52 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX)
50 Geophysics (86-XX)
41 History and biography (01-XX)
41 Integral equations (45-XX)
37 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX)
34 Functional analysis (46-XX)
33 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX)
32 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX)
31 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX)
30 Measure and integration (28-XX)
13 Algebraic topology (55-XX)
12 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX)
12 Potential theory (31-XX)
9 General topology (54-XX)
8 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX)
6 General algebraic systems (08-XX)
5 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX)
1 \(K\)-theory (19-XX)

Citations by Year